Attribute Authentication



In cases where user credentials are passed to the Enterprise Gateway in a non-standard way, these credentials can be copied into Oracle message attributes and then authenticated against a specified authentication repository, such as the Enterprise Gateway User Store, an LDAP directory, or a database.

For example, let's assume that username and password credentials are passed to the Enterprise Gateway in the following XML message:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <ns:User xmlns:ns="">

In this example, the standard methods of passing credentials, such as HTTP basic/ digest authentication, SAML assertions, WS-Security Username tokens, have been bypassed and the client has elected to send the username and password as parameters in a simple SOAP message.

When the Enterprise Gateway receives this message, it can extract the value of the <Username> and <Password> elements using an XPath expression configured in the Retrieve Attributes from Message filter. This filter uses an XPath expression to retrieve the value of an element or attribute and can then store this value in a Oracle message attribute.

In the example above, an instance of this filter could be configured to retrieve the value of the <Username> attribute and store it in the message attribute. Similarly, another filter could be configured to retrieve the value of the <Password> and then store it in the authentication.subject.password message attribute.

The Attribute Authentication filter can then use the username and password values stored in these message attributes to authenticate the user against the specified authentication repository.


Complete the following fields to configure this filter:

Enter a name for this filter in the field provided.

Specify the Oracle message attribute that will contain the username of the user to be authenticated. The default attribute is the attribute, which is typically used to store a username.

Enter the Oracle message attribute that will contain the password of the user to authenticate. The default attribute used here is the authentication.subject.password attribute, which is typically used to store a password.

Credential Format:
Select the format of the credential stored in the Oracle message attribute specified in the Username field above. By default, "User Name" is selected.

Repository Name:
Select an existing repository to authenticate the user against from the dropdown. Alternatively, you can configure a new authentication repository by clicking the Add button. Take a look at the Authentication Repository tutorial for more information on configuring the various types of repository supported by the Enterprise Gateway.