Remove XML Node



You can use this filter to remove an XML element, attribute, text, or comment node from an XML message. You can specify the node to remove using an XPath expression. The XPath query language enables you to select nodes in an XML document.


To configure this filter, specify the following fields:

Enter a suitable name that reflects the role of the filter. For example, if the purpose of this filter is to remove an <ID> element from the message, it would be appropriate to name this filter Remove ID Element.

XPath Location:
Specify an XPath expression to indicate the node to remove. When the expression is configured correctly, you can remove an element, attribute, text, or comment node. If this expression returns more than one node, all returned nodes are removed.

You can select XPath expressions from the drop-down list, and edit or add expressions by clicking the relevant button. The following are some example expressions:
Name XPath Expression Prefix URI
The First WSSE Security element //wsse:Security[1] wsse
Text Nodes in SOAP Body /soap:Envelope/soap:Body/text() soap

Fail if no nodes returned from XPath:
If this option is selected, and the XPath expression returns no nodes, the filter returns false. If this option is not selected, and the XPath returns no nodes, the filter returns true, and no nodes are removed.

Save deleted nodes to be re-inserted to new location:
You can use this option in cases where you want to move XML nodes from one location in the message to another. By selecting this option, the deleted nodes are stored in the deleted.node.list message attribute. You can then use the Add XML Node filter to insert the deleted nodes back into a different location in the message. For more details, see the Add XML Node filter.