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About Oracle Java CAPS Communication Adapters     Java CAPS Documentation
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Document Information

About Communication Adapters

About Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for CICS

CICS Transaction Server

The Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for CICS

IBM CICS Transaction Gateway (CTG)

Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener

z/OS CICS Security Considerations

Security Considerations for Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener

Connection Logic

Request Link to Program

Request Start Transaction

Security Considerations for IBM CICS Transaction Gateway

About Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for COM/DCOM


The Oracle Java CAPS COM/DCOM Adapter

About Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for e-Mail

How does the e-Mail Adapter connect?

Japanese e-Mail Text Support

About Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for File

Adapter Operation

Setting Properties

About Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for Batch

Batch Adapter OTDs

About Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for IMS

About Information Management System (IMS)

About the IMS Adapter

About Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for LDAP

About LDAP

Entries, Attributes, and Values

LDAP Directory Structure

Distinguished Names and Relative Distinguished Names

LDAP Service and LDAP Client


About the LDAP Adapter

Adapter General Operation

Java Naming and Directory Interface

Third-Party License File Agreement

About Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for MSMQ

About Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ)

About the MSMQ Adapter

About Oracle Adapter for SNA

About SNA

Supported Logical Unit Types


About the SNA Adapter

About Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for TCP/IP

About Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for TCP/IP HL7

TCP/IP HL7 Features

TCP/IP HL7 Adapter Components

About Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for HTTPS

About HTTP and HTTPS

About the HTTPS Adapter

HTTP Messages

Web Browser Cookies

Cookie Expiration Date Checking

GET and POST Methods

Sample HTTP Exchange in Client Mode

Sample HTTP Exchange in Server Mode

About Oracle Java CAPS Adapter for File

The File Adapter supports sample Projects and to test your Oracle Java CAPS Java Composite Application Platform Suite configuration. For a more feature-rich solution to processing flat file records, we recommend that you use the BatchAdapter. The Batch Adapter provides a number of pre- and post-processing features that the File Adapter does not offer, including system rename, copy, and delete operations that you can configure before and after you run a Collaboration, as well as other features such as regular expression matching for filenames.

The File Adapter exchanges data between an external file system and the Oracle Java CAPS Java Composite Application Platform Suite. You can use this adapter for:

Adapter Operation

The File Adapter is provided as part of the Oracle Java CAPS Java Composite Application Platform Suite and operates as follows:

Setting Properties

You can set configuration properties for the File Adapter, including names and locations of source and destination files, in the File Adapter Properties dialog box.