Configuring URL Groups



The Enterprise Gateway can make connections on a round-robin basis to the URLs listed in a URL group, thus enabling a high degree of failover to external servers.

The Enterprise Gateway will attempt to connect to the listed servers according to the priorities assigned to them. So, for example, let's assume there are two "High" priority URLs, one "Medium" URL, and a single "Low" URL configured. Assuming the Enterprise Gateway can successfully connect to the two "High" priority URLs, it will alternate requests between these two URLs only in a round-robin fashion. The other group URLs will not be used at all. If, however, both of the "High" priority URLs become unavailable, the Enterprise Gateway will then try to use the "Medium" priority URL, and only if this fails will the "Low" priority URL be used.

So, in general, the Enterprise Gateway will attempt to round-robin requests over URLs of the same priority, but will use higher priority URLs before lower priority ones. When a new URL is added to the group it is automatically given the highest priority. Priorities can then be changed by selecting the URL and clicking the Up and Down buttons.

Individual URLs can be added and edited by selecting the URL from the table and clicking on the Add and Edit buttons respectively.

The following fields should be completed:

  • URL:
    Enter the full URL of the external server.
  • Timeout:
    Specify the timeout in seconds for connections to the specified server.
  • Retry After:
    Whenever the server becomes unavailable for whatever reason (maintenance, for example), no attempt will be made to connect to that server until the time specified here has elapsed. In other words, once a connection failure has been detected, the next connection to that URL will be made after this amount of time.
  • SSL Certificate:
    If the specified server requires clients to authenticate to it over 2-way SSL, an SSL Certificate must be selected from the Trusted Certificate Store for authentication.
  • Host/IP:
    If the specified server sits behind a proxy server, the host name or IP address of the proxy server must be entered here.
  • Port:
    Enter the port on which the proxy is listening.