Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 Administration Guide

Configuring the ACL Cache

The Configure ACL Cache page is used to enable or disable the proxy authentication cache, set the proxy authentication cache directory, configure the cache table size, and set the entry expiration time.

ProcedureTo Configure the ACL Cache

  1. Access the Server Manager and click the Preferences tab.

  2. Click the Configure ACL Cache link.

    The Configure ACL Cache page is displayed.

  3. Enable or disable the proxy authentication cache.

  4. Select the number of users in the user cache from the Proxy Auth User Cache Size drop-down list.

    The default size is 200.

  5. Select the number of group IDs that can be cached for a single UID/cache entry from the Proxy Auth Group Cache Size drop-down list.

    The default size is 4.

  6. Select the number of seconds before cache entries expire.

    Each time an entry in the cache is referenced, its age is calculated and checked against this value. The entry is not used if its age is greater than or equal to the Proxy Auth Cache Expiration value. If this value is set to 0, the cache is turned off.

    If you use a large number for this value, you may need to restart the Proxy Server when you make changes to the LDAP entries. For example, if this value is set to 120 seconds, the Proxy Server might be out of sync with the LDAP server for as long as 2 minutes. If your LDAP entries are not likely to change often, use a large number. The default expiration value is 2 minutes.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Click Restart Required.

    The Apply Changes page is displayed.

  9. Click the Restart Proxy Server button to apply the changes.