Default Settings



The Default Settings dialog enables you to set several global configuration settings to optimize the behavior of the Enterprise Gateway for your environment. You can overwrite these settings at the Process level by right-clicking the Process node in the Policy Studio tree, and selecting Settings -> Custom.

To configure the Default Settings, in the Policy Studio main menu, select Settings -> Settings -> Default Settings. This displays the Default Settings dialog. Alternatively, in the toolbar, click the drop-down option on the Settings button , and select Default Settings.

After changing any of the settings, you must deploy to the Enterprise Gateway for the changes to be enforced. You can do this in the Policy Studio main menu by selecting Settings -> Deploy. Alternatively, click the Deploy button in the toolbar, or press F6.


Setting Purpose
Active Timeout When the Enterprise Gateway receives a large HTTP request, it reads the request off the network when it becomes available. If the time between reading successive blocks of data exceeds the Active Timeout, the Enterprise Gateway closes the connection. This guards against a host closing the connection in the middle of sending data. For example, if the host's network connection is pulled out of the machine while in the middle of sending data to the Enterprise Gateway. When the Enterprise Gateway has read all the available data off the network, it waits the Active Timeout period of time before closing the connection.
Note: You can configure this setting on a per-host basis using the Remote Hosts interface.
Date Format Configures the format of the date for the purposes of tracing, logging, and reporting. For more information, see
Cache Refresh Interval Configures the number of seconds that the server caches data loaded from an external source (external database, LDAP directory, and so on) before refreshing the data from that source. The default value is 5 seconds. If you do not wish any caching to occur, set this value to 0.
Idle Timeout The Enterprise Gateway supports HTTP 1.1 persistent connections. The Idle Timeout is the time that the Enterprise Gateway waits after sending a message over a persistent connection before it closes the connection. Typically, the host tells the Enterprise Gateway that it wants to use a persistent connection. The Enterprise Gateway acknowledges this instruction and decides to keep the connection open for a certain amount of time after sending the message to the host. If the connection is not reused within the Idle Timeout period, the Enterprise Gateway closes the connection.
Note: You can configure this setting on a per-host basis using the Remote Hosts interface.
LDAP Service Provider Specifies the service provider used for looking up an LDAP server (for example, com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory). The provider is typically used to connect to LDAP directories for certificate and attribute retrieval.
Maximum Memory per Request The maximum amount of memory allocated to each request.
Note: You can configure this setting on a per-host basis using the Remote Hosts interface.
offerTlsServerName Adds a field to outbound TLS/SSL calls that shows the name that the client used to connect. For example, this can be useful if the server handles several different domains, and needs to present different certificates depending on the name that the client used to connect.
Realm Specifies the realm for authentication purposes.
Schema Pool Size Sets the size of the Schema Parser pool.
Server Brand Specifies the branding to be used in the product.
LDAP Time Out The timeout in milliseconds for the LDAP connection. If a connection has not been created in this time frame, the operation will timeout. Similarly, if a lookup operation has not succeeded in this time frame, it will fail. If this setting is not configured, or set to zero, the TCP timeout for the platform is used, which defaults to 3 minutes.
Token Drift Time The number of seconds drift allowed for WS-Security tokens. This is important in cases where the Enterprise Gateway is checking the date on incoming WS-Security tokens. It is likely that the machine on which the token was created is out-of-sync with the machine on which the Enterprise Gateway is running. The drift time allows for differences in the respective machine clock times.
verifyServerHostname Ensures that the certificate presented by the server matches the name of the host address being connected to. This prevents host spoofing and man-in-the-middle attacks. This setting is enabled by default (set to 1).
Use Validation on SAX Parsers Disabled by default (set to 0) for performance reasons. However, to perform SAX validation when parsing XML messages, you can enable this setting by specifying a value of 1.
Trace Level Enables you to set the trace level for the Enterprise Gateway at runtime. Select the appropriate option from the Trace Level drop-down list.