Once you have installed the SNMP master agent, you can start it manually or by using the Administration Server.
To start the master agent manually, type the following command at the command prompt:
The INIT file is a nonvolatile file that contains information from the MIB-II system group, including system location and contact information. If INIT does not already exist, starting the master agent for the first time will create it. An invalid manager name in the CONFIG file will cause the master agent start-up process to fail.
To start a master agent on a nonstandard port, use one of two methods:
Method one: In the CONFIG file, specify a transport mapping for each interface over which the master agent listens for SNMP requests from managers. Transport mappings allow the master agent to accept connections at the standard port and at a nonstandard port. The master agent can also accept SNMP traffic at a nonstandard port. The maximum number of concurrent SNMP is limited by your target system’s limits on the number of open sockets or file descriptors per process. The following example shows a transport mapping entry:
TRANSPORT extraordinary SNMP
AT PORT 11161
After editing the CONFIG file manually, you should start the master agent manually by typing the following command at the command prompt:
Method two: Edit the /etc/services file to allow the master agent to accept connections at the standard port as well as a nonstandard port.