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Alert Codes and Error Messages for Oracle Java CAPS Master Indexes (Repository)     Java CAPS Documentation
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Alert Codes and Error Messages for Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository)

Working With the Enterprise Manager Monitor

About the Enterprise Manager Monitor

Enabling Monitoring for Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

Working With Log Files

Log File Overview

Setting Log Levels

To Set Log Levels

Viewing Alerts and Error Messages

Working With Log Files

The following topics provide information about working with log files and understanding the error messages that occur.

Log File Overview

When a component or system is not working, errors are written to the server log file to help you diagnose the problem. You can specify the level at which events are recorded in the log files. On a daily basis, review the runtime log files for Oracle Java CAPS Master Index project components and examine any messages with a severity level of WARNING or SEVERE. Periodically, you might want to archive the log files.

Setting Log Levels

You can modify the level at which each Master Index component is logged using the GlassFish Admin Console. The default logging level for all modules is INFO.

To Set Log Levels

  1. Launch the GlassFish Admin Console.
  2. Under Common Tasks, click Application Server.
  3. On the Application Server page, select the Logging tab and then select the Log Levels tab.
  4. In the Additional Properties table, click Add Property.

    An empty row appears in the table.

  5. In the empty row, enter the following information:
    • Name – The name of the Master Index component to configure for logging. Enter any of the component names in the table below.

    • Value – The level at which you want errors logged for the Master Index component. Possible values are listed at the top of the Log Levels page.

  6. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
    Property Name
    Affected Module
    Master Index Object Persistence
    Master Index Update Manager
    Master Index Security
    Master Index Match Engine Controller
    Master Index Code Lookup
    Master Index Master Controller
    Master Index Paging System
    Master Index Potential Duplicate Manager
    Master Index Query Manager
    Master Index Survivor Calculator
    Master Index Assumed Match Manager
    Master Index Audit System
    Master Index Configuration
    Master Index Decision Maker
    Master Index ID Generator
    Master Index Transaction Manager
    Master Index Outbound System
    Master Index Repository
    Master Index Survivor Calculator
    Master Index Collaboration
    Master Index Object Nodes
    Master Index Validation
    Enterprise Data Manager
    Oracle Java CAPS Match Engine

Viewing Alerts and Error Messages

Alerts are triggered when certain conditions occur in project components. The condition might be some type of problem that must be corrected, such as when the connection to the database is lost, or it could be simply a warning, such as when a transaction error occurs on the EDM. From the Monitor, you can view component alerts, modify the status of an alert, or delete alerts.

A list of Oracle Java CAPS Master Index alerts appears in Table 1. For more information on alerts, see the Using Oracle Java CAPS Enterprise Manager Management Applications.

The following table list and describes the alerts generated by Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository). Most of these alerts are the result of calling specific Oracle Java CAPS Master Index methods in Collaborations or Business Processes. Variables in the error message appear in italics. The alert code for all Oracle Java CAPS Master Index alerts is “EVIEW-00001”.

Table 1 Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Alert Messages

Error Message
Severity Level
Action UpdateException:OPSException: message_text
Generally a database error occurred and a database error message was generated; for example, SQL Statement: insert into <table> (columns) values (values) ORA-00001: unique constraint (EVIEW.PK_SBYNSYSTEMOBJECT) violated ConnectionInvalidException: Failed to get connection.
The connection to the database is down.
Do the following:
  • Make sure the database is running.

  • Make sure the logon and connection information is correct in the JDBC resource configuration. ProcessingException: Inactive system object not found.
A call to activateSystemObject did not find a system record matching the system, local ID, and status.
No action is required, but you can verify the local ID, system information, and record status for the system record you want to activate. ProcessingException: activateEnterpriseObject(): Invalid EUID: euid
A null or invalid EUID was specified in a call to activateEnterpriseObject.
No action is required, but you can verify the EUID and status of the record to be activated. ProcessingException: activateEnterpriseObject(): EUID: euid does not have inactive status.
A call to activateEnterpriseObject is attempting to activate an EUID that is already active.
No action required. This is an invalid call.
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
This indicates a severe alert.
Contact Oracle support for assistance. ProcessingException: addSystemObject(): system key (system_code, local_ID) already mapped to EUID: euid
A call to addSystemObject is trying to add a system record that already exists in the master index database.
No action required. If the new system record needs to be added to the database, use executeMatch to process the new record. It will be added as either a new record or a record with potential duplicates, or it will update the existing record if the match is close enough. ProcessingException: addSystemObject(): EUID: euid does not exist
A call to addSystemObject is trying to add a system record to an EUID that does not exist.
No action is required. If the new system record needs to be added, use executeMatch to process the new record. It will be added as above. ProcessingException: createEnterpriseObject(): system key (system_code, local_ID) already mapped to EUID: euid
A call to createEnterpriseObject is trying to add an enterprise record with a system record that already exists in the master index database.
No action is required. You can use executeMatch to process the system record normally. ProcessingException: deactivateSystemObject(): system key (system_code, local_ID) is not active or does not exist
A call to deactivateSystemObject is trying to deactivate a record that is already inactive, or the master index could not find a system object matching the given system and local ID.
No action required, but you can verify the local ID, system information, and record status for the system record you want to deactivate. ProcessingException: Invalid EUID.
A null or invalid EUID was specified in a call to deactivateEnterpriseObject.
No action is required, but you can verify the EUID and status of the record to be deactivated. ProcessingException: deactivateEnterpriseObject(): EUID euid does not have active status. Status is: inactive
A call to deactivateEnterpriseObject is trying to deactivate a record that is already inactive.
No action is required. ProcessingException: undoAssumedMatch(): Record has been modified by another user. EUID has already been merged: euid
A call to undoAssumedMatch cannot be completed because the record to be unmatched was already merged with another record.
No action is required, but you can manually unmerge the two records. AssumedMatchException: OPSException: OPSException: Child node is null
This is a serious error that generally indicates that data in the sbyn_transaction log is corrupt.
Contact Oracle support for assistance. ProcessingException: undoAssumedMatch(): Record has been modified by another user. Assumed match has already been undone: assumed_match_id
A call to undoAssumedMatch cannot be completed because the assumed match was already reversed.
No action is required. ProcessingException: mergeEnterpriseObject(): Record has been modified by another user. Destination EUID not found: euid
The destination EUID specified in a call to mergeEnterpriseObject does not exist, no destination EUID is specified, or the EUIDs specified are already merged.
No action is required, but you can verify the EUIDs involved in the merge along with their statuses. ProcessingException: mergeEnterpriseObject(): Record has been modified by another user. Source EUID not found: euid
The source EUID specified in a call to mergeEnterpriseObject does not exist, no source EUID is specified, or the source EUID specified was already merged into another EUID record.
No action is required, but you can verify the EUIDs involved in the merge along with their statuses. ProcessingException: EUID must be a selected field.
The EUID is not specified as part of the search options (class SearchOptions). By default, the EUID is specified.
No action is required, but if the EUID is not specified the search will fail. ProcessingException: At least one SystemObject must be populated.
A search was attempted using a system object with no field values, which means there was no criteria on which to search.
No action is required, but the search will fail without sufficient search criteria. ProcessingException: transferSystemObject(): transfer must be between two different EUIDs. Both EUIDs are: euid
The EUID specified in a call to transferSystemObject is the same EUID to which the system object already belongs.
No action is required. ProcessingException: unmergeEnterpriseObject(): Record has been modified by another user. EUID: euid
A call to unmergeEnterpriseObject failed because the record to be unmerged was modified by another user before the unmerge transaction was finalized.
No action is required, but you can attempt the merge again on the modified record. ProcessingException: unmergeEnterpriseObject(): Record has been modified by another user. EUID has already been unmerged: euid
A call to unmergeEnterpriseObject failed because the records are already unmerged.
No action required. ProcessingException: unmergeSystemObject(): Source system record not found: (system_code, local_ID)
The source system record specified in a call to unmergeSystemObject is invalid or its status could not be found.
No action is required, but you can verify the local ID, system information, and record status for the system record you want to unmerge. ProcessingException: unmergeSystemObject(): Record has been modified by another user. Source system record has already been deactivated: (system_code, local_ID)
The source system record specified in a call to unmergeSystemObject has a status of “inactive” and cannot be unmerged.
No action is required, but you can verify the local ID, system information, and record status for the system record you want to unmerge. ProcessingException: unmergeSystemObject(): Record has been modified by another user. Source system record is not in merged status: (system_code, local_ID)
The system records specified in a call to unmergeSystemObject have already been unmerged.
No action is required. ProcessingException: unmergeSystemObject(): Record has been modified by another user. Source system status unrecognized: (system_code, local_ID)
The status of the source system specified in a call to unmergeSystemObject is invalid.
No action is required, but you can verify the local ID, system information, and record status for the system record you want to unmerge. ProcessingException: unmergeSystemObject(): Destination system record not found: (system_code, local_ID)
The destination system record specified in a call to unmergeSystemObject is invalid.
No action is required, but you can verify the local ID, system information, and record status for the system record you want to unmerge. ProcessingException: unmergeSystemObject(): no transactions found for LID merge.
The system records specified in a call to unmergeSystemObject were not previously merged.
No action is required, but you can verify the local ID, system information, and record status for the system record you want to unmerge. ProcessingException: updateSystemObject(): SO (system_code - local_ID) is not Active.
The system record specified by a call to updateSystemObject is not active and cannot be updated.
No action is required, but you can verify the local ID, system information, and record status for the system record you want to update. ProcessingException: mergeSystemObject(): Record has been modified by another user. Source system record not found: (system_code, local_ID)
The status of the source system record specified in a call to mergeSystemObject could not be found or the source system specified is invalid.
No action is required, but you can verify the local ID, system information, and record status for the system record you want to merge. ProcessingException: mergeSystemObject(): Record has been modified by another user. Source system record has already been deactivated: (system_code, local_ID)
The source system record specified in a call to mergeSystemObject has a status of “inactive” and cannot be merged.
No action is required, but you can activate the deactivated record and then perform the merge. ProcessingException: mergeSystemObject(): Record has been modified by another user. Source system record has already been merged: (system_code, local_ID)
The source system record specified in a call to mergeSystemObject has a status of “merged” (that is, it has already been merged into another record) and it cannot be merged.
No action is required, but if necessary you can merge the destination system record into the record that the original source system record was previously merged into. ProcessingException: mergeSystemObject(): Record has been modified by another user. Destination system record not found: (system_code, local_ID)
The status of the destination system record specified in a call to mergeSystemObject could not be found or the system specified is invalid.
No action is required, but you can verify the local ID, system information, and record status for the system record you want to merge. ProcessingException: mergeSystemObject(): Record has been modified by another user. Destination system record has already been deactivated: (system_code, local_ID)
The destination system record specified in a call to mergeSystemObject has a status of “inactive” and cannot be merged.
No action is required, but you can activate the deactivated record and then perform the merge. ProcessingException: mergeSystemObject(): Record has been modified by another user. Destination system record has already been merged: (system_code, local_ID)
The destination system specified in a call to mergeSystemObject has a status of “merged” (that is, it has already been merged into another record) and it cannot be merged.
No action is required, but if necessary you can merge the source system record into the record that the original destination system record was previously merged into. ProcessingException: mergeSystemObject(): system object keys are equal (system_code, local_ID)
The system records specified in a call to mergeSystemObject are the same system record.
No action is required, but you should verify which system records should be merged.