The bu utility updates the cache and works in two modes. In the first mode, it iterates through the cache database and updates all the URLs that are present in the cache by sending HTTP requests for each. In the second mode, it starts with a given URL and does a breadth first iteration of all the links from that URL to the depth that you specify and fetches pages to the cache. bu is a RFC compliant robot.
bu -n hostname -p port -t time-lmt -f contact-address -s sleep-time -o object -r n -d conf-dir
For example:
bu -n phoenix -p 80 -t 3600 -f -s 60 -o nova -r n -d server-root/proxy-serverid/config
hostname is the host name of the machine on which proxy is running. The default value is the localhost.
port is the port on which proxy server is running. The default port is 8080.
time-lmt is the time limit to which the utility will run
contact-address determines the contact address that would be sent in the HTTP requests that are sent from bu. The default value is worm@proxy-name.
sleep-time is the sleep time between two consecutive requests. The default value is 5 seconds.
object is the object specified in bu.conf that is currently being executed.
-r n option determines whether the robot.txt policy is followed. The default value is y.
conf-dir is the configuration directory of the proxy instance located in the server-root/proxy-serverid/config directory.