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Developing Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Indexes     Java CAPS Documentation
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Developing Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Indexes

Related Topics

Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index Overview

About Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index

The Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index Solution


Standardization and Matching Logic

Matching Weight Determination

Alias Processing

Data Maintenance

Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index and HIPAA

Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index Repository Components


Project Components

Configuration Files

Database Scripts

Custom Plug-ins

Match Engine Configuration Files

Object Type Definition (OTD)

Dynamic Java Methods

Connectivity Components

Deployment Profile

Environment Components

Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index Runtime Environment Components

Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index Enterprise Records

System Records

The Single Best Record

Objects in an Enterprise Record

Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient IndexIdentification Codes

Master Index Development Process Overview

The Master Patient Index Framework and the Runtime Environment

Before You Begin Developing a Master Index

Preliminary Data Analysis for a Master Index

Planning a Master Index Project

Master Index Project Initiation Checklist

Custom Plug-ins for Master Index Custom Transaction Processing

Master Index Update Policy Plug-ins

Enterprise Merge Policy

Enterprise Unmerge Policy

Enterprise Update Policy

Enterprise Create Policy

System Merge Policy

System Unmerge Policy

Undo Assumed Match Policy

Master Index Field Validation Plug-ins

Master Index Field Masking Plug-ins

Master Index Match Processing Logic Plug-ins

Custom Match Processing Logic Methods

Custom Match Processing Logic Plug-in Requirements

Custom Match Processing Configuration

Master Index Custom Plug-in Exception Processing

Custom Plug-Ins for Master Index Custom Components

Master Index Survivor Calculator Plug-ins

Master Index Query Builder Plug-ins

Master Index Block Picker Plug-ins

Master Index Pass Controller Plug-ins

Match Engine Plug-ins

Standardization Engine Plug-ins

Phonetic Encoders Plug-ins for a Master Index

Implementing Master Index Custom Plug-ins

Creating Master Index Custom Plug-ins

To Create Custom Plug-ins

Building Master Index Custom Plug-ins

To Build Custom Plug-ins

Generating the Master Index Application

To Generate the Application for the First Time

To Regenerate the Application

Master Index Database Scripts and Design

Master Index Database Scripts

Master Index Database Requirements

Database Platform Requirements

Operating System Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Oracle Database

Microsoft SQL Server

Master Index Database Structure

Designing the Master Index Database

Designing for Performance Optimization

Data Structure Analysis

Common Table Data

User Code Data

Database Considerations

Database Sizing

Database Distribution

Database Indexes

Creating the Master Index Database

Step 1: Analyze the Master Index Database Requirements

Step 2: Create a Master Index Database and User

Step 3: Define Master Index Database Indexes

To Define an Index

Step 4: Define Master Index External Systems

To Define an External System

Master Index Database Table Description for sbyn_systems

Step 5: Define Master Index Code Lists

To Customize Common Table Data for Oracle

To Customize Common Table Data for SQL Server

Step 6: Define Master Index User Code Lists

To Define a User Code List

Master Index Database Table Description for sbyn_user_code

Step 7: Create Custom Master Index Database Scripts

To Create a Custom Script

Step 8: Create the Master Index Database Structure

To Create the Database Structure

Step 9: Specify a Starting EUID for a Master Index

Deleting Master Index Database Tables and Indexes

To Delete Database Tables and Indexes

Defining a Database Connection Pool Through the Application Server

Step 1: Add the Oracle Driver to the Application Server

Step 2: Create the JDBC Connection Pools

To Create the JDBC Connection Pools

Step 3: Create the JDBC Resources

To Create a JDBC Resource

Implementing Master Index Custom Plug-ins

Custom plug-ins are created in the package, and the name you specify for each plug-in is the name of the Java class created for the plug-in. You can create multiple source files that make up a plug-in. When you specify the custom plug-in in the configuration files, use the fully qualified class name of the class the master index application should call to carry out the custom processing. For example, if you create a custom plug-in named MergePolicy, the value to enter for the class in the Best Record file is

Follow these steps to implement a custom plug-in.

Note - You can create custom plug-ins that define custom processing or that define custom components. For additional information about how to implement specific custom-plug ins, see the following topics:

Creating Master Index Custom Plug-ins

You create a custom plug-in by composing Java code into a custom plug-in file in NetBeans. When you create a custom plug-in, a file is automatically created for you with the first line already entered (package;).

To Create Custom Plug-ins

  1. In the Projects window, expand the master index project and then expand the master index application.
  2. For each source file that defines a custom plug-in, do the following:
    1. Right-click the Custom Plug-ins folder, and select New from the context menu that appears.
    2. Enter the name of the Java class you want to create and then click OK.

      The custom plug-in file appears in the NetBeans editor.

    3. Create the custom processing rules using Java code.
    4. Close and save the file.
  3. Build the custom plug-in files, as described under Building Master Index Custom Plug-ins.
  4. Specify the name of the class the master index application should call for the custom plug-in in the appropriate configuration file.

Building Master Index Custom Plug-ins

In order for the custom plug-ins you create to become a part of the master index application, you must build the plug-in files. This compiles the Java code and incorporates it into the application files. Compiling errors for custom plug-ins are not written to a log. An error message trace appears on a console window alerting you to the errors that occurred.

To Build Custom Plug-ins

  1. In the master index project, right-click the Custom Plug-ins folder.
  2. Select Build from the context menu that appears.

    Note - If you modify a custom plug-in file after it has been checked in, be sure to check the file out before making any changes; otherwise, any changes will be lost when you try to save the file. Rebuild the plug-in after you save the changes, and then regenerate the application to incorporate the changes. Regenerating the application also rebuilds all custom plug-ins.