Tag name: <amc:selectOneChoice>

The selectOneChoice component creates a menu-style component, which allows the user to select a single value from a list of items. The selectOneChoice component contains either one <amc:selectItems> component or a number of <ams:selectItem> components, each of which represents an available option that the user may select.

The amc:selectOneChoice component is intended for a relatively small number of items in the dropdown.

WM selectOneChoice screenshot
SelectOneChoice component running on Windows Mobile.

BB selectOneChoice screenshot
SelectOneChoice component running on BlackBerry.
expanded WM selectOneChoice screenshot
Expanded selectOneChoice component running on Windows Mobile.
expanded BB selectOneChoice screenshot
Expanded selectOneChoice component running on BlackBerry.

<amc:selectOneChoice value="#{bean.aValue}" required="true">
  <amc:selectItem label="Option1" value="1"/>
  <amc:selectItem label="Option2" value="2"/>
  <amc:selectItem label="Option3" value="3"/>


Name Type Supports EL? Description
align String Yes Specifies the horizontal alignment of an element with respect to the surrounding context. Valid values:
  • left (default): the component is rendered flush left.
  • center: the component is centered horizontally.
  • right: the component is rendered flush right.
The attribute is ignored and defaulted to left when the parent Panel Group Layout has a horizontal layout.

Note: On BlackBerry smartphones, if the attribute value is assigned by an EL expression, any changes to the value will not affect the visual appearance of the element once it is rendered.
backgroundColor String Yes Sets the color of a background to an RGB value (rgb(255,0,0)) or a hexadecimal number (#ff0000 or #f00). The default value is device-dependent.
disabled boolean Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
focusable boolean Yes Specifies whether or not this component can acquire focus set to it by the user. Unlike disabled, clicking on a focusable component will cause the component to receive focus.
fontFamily String Yes Defines a prioritized list of font family names and/or generic family names for an element. The client will use the first value it recognizes. Valid values:
  • family-name: the name of a font-family, such as "times", "courier", "arial", and so on.
  • generic-family: the name of a generic-family, such as "serif", "sans-serif", "cursive", "fantasy", "monospace".
Note: Each value has to be separated with a comma, and a generic-family name should always be offered as the last alternative. Also, supported font type is limited by the mobile device operating system. Please verify if the specified fontFamily is supported on device or simulator.
fontSize int Yes Specifies the size of a font in points.
fontStyle String Yes Specifies how the characters in text should be displayed. Valid values:
  • normal: defines normal characters.
  • bold: defines thick characters.
  • italic: defines slanted characters.
  • underline: defines underlined characters.
Two or more styles can be combined by providing a space between them. For example, the following creates text that is bold and underlined:
fontStyle="bold underline".
foregroundColor String Yes Specifies the color of the foreground of an element. The color value can be an RGB value (rgb(255,0,0)) or a hexadecimal number (#ff0000 or #f00). The default value is device-dependent.
height int Yes Specifies the height of the component. Can be entered in pixels or as a percentage of its parent's height. A percentage value should be entered as a number followed by the "%" symbol. A number will be interpreted as a pixel value (as will a number followed by the text "px").

Note: This component does not support the height attribute on Windows Mobile and BlackBerry smartphones. Any value assigned to it is ignored.
id String No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules:
  • Must not be a zero-length String.
  • First character must be an ASCII letter (A-Za-z) or an underscore ('_').
  • Subsequent characters must be an ASCII letter or digit (A-Za-z0-9), an underscore ('_'), or a dash ('-').
initialValue Object Yes Specifies the initially selected value.
label String Yes Defines the label of the component. In order for the label to appear above the component, a Panel Form Layout should be used.
readOnly boolean Yes Specifies whether or not the component is displayed as an editable field or as an output-style text component. Unlike a disabled component, a read-only component is able to receive focus.
rendered boolean Yes Specifies whether or not the component is rendered. When set to false, no output will be delivered for this component (the component will not in any way be rendered, and cannot be made visible).
required boolean Yes Specifies whether or not a non-null, non-empty value must be entered. If set to false, validators will not be executed when the value is null or empty. If set to true, a visual indication is displayed to notify the end user that a value must be entered; otherwise, an exception will occur and the component will fail validation.
showRequired boolean Yes Defines whether or not the associated component displays a visual indication of the required user input. Both the "required" attribute and the "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed. For example, this attribute could be used when there is a field that is initially empty and is required only if some other field on the page is modified.
simple boolean Yes Represents a boolean value that components whether or not the component provides the label support; when set to "true", the component will not display the label (label and showRequired properties are ignored) and may use simpler layout primitives. For example, this attribute could be defined when a component is used in a table where label is not required.
value Object Yes Specifies the value of the component.
valueChangeListener oracle.adfnmc.el.MethodExpression Only EL Defines a method reference to a value change listener.
verticalAlign String Yes Specifies the vertical alignment of a component with respect to the surrounding context. Valid values:
  • top: the component is rendered flush top.
  • middle: the component is centered vertically.
  • bottom: the component is rendered flush bottom.
This attribute is ignored and defaulted to top when the parent Panel Group Layout has a vertical layout.

Note: On BlackBerry smartphones, if the attribute value is assigned by an EL expression, any changes to the value will not affect the visual appearance of the element once it is rendered.
width int Yes Specifies the width of this component. Can be entered in pixels or as a percentage of its parent's width. A percentage value should be entered as a number followed by the "%" symbol. A number will be interpreted as a pixel value (as will a number followed by the text "px").