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Oracle® iPlanet Web Proxy Server Release Notes
Release 4.0.28

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3 Product Documentation

The Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0 documentation is provided in a number of ways:

Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 is the last release for which the entire documentation set for Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0 was updated. Subsequent to the 4.0.14 release, updates and corrections to Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0 documentation are provided in this Release Notes document; see Section 3.2, "Corrections and Updates to 4.0 Documentation."

This chapter contains the following sections:

3.1 Documentation Set

The Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0 documentation is available at:

Table 3-1 Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 Documentation Set

Document Title Contents

Release Notes (this document)

Summarizing the Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server release:

  • Late-breaking information about the software and the documentation

  • New features

  • Supported platforms and environments

  • System requirements

  • Known issues and workarounds

Installation and Migration Guide

Performing installation and migration tasks:

  • Installing Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server

  • Migrating from release 3.6 to release 4.0

Administration Guide

Performing administration and management tasks:

  • Using the administration and command-line interfaces

  • Configuring server preferences

  • Managing users and groups

  • Monitoring and logging server activity

  • Using certificates and public key cryptography to secure the server

  • Controlling server access

  • Proxying and routing URLs

  • Caching

  • Filtering content

  • Using a reverse proxy

  • Using SOCKS

Configuration File Reference

Editing configuration files

NSAPI Developer's Guide

Creating custom Netscape Server Application Programming Interface (NSAPI) plugins

Performance Tuning, Sizing, and Scaling Guide

Tuning Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server to optimize performance

3.2 Corrections and Updates to 4.0 Documentation

The following sections describe corrections and updates to Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 documentation:

3.2.1 Clarification About JRE Information in the Certification Matrix

The Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14+ Certification Matrix currently (as of April 2011) shows only 1.6.0_19 as the certified JRE version.

Note the following:

  • 4.0.13 and earlier releases of Oracle iPlanet Web Server are certified on (and include) JRE 5.

  • 4.0.14, 4.0.15, and 4.0.16 are certified on both JRE 5 and JRE 6, but only JRE 5 is included with these releases.

  • 4.0.17+: Certified on (and include) only JRE 6.

3.2.2 Increase in the Maximum Cache Capacity

The "Setting Cache Capacity" section of the Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.13 Administration Guide mentions that the cache capacity can be up to a maximum of 32 GB.

Starting from the 4.0.10 release, the maximum cache capacity that can be configured through the administration interface is 128 GB.


You can manually configure the cache capacity to any value higher than 128 GB (no upper limit) by editing the server.xml configuration file. But if you opt for the manual configuration route and want to set the cache capacity to a value that is less than 128 GB, then only the following values are allowed: 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000, 128000.

3.2.3 %Req->vars.xfer-time% Option of the flex-init Function

In the "Log Format" section of the Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 Configuration File Reference, Table 5-4 lists the available flexible logging options. The %Req->vars.xfer-time% option is missing from the list.

The%Req->vars.xfer-time% option can be used to log the transfer time (in seconds).

3.2.4 clf-request-leading-whitespace Parameter of the flex-log SAF

Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.16 supports a new parameter, clf-request-leading-whitespace, for the flex-log SAF of the AddLog directive. The following table provides information about the new parameter.

Parameter Description
clf-request-leading-whitespace (Optional) A boolean value indicating whether leading newlines in request lines should be removed before printing to the server access log.

The default value is yes.


AddLog fn="flex-log" name="access" clf-request-leading-whitespace="no"

For information about the other parameters of the flex-log SAF, see the "flex-log" section of the Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 Configuration File Reference.

3.2.5 New Parameters of the um-define-junction SAF

Table 3-2 lists new parameters added for the um-define-junction SAF of the Init directive since the 4.0.14 release. Note that these parameters are not documented in the Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 Configuration File Reference.

Table 3-2 New Parameters of the um-define-junction SAF

Parameter Added in Release Description



(Optional) um-define-junction takes a new boolean parameter secure-cookie, which is disabled by default. If set to true, cookies set or rewritten by the URL mapping subsystem contains a secure attribute. At present, cookies that are generated (in the form of um_app_name_cookie) do not have a feature to make them secure. The um_jct cookie is also not secure.

Example usage:

Init fn="um-define-junction" jct-name="/test/" fe-uri-prefix="/test/" 
be-url-prefix="" secure-cookie="1" 

Example output:

Set-cookie: um__/test/_name=test; path=/; secure  
<script>document.cookie = "um_jct=/test/; path=/; secure";</script>

set-cookie-domain-from and set-cookie-domain-to


(Optional) These parameters can be used to specify the target and destination values for rewriting the domain parameter of Set-cookie: headers received from backend servers.



(Optional) If this parameter is set to true, the domain parameter of Set-cookie: headers received from backend servers are rewritten to the domain of the proxy server.

The default value is false.



(Optional) This parameter can be used to insert a domain parameter into Set-cookie: headers received from backend servers.

set-cookie-path-from and set-cookie-path-to


(Optional) These parameters can be used to specify the target and destination values for rewriting the path parameter of Set-cookie: headers received from backend servers.



(Optional) A regular expression matched against the names of JavaScript variables when the has-javascript parameter is set to yes. Variables whose names match the regular expression are not rewritten (as they typically would be with has-javascript set to yes). There is no default value for this parameter.

3.2.6 Clarification About Unit of Time Used for the%duration% Log Option

According to the "Log Format" section of the Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 Configuration File Reference, the%duration% option indicates the time the server spent handling the request in microseconds.

Note the following clarification:

  • On Solaris and AIX, the server calculates and records the time in microseconds.

  • However, on Windows, HP-UX, and Linux, the server calculates the time in milliseconds and records it in microseconds.

3.2.7 Clarification About the Need to Explicitly Select New Directory Services

The "Configuring Directory Services" section of the Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 Administration Guide describes how to create a directory service. Note that if you want to use the new directory service with a specific proxy server instance, you must select it as described in the "Selecting Directory Services" section.

3.2.8 Information About the admin.conf File

The admin.conf file, located in the install-dir/proxyadmserv/config directory, is an internal configuration file that Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server maintains. Do not modify this file.

3.2.9 Date and Time Parameters of the <Client> Tag

Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.15 supports several new parameters for the <Client> tag, as described in the following table.

Parameter Description
date-start and date-end These two parameters specify the start date and end date, respectively, for a time interval. They take values of the format of the UNIX date command, excluding the time zone specification. Additionally, the weekday portion of the date command format is optional.
day-start and day-end These two parameters specify the start day number and end day number, respectively, for a day interval in a month. They take values in the range 1 through 31.
month-start and month-end These two parameters specify the start month and end month, respectively, for a month interval in a year. They take the values Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, and Dec.
time-start and time-end These two parameters specify the start time and end time, respectively, for a time interval in a day. They take values of the form hour:minute:second on a 24-hour clock.
weekday-start and weekday-end These two parameters specify the start day and end day, respectively, for a day interval in a week. They take the values Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, and Sat.


  • This example specifies a time interval of every Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 AM through 5:00 PM:

    <Client weekday-start="Tue" weekday-end="Fri" time-start="09:00:00" time-end="17:00:00">
  • This example specifies a time interval of the first through the fifteenth of every month from 12:00 AM through 4:00 AM:

    <Client day-start="1" day-end="15" time-start="00:00:00" time-end="04:00:00">

3.2.10 Information About Parameters of the http-client-config SAF

Table 3-3 lists the parameters of the http-client-config SAF that existed in 4.0.14 or earlier releases, but are not documented in the Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 Configuration File Reference at

Table 3-3 Parameters of the http-client-config SAF

Parameter Description


(Optional) This boolean parameter indicates whether a request body that arrives in a TCP packet separate from the request header should be forwarded to the origin server. The default value is false, meaning that request bodies arriving in TCP packets separate from their request headers are not forwarded to the origin server.


(Optional) When this boolean parameter is enabled, the proxy server runs the Error stage when the origin server returns an error status (HTTP status code of 400 or above). By default, this parameter is disabled.


(Optional) This parameter specifies the timeout period in seconds. It is used by the HTTP client while transferring data between clients and origin servers. The default value is 300 seconds.

3.2.11 <Include> Tag in the obj.conf File

Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.15 supports a new tag in the obj.conf file. This tag, <Include>, includes the content of another file in the obj.conf file, effectively enabling you to divide the content of obj.conf across several files to make management of your configuration easier.

The syntax of the <Include> tag is:


filename is the name of the file to be included in the obj.conf file where the <Include> tag occurs.

When using the <Include> tag, keep these points in mind:

  • The <Include> tag can be used outside the context of <Object>. For example, you could put all the Init directives in a file and then include that file at the start of the obj.conf. file.

  • An included file can contain other included files; that is, an included file can itself contain an <Include> tag.

  • An included file cannot cross <Object> boundaries; that is, included file cannot end one object and start another.

3.2.12 lookup-ipv6-first Parameter of the dns-config SAF

Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.15 supports a new parameter, lookup-ipv6-first, for the dns-config SAF of the DNS directive. The following table provides information about this new parameter.

Parameter Description
lookup-ipv6-first (Optional) A Boolean operator that specifies whether to look up IPv6 or IPv4 addresses first. The default value is false, meaning that IPv4 addresses are looked up first.

3.2.13 regexp-redirect Function of the NameTrans Directive

The section "NameTrans" in Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 Configuration File Reference does not include information about the regexp-redirect function. Information about this function follows.

The regexp-redirect function is applicable in NameTrans-class directives.

The regexp-redirect function enables you to change URLs and send the updated URL to the client. When a client accesses your server with an old path, the server treats the request as a request for the new URL.

The following table describes parameters for the regexp-redirect function.

Parameter Description
from A regular expression for the prefix of the requested URL to match.
url/url-prefix url specifies a complete URL to return to the client. url-prefix specifies the new URL prefix to return to the client. The from prefix is simply replaced by this URL prefix. You cannot use these parameters together.
escape (Optional) A Flag that tells the server to use the util_uri_escape action on the URL before sending it. It should be yes or no. The default is yes.

For more information about util_uri_escape, see Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 NSAPI Developer's Guide.

bucket (Optional) This is common to all obj.conf functions.

3.2.14 status-code and status-desc Parameters of the send-error SAF

Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.15 supports two new parameters for the send-error SAF of the Service and Error directives. The following table provides information about these new parameters.

Parameter Description
status-code (Optional) Specifies a status code to be set in the HTTP response. It differs from the code parameter in that code specifies which error code triggers execution of the send-error SAF, while status-code specifies a status code to be set in the response generated by the send-error SAF.
status-desc (Optional) Specifies a reason string for the status code.

3.2.15 New Directives in the magnus.conf File

Table 3-4 lists directives added to the magnus.conf file. Note that these directives are not documented in "Syntax and Use of the magnus.conf File" in Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 Configuration File Reference.

Table 3-4 magnus.conf Directives

Parameters Valid Values Description


Any number of seconds

(Added in 4.0.14) Specify how frequently (in seconds) Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server checks the channel pool for stale or closed connections. This value is used when ChannelPoolValidate is set to true. The default value is 30.


true, false

(Added in 4.0.14) Cause Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server to actively check the channel pool for stale or closed connections every ChannelPoolMonitorInterval seconds. The default value is false.


true, false

(Added in 4.0.14) Cause Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server to validate channels in the channel pool before reusing them. The default value is false.


1 to 65536

(Added in 4.0.12) Specify the size of the FTP connection pool. The default value is 256.


1 to 65536

(Added in 4.0.12) Specify the life of the connection in seconds, that the FTP connection remain unused in the pool before the monitor thread closes it. The default value is 3600.



(Added in 4.0.12) Specify the boolean value to monitor the FTP thread functionality. The default is ON.



(Added in 4.0.12) Specify an integer value. If set to 0 the pool monitor thread checks whether the connection is inactive or active.

If set to 1, the NOOP command is sent to the connection and awaits for the reply. Failure to get a response will cause the connection to be removed from the pool. The default level is 1.


30 to 65536

(Added in 4.0.12) Specify an integer value in seconds, after which the pool connections are monitored. The default value is 30.


Takes a Boolean value.

(Added in 4.0.12) If set to TRUE, an ldap pool monitor thread would be created, which monitors the ldap connection pool at regular intervals. The default value is FALSE.


Takes an integer argument.

(Added in 4.0.12) Specify the interval at which the ldap pool monitor thread inspects the ldap connection pool. The default value is 30.


Takes a boolean value.

(Added in 4.0.12) Revalidate the connection if set to TRUE for every connection that is picked off the connection pool; then pass on to the caller. The default value is FALSE.


Takes an integer value.

(Added in 4.0.15) Specify the interval, in seconds, at which Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server checks performance of the gateways marked as offline by the routing subsystem. The default value is 30.

3.2.16 Description for Cache Finish Status in the Access Log File

You can configure the Cache Finish Status option by turning it ON to record information about each status in the Access Log file. Table 3-5 lists each of the Cache Finish Status and its description.

Table 3-5 Cache Finish Status

Status Description


A new cache file is created


The response could not be cached because of invalid Last-modified:header or invalid Expires:header. For more information, switch the log status to fine.


The proxy receives a confirmation from the remote server that the proxy cache entry is updated and it may not be refreshed.


The remote server was not contacted for the request from the cache.


The existing cache file was refreshed by the new contents from the origin server.


The remote server response indicates that the response must not be cached.


The document received from the remote server is not cached by the proxy.

3.2.17 maxrequestsperconnection parameter is supported for the LS Element

Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.18 supports a new parameter called maxrequestsperconnection for the LS element in the server.xml file. The following table provides information about this new parameter.

Parameter Description
maxrequestsperconnection (optional) the number of requests allowed through a single connection. The default value is "0", which indicates that there is no limit.

For more information about configuring the listener, see:

3.2.18 Description of virt-map SAF

The virt-map SAF is used to implement Virtual Multihosting. The virt-map SAF uses the request's Host: header to map a URI to a server URL. The corresponding reverse mapping is automatically inserted by virt-map SAF.

Parameter Description
host-regex Specifies a regular expression which is compared with the request's Host: header value. The virtual mapping is not applied in case of a mismatch.
from-prefix Specifies the URI prefix to be mapped.
to-prefix Specifies the URL prefix to which the request should be mapped.

For more information about Virtual Multihosting, see:

3.2.19 Specifying IP Address in ACL Configurations

While specifying IP addresses in ACL configurations, a netmask can be used together with an IP address. The IP address and netmask must be separated by a '+' character.


allow (read,execute,info)

(user = "anyone") and

(ip = "");

For more information about ACL configurations, see:

3.2.20 Manually Generating a PAC File

After manually generating a PAC file, you are not required to restart the proxy server.

For more information about generating a PAC file from a PAT file, see:

3.2.21 Regarding Cache Partition Size

If GC (Garbage Collection) is disabled, or if the partition size happens to increase while GC is temporarily inactive, it is possible that the cache partition size can exceed the value specified in the maxsize parameter.

For more information about cache elements, see:

3.2.22 Regarding In-memory File Cache in Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server

Information pertaining to in-memory file cache is provided below:

  1. The in-memory file cache is enabled only if the disk cache is enabled.

  2. The in-memory file cache in Proxy server is used to cache the contents of frequently used disk cache files in memory.

  3. The in-memory file cache configuration has a parameter named maxage, which, however, is currently not enforced. It is to avoid HTTP violations by serving aged/invalid content.

  4. The contents of in-memory file cache closely follow that of the disk cache. If a disk file is updated, the disk file in-memory version gets updated during the next request.

For more information about in-memory file cache configuration, see:

3.2.23 Using Proxy Arrays

Note the following about proxy arrays.

  • Once you create a proxy array, but before generating a PAC file from your PAT file, proxy array must be explicitly enabled using the Configure System Preferences page in the administration GUI.

  • While configuring a non-master proxy array member, the URL field should be set to http://MasterProxy/pat where MasterProxy is the FQDN of the master proxy. Ensure that the master proxy is configured to have a pat mapping which maps /pat to the master proxy's pat file.

For more information about proxy arrays, see:

3.2.24 Information About the forward-auth-user SAF

As a fix for bug 13693179, a new SAF forward-auth-user is introduced in Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.19. This SAF is applicable for ObjectType directives.

The forward-auth-user SAF instructs the proxy server to forward the authenticated user name to remote servers. The SAF takes an optional parameter, hdr, which specifies the name of the HTTP request header used to communicate the authenticated user name. The default value of the hdr parameter is Proxy-auth-user.

The following is the syntax of the forward-auth-user SAF:

ObjectType fn="forward-auth-user" [hdr="request_header"]

request_header is the name of the HTTP request header that should be used to communicate the authenticated user name to the servers in the back end.

3.2.25 Information About New Attributes of FILECACHE Element

As a fix for bugs 13700698 and 13700670, the attributes listed in Table 3-6 are introduced in Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.19 for the FILECACHE element in the server.xml configuration file.

Table 3-6 New Attributes Introduced in 4.0.19 for the FILECACHE Element

Attribute Default Description



This attribute specifies a limit (in bytes) for the total size of files created in the file cache's temporary directory.



If this attribute is set to true, the file cache's temporary directory is removed when the server is shut down.

For information about the other attributes of the FILECACHE element, see the Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 Configuration File Reference at:

3.2.26 Information About the blockingaccept Parameter

The fix for bug 13905244 introduces a new parameter blockingaccept to the <LS> element in server.xml configuration file.

This is a boolean parameter, and is set to false by default. If set to true, the listen socket will be of blocking nature.

However, client end points will continue to be non-blocking.

3.2.27 Information About the timeout Property for dbswitch.conf Configuration File

The fix for bug 13989967 introduces a property, timeout, for LDAP configurations in the dbswitch.conf configuration file. The timeout property specifies the duration (in seconds) after which LDAP operations should time out. The property is disabled by default; that is, by default, LDAP operations do not time out.

The following example shows the usage of the timeout property in the dbswitch.conf configuration file.

default:binddn cn=Directory Manager
default:encoded bindpw cGFzc3dvcmQ=
default:timeout 30

In this example, the timeout property is set to 30 seconds.

3.2.28 Information About the URL-Filter Function

In Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 Administration Guide, the section titled Creating a Filter File of URLs has the following example:


The information mentioned in the example is not valid for filtering access to

  • The correct URL filter to access is .*://.*\.example\.com/.*

  • Replace with

3.2.29 Information about the NetWriteTimeout magnus.conf Parameter

The Web Proxy Server's http filter implements a magnus.conf parameter NetWriteTimeout that will enable timeout on write operations to clients.

The NetWriteTimeout magnus.conf parameter takes an integer value which specifies the client write timeout in seconds, and is disabled by default.

3.2.30 Information about the New Parameter enable-ipv6 for Internal dns-lookup

Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.21 introduces a new parameter enable-ipv6 for internal dns-lookup. This parameter takes a boolean value and is false by default. Setting it to true will enable lookup of IPv6 DNS records.


DNS fn="dns-lookup" server="…" enable-ipv6="true"


enable-ipv6 for internal dns-lookup functionality is disabled on Windows.

3.2.31 New SAF host-dns-cache-config to Control DNS Cache Behavior

Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.21 introduces a new SAF host-dns-cache-config to control DNS cache behavior. This can be used to modify per-request DNS cache behavior. host-dns-cache-config SAF takes the following parameters:

Parameter Description
enabled This is a boolean parameter and is "true" by default. When disabled, DNS cache is not used.
host-regex Takes a regular expression as value, and can be used to apply host-dns-cache-config settings only to requests whose Host: header matches the provided value.
ttl Accepts an integer value that specifies the "time to live" in seconds for DNS cache entries.

You can disable or enable DNS cache, or apply a specific ttl.


  • The following directive disables DNS cache for requests to backends with name of the pattern "backend.*":

    ObjectType dns-cache-config host-regex="backend.*" enabled="false"
  • The following directive enforces a specific ttl for 10 seconds on cached DNS entries to backend hostnames of the format "backend.*":

    ObjectType dns-cache-config host-regex="backend.*" ttl="10"

3.2.32 Information about the -P option of the flexanlg command

"Working With the Log Analyzer", in Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 Administration Guide, at:, describes the -P option of the flexanlg command.

The following is the description of the -P option:

  • The -P option enables generation of data related to the proxy-specific components like data related to client,proxy, cache, remote and matrix like cache hits, total remote connections, date retrieved from remote, data written to cache, and so on.

  • The Generate Report link in the Administration Server interface uses the command flexanlg with -P specified.

3.2.33 Change in HTTP 407 Error Page from 4.0.10

The error page for HTTP 407 changes when you upgrade to Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.10 or higher versions.

Before upgrading, you see the following message on the HTTP 407 error page:

Proxy Authentication Required An error has occurred

After upgrading to version 4.0.10 or higher, you see the following message that is more informative and specific:

Proxy Authentication Required
Proper authorization is required for this area.
Either your browser dose not perform autorization, or your authorization has failed.

3.2.34 Compressed Content Cannot be Rewritten by Content URL Rewriting

The section "Content URL Rewriting" in Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.14 Administration Guide at, describes how to configure content URL rewriting.

Note that compressed content cannot be rewritten by content URL rewriting.

3.2.35 Change in the cbuild command from Proxy Server 4.0.5

The following is the difference in cache creation by the cbuild command when you upgrade from 4.0.4 to 4.0.5 or higher versions:

  • In Proxy Server 4.0.4 you can create a cache partition in an existing directory.

  • In Proxy Server 4.0.5 you cannot create a cache partition in an existing directory. When you try to create a cache partition in an existing directory, the following message is logged:

    ./cbuild -d /<install-directory>/<instance-name>/config -c /<install-directory>/<instance-name>/cache -n 4 
    Uninitialized partition /<install-directory>/<instance-name>/cache already exists


As a consequence to fix for bug 14703102, starting from 4.0.21 release, the cbuild command will accept an existing empty directory as target location for a new partition.

3.2.36 keep-alive-timeout-absolute Parameter of the http-client-config SAF

Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.22 supports a new parameter, keep-alive-timeout-absolute, for the http-client-config SAF. The following table provides information about this new parameter.

Parameter Description
keep-alive-timeout Accepts an integer argument that specifies, in seconds, the absolute maximum life span of a pooled connection.

3.2.37 Information about the sleepinterval server.xml Parameter

The sleepinterval attribute of the GC (Garbage Collection) element in server.xml specifies the time, in seconds, the GC thread sleeps before waking up and inspecting the configured partitions to check if garbage collection should be initiated.

The default value for this parameter is 45 seconds. Hence if sleepinterval is set to its default value of 45 seconds, the GC thread would wake up every 45 seconds and inspect the configured partitions.

After the sleepinterval parameter is modified or set, the server must be restarted for the changes to take effect.

3.2.38 New Parameter in the socks5.conf file

Oracle iPlanet Web Proxy Server 4.0.22 supports a new parameter, SOCKS5_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, which has been added to the socks5.conf file. The following table provides information about this new parameter.

Parameter Description
SOCKS5_CONNECT_TIMEOUT Accepts an integer value that specifies the "timeout" in seconds for a connection attempt.

3.3 Documentation, Support, and Training

The Oracle web site provides information about the following additional resources: