Policy Shortcut



The Policy Shortcut filter enables you to reuse the functionality of one policy in another policy. For example, you could create a policy called Security Tokens that inserts various security tokens into the message. You can then create a policy that calls this policy using a Policy Shortcut filter.

In this way, you can adopt a design pattern of building up reusable pieces of functionality in separate policies, and then bringing them together when required using a Policy Shortcut filter. For example, you can create modular reusable policies to perform specific tasks, such as authentication, content-filtering, or logging, and call them as required using a Policy Shortcut filter.

For details on how to create a sequence of policy shortcuts in a single policy, see the Policy Shortcut Chain filter.


Complete the following fields to configure the Policy Shortcut filter:

Enter an appropriate name for the filter.

Policy Shortcut:
Select another policy that you want to reuse from the tree. The policy in which this Policy Shortcut filter is placed calls into the selected policy when it is run.