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Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Maintenance Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Maintenance Guide

Related Topics

Defining Master Index Data Manager Security

Define Master Index Data Manager User Roles

To Define a User Role

Define EJB User Roles

To Define an EJB User Role

Create Master Index Data Manager User Accounts

To Create a User Account

Master Index Data Manager User Role Properties

Master Index Data Manager User Permissions

EJB User Role Properties

EJB Security Functions

Learning About Master Index Reports

Master Index Command Line Reports

About Production Reports

About Activity Reports

Master Index Report Configuration

Creating Custom Master Index Reports

Masked Data in Master Index Reports

Master Index Production Reports

Assumed Match Report

Deactivated Record Report

Potential Duplicate Report

Merge Transaction Report

UnMerge Transaction Report

Update Report

Master Index Activity Reports

Weekly Activity Report

Monthly Activity Report

Yearly Activity Report

Master Index Database Indexes

Working With Master Index Command Line Reports

Configuring the Master Index Report Environment

To Set up the Environment

Configuring Master Index Command Line Reports

Defining the Command Line Report Configuration

Configuring Command Line Reports

Master Index Command Line Report Properties

Running Master Index Command Line Reports

To Run the Reports Using the Batch File

To Run the Reports Using a Java Command

Maintaining the Master Index Database

Backing up the Master Index Database

Online Backups

Offline Backups

Restoring the Master Index Database

Archiving Master Index Data

Implementing Changes to the Master Index Project

Modifying Master Index Configuration Files

Updating the Object Structure

Updating Normalization and Standardization Structures

Updating the Match String

Modifying the Master Index Database

Modifying Master Index Security

Modifying the Local ID Format

Related Topics

Several topics provide information and instructions for implementing and using a master index application. For a complete list of topics related to working with Oracle Java CAPS Master Index, see Related Topics in Oracle Java CAPS Master Index User’s Guide.