Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 Administration Guide

Securing Administration Server Access

The Administration Server which is a web-based user interface used to manage, add, remove, and migrate servers, needs to be secured.

The default Administration Server page starts in HTTP mode. The available Proxy Server instances are displayed as a list under the heading of Manage Servers. To administer any Proxy Server instance, click on the name from the list. When you click the name of a Proxy Server instance, the Server Manager page for that instance is displayed.

From the Server Manager page you can go back to the Administration Server page by clicking on the Manage Servers link at the top left corner in the Server Manager page.

The security features like certificate based authentication, creating a trust database, configuring SSL, requesting and installing certificates, setting security preferences, and so on, apply both to Administration Server and the individual Proxy Server instances. For security related configurations of Administration Server, use the Preferences tab, and the Security tab that appear on the Administration Server page. For security configurations related to Proxy Server instances, use the Preferences tab, and the Security tab that appear on the Server Manager page for that Proxy instance.

To start the Administration Server in secure mode, you need to access it using HTTPS instead of the default HTTP.

The security features are described in detail in the following sections.