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Analyzing and Cleansing Data for a Master Index     Java CAPS Documentation
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Analyzing and Cleansing Data for a Master Index

Related Topics

Data Cleansing and Analysis Overview

About the Data Profiler

About the Data Cleanser

Data Cleansing and Profiling Process Overview

Required Format for Flat Data Files

Generating the Data Profiler and Data Cleanser

To Generate the Data Profiler and Data Cleanser

Configuring the Environment

To Configure the Environment

Extracting the Legacy Data

Determining the Fields to Analyze

Defining the Data Analysis Rules

To Define Data Analysis Rules

Performing the Initial Data Analysis

To Perform the Initial Data Analysis

Reviewing the Data Profiler Reports

Configuring the Data Cleansing Rules

To Configure the Data Cleansing Rules

Cleansing the Legacy Data

To Cleanse the Data

Performing Frequency Analyses on Cleansed Data

Adjusting the Master Index Configuration

Data Profiler Rules Syntax

Data Profiler Processing Attributes

Data Profiler Global Variables

Simple Frequency Analysis Rules

Constrained Frequency Analysis Rules

Pattern Frequency Analysis Rules

Data Cleanser Rules Syntax

Data Cleanser Processing Attributes

Data Cleanser Global Variables

Data Validation Rules









Data Transformation Rules





Conditional Data Rules





Conditional Operators

Data Profiler Report Samples

Simple Frequency Analysis Report Samples

Constrained Frequency Analysis Report Samples

Pattern Frequency Analysis Report Samples

Analyzing and Cleansing Data for a Master Index

The topics listed here provide task, conceptual, and reference information for generating the Data Profiler and Data Cleanser from a Master Index Project and using those tools to analyze and cleanse legacy data.

Note that Java CAPS includes two versions of Oracle Java CAPS Master Index. Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository) is installed in the Java CAPS repository and provides all the functionality of previous versions in the new Java CAPS environment. Oracle Java CAPS Master Index is a service-enabled version of the master index that is installed directly into NetBeans. It includes all of the features of Oracle Java CAPS Master Index (Repository) plus several new features, like data analysis, data cleansing, data loading, and an improved Data Manager GUI. Both products are components of the Java CAPS Master Data Management (MDM) Suite. This document relates to Oracle Java CAPS Master Index only.

What You Need to Know

These topics provide information you should to know before you start working with the Data Profiler and Data Cleanser.

What You Need to Do

These topics provide instructions on how to generate the Data Profiler and Data Cleanser, and how to configure and use the tools to analyze and transform legacy data.

More Information

These topics provide additional information you should know when working with the Data Profiler and Data Cleanser.