2 ADF-MNC-10000 to ADF-MNC-50096

ADF-MNC-10000: Cannot find schema resource at {0}.
Cause: Schema file is missing.
Action: Place Schema file in the required location.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10001: Problem registering schema {0}, exception = {1}.
Cause: Schema file is invalid.
Action: Fix Schema file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10002: Cannot instantiate rendering class {0} for platform {1}, exception = {2}.
Cause: Exception occurred during creation of rendering kit.
Action: Check ADF Mobile Client configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10003: {0} attribute is missing for one of the platforms in {1}.
Cause: Required attribute missing in configuration file.
Action: Check ADF Mobile Client configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10004: Duplicate platform with id = {0}, display value = {1} found in {2}.
Cause: Duplicate Platform Id specified in configuration file.
Action: Check ADF Mobile Client configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10005: {0} element is missing in {1}.
Cause: Required element missing in configuration file.
Action: Check ADF Mobile Client configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10006: Missing or invalid width/height attribute found for one of the form factors in {0}, exception = {1}.
Cause: Width/Height attribute is missing or invalid in the configuration file.
Action: Check ADF Mobile Client configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10007: Form factor element has negative width/height attribute defined in {0}, width = {1}, height = {2}.
Cause: Width/Height attribute has negative value in configuration file.
Action: Check ADF Mobile Client configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10008: Missing or invalid idref attribute found for {0} in {1}, idref = {2}.
Cause: idref missing or invalid in configuration file.
Action: Check ADF Mobile Client configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10009: Rendering kit factory class is not specified for id = {0} in {1}.
Cause: Missing rendering kit factory class in configuration file.
Action: Check ADF Mobile Client configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10010: Platform {0} does not have a rendering kit mapping defined in {1}.
Cause: Rendering kit mapping missing in configuration file.
Action: Check ADF Mobile Client configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10011: Problem opening configuration file {0}, exception = {1}.
Cause: Exception opening configuration file.
Action: Check ADF Mobile Client configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10012: Image repository is not specified for {0}.
Cause: Missing image repository in configuration file.
Action: Check ADF Mobile Client configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10013: Invalid configuration file for control {0}. The control will be loaded using default configuration.
Cause: Exception loading control configuration file.
Action: Check control configuration file in image repository.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10014: Invalid {0} attribute found for control id = {1}.
Cause: Invalid attribute in mcx file.
Action: Check mcx file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10015: Unable to resolve EL = {0}.
Cause: Exception occurred while resolving EL expression.
Action: Check EL expression in mcx file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10016: Missing or invalid group/index/weight attribute found for one of the default menu items in {0}, exception = {1}.
Cause: Group/Index/Weight attribute is missing or invalid in the configuration file.
Action: Check ADF Mobile Client configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10017: Invalid group/index attribute found for one of the default menu items in {0}, group = {1}, index={2}.
Cause: Group/Index attribute is not in the valid range of 0 to 65535.
Action: Check ADF Mobile Client configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10018: Invalid weight attribute found for one of the default menu items in {0}, weight = {1}.
Cause: Weight attribute has negative value in configuration file.
Action: Check ADF Mobile Client configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10019: An error occurred when attempting to read or write a record in table REPLAY_TYPE with TYPE_NAME value "{0}"
Cause: A database error occurred.
Action: Ensure that the required database is accessible and is configured properly for Transaction Replay Service. If necessary, run the TRS configuration wizard to reconfigure TRS for the mobile application.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10020: Failed to find record in table REPLAY_TYPE with TYPE_NAME value "{0}" when it is expected to exist. Run the TRS configuration wizard to reconfigure TRS for your mobile application.
Cause: The specified database record does not exist in table REPLAY_TYPE when it is expected to exist.
Action: Run the TRS configuration wizard to reconfigure TRS for your mobile application.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10021: Failed to update a record in database table REPLAY_TYPE. The database record has Type Name "{0}"
Cause: A database-related error occurred while attempting to update a record in table REPLAY_TYPE. To determine the particular failure cause, examine the exception that is provided in the dialog box that displays the error message.
Action: Ensure the database is accessible and the selected database connection is working. Fix the problem indicated by the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10022: Aborted the Transaction Replay Service wizard. Run wizard "Business Components from ADF Library" before attempting to configure Transaction Replay Service on an ADF mobile application.
Cause: The selected JDeveloper project does not contain entity objects. In particular, the Transaction Replay Service wizard requires that at least one entity object exists in the selected project as a result of running wizard "Business Components from ADF Library".
Action: Run wizard "File > New > New Gallery > Business Tier > ADF Mobile Client Business Components > Business Components from ADF Library" to create at least one entity object.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10023: A database access error occurred.
Cause: A problem occured while accessing the selected database.
Action: Confirm the database is accessible. For more detail about the error, review the exception that is displayed with the error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10024: Cannot display the ADFmc Mobile Client properties page. Contact Oracle technical support.
Cause: The ADFmc Mobile Client page, of the project properties dialog, cannot find context information for the JDeveloper integrated development environment.
Action: Contact Oracle technical support.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10025: Database connection "{0}" is not valid. Use the TRS Enablement Wizard to choose a valid application database connection whose schema contains the TRS data model.
Cause: Information about the specified database connection cannot be retrieved from the database connection store for this application. It is likely that the connection information is corrupt or does not exist in the database connection store for this application.
Action: Use the TRS Enablement Wizard to choose a valid application database connection. The wizard will ensure the connection is valid and that the corresponding schema contains the TRS data model.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10027: Failed to complete Transaction Replay Service configuration due to corrupt ADF Mobile Client application. In particular, cannot find or update file "adf-config.xml" that is required to configure Transaction Replay Service for the mobile application.
Cause: Could not find or update file "adf-config.xml" File "adf-config.xml" is required and automatically included with each new ADF Mobile Client application.
Action: Ensure that your ADF Mobile Client application has a project with technology "ADF Mobile Client UI" that contains file "adf-config.xml". Then run Transaction Replay Service configuration wizard for the mobile application.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10028: TRS configuration has been corrupted. To fix it, run the Transaction Replay Service configuration wizard to configure your mobile application to use Transaction Replay Service.
Cause: Corrupt internal metadata has been detected in the project .JPR file for the Transaction Replay Service configuration wizard.
Action: Run the Transaction Replay Service configuration wizard to configure Transaction Replay Service for your mobile application. This will fix the problem by overwriting the corrupt metadata.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10029: Failed to create the Transaction Replay Service Data Control.
Cause: The exception displayed with this message indicates the fundamental cause of the problem.
Action: Examine the cause to determine the action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10030: Failed to create file "{0}" needed for the Transaction Replay Service Data Control.
Cause: The exception displayed with this message indicates the fundamental cause of the problem.
Action: Examine the cause to determine the action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10031: Cannot update the DataControl.dcx file.
Cause: The DataControls.dcx file for your project may be read only or corrupted.
Action: Verify that the DataControl.dcx file is not read-only and that the file is not corrupt.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10032: No parent directory exists for JDeveloper project "{0}"
Cause: A JDeveloper project .jpr file does not have a parent directory. Each project file must always have a parent directory.
Action: Contact Oracle product support.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10033: Failed to rename file "{0}" to "{1}" in directory "{2}".
Cause: Failed to rename a file. The problem might be due to a security issue that denies write access that is needed to rename the file. If an exception chain is included when displaying this error message then the underlying exception may be helpful in determining the underlying problem.
Action: Examine the exception, that is displayed with this error message, to determine if the underlying cause is described by the exception. Then take appropriate action, perhaps allowing write access to the old and new file path names if needed. Otherwise, examine the file for a problem that would prevent it being renamed.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10034: Failed to delete file "{0}".
Cause: Failed to delete a file. The problem might be due to a security issue that denies read access that is needed to determine if the file exists, or denies delete access that is needed to delete the file. If an exception chain is included when displaying this error message then the underlying exception may be helpful in determining the underlying problem.
Action: Examine the exception, that is displayed with this error message, to determine if the underlying cause is described by the exception. Then take appropriate action, perhaps allowing read and delete access to the file if necessary. Otherwise, examine the file for a problem that would prevent it being deleted.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10035: Failed to create directory path "{0}".
Cause: Failed to create the specified directory, including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories. The problem might be due to a security issue that denies read access that is needed to determine if the directory path exists, or denies write access that is needed to allow creation of the named directory and all necessary parent directories. If an exception chain is included when displaying this error message then it may be helpful in determining the underlying problem.
Action: Examine the exception, that is displayed with this error message, to determine if the underlying cause is described by the exception. Then take appropriate action, perhaps allowing read and write access to the directory path if necessary. Otherwise, examine the file system to determine why the directory path could not be created.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10035: Failed to find a resource file "{0}" that is required for configuring the Transaction Replay Service data control.
Cause: A required XML resource file was not found in an oracle jar file.
Action: Contact Oracle technical support.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10037: Failed to detect the ADFmc Transaction Replay Service schema for connection {0}. Please select a different connection or install the Transaction Replay Service schema and try again.
Cause: Normally, when this error occurs, it means the selected database connection identifies a schema that is missing the Transaction Replay Service tables. Alternatively, it is possible that a database error is preventing detection of the tables.
Action: Ensure the database is accessible and the Transaction Replay Service tables are installed for the selected connection.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10038: Type Name "{0}" conflicts with an existing record in database table REPLAY_TYPE. Each type name must be unique. Specify a different Type Name.
Cause: The specified Type Name value already exists for a record in table REPLAY_TYPE. Each record in table REPLAY_TYPE must have a unique value for column TYPE_NAME.
Action: Change the Type Name value so that it is unique among all records in table REPLAY_TYPE.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10039: Type Name "{0}" is already being used. Do you want to stay on the property page to specify a different Type Name? TRS configuration changes may be lost if you exit the property page now.
Cause: The specified Type Name value already exists for a record in table REPLAY_TYPE. Each record in table REPLAY_TYPE must have a unique value for column TYPE_NAME.
Action: Change the Type Name value so that it is unique among all records in table REPLAY_TYPE.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10040: Field "{0}" is empty. Do you want to stay on the property page to fix the problem? TRS configuration changes may be lost if you exit the property page now.
Cause: The specified text field does not have a value.
Action: Enter a value for the specified field.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10041: The Transaction Replay Service wizard is unable to write a record to table REPLAY_TYPE because of a problem with the chosen database connection. Ensure the selected database connection and database are working.
Cause: Cannot access the selected connection or the database. Examine the exception provided with the error message to identify the specific problem.
Action: Fix the problem identified by the error message. Ensure the database connection is working and the database is accessible. Then try again to run the Transaction Replay Service wizard.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10042: A database error has occurred when attempting to write record to table REPLAY_TYPE. Aborted the Transaction Replay Service wizard.
Cause: A database error has occurred. Examine the exception provided with the error message to identify the specific problem. Although unlikely, it may be possible that the Type Name conflicts with another record in the REPLAY_TYPE database.
Action: Fix the problem identified by the error message. Ensure the database is accessible then try again to run the Transaction Replay Service wizard.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10043: The selected database connection is invalid. Fix it or choose a different connection.
Cause: Unable to get the selected database connection. Examine the exception provided with the error message to identify the specific problem.
Action: Fix the problem identified by the error message or choose a different database connection. Ensure the database connection works and the database is accessible.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10044: A problem occurred while accessing the database.
Cause: A problem occurred while accessing the database using the selected database connection. Examine the exception provided with the error message to identify the specific problem.
Action: Fix the problem identified by the error message. Ensure the database is accessible.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10045: Failed to process edit field text due to an internal programming error.
Cause: Internal error getting text from an edit field.
Action: Try restarting the Transaction Replay Service wizard or contact Oracle technical support.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-10046: Invalid database connection information. Connection name = "{0}", Connection store = "{1}".
Cause: Invalid database connection information detected. Either the connection name or connection store name is invalid or both are invalid.
Action: Try using a different database connection.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

ADF-MNC-50000: Could not open {0}.
Cause: File is missing.
Action: Check that location and file both exist.

Level: 1


Impact: Files

ADF-MNC-50001: Corrupt COD: {0}.
Cause: The COD file is corrupt.
Action: Delete the COD file and attempt to regenerate it.

Level: 1


Impact: Files

ADF-MNC-50002: Error: The specified module was rejected by the device and cannot be loaded.
Cause: The file is corrupt.
Action: Delete the file and attempt to regenerate it.

Level: 1


Impact: Files

ADF-MNC-50003: Unknown Error: Examine logging information for additional details
Cause: An unknown error occurred.
Action: Examine logging information for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50004: BlackBerry JDE directory not specified. Set this in JDeveloper Preferences on the Mobile Client panel.
Cause: BlackBerry JDE directory not specified.
Action: Set the BlackBerry JDE directory in JDeveloper Preferences on the Mobile Client panel.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50005: Could not create destination directory {0}
Cause: Location may have disk problem.
Action: Examine disk for problems or permission issues.

Level: 1


Impact: Files

ADF-MNC-50006: Could not create directory {0}
Cause: Location may have disk problem.
Action: Examine disk for problems or permission issues.

Level: 1


Impact: Files

ADF-MNC-50007: Illegal install directory (must be absolute): {0}
Cause: Illegal install directory specified. This cannot be relative.
Action: Change to legal installation directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50008: Illegal source path (must be absolute): {0}
Cause: Illegal source path specified. This cannot be relative.
Action: Change to legal source path.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50009: File not found: {0}
Cause: File being added to CAB cannot be found.
Action: Check packaging directory for file.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50010: Invalid argument (CPU): {0}
Cause: Specified CPU is not supported.
Action: Select a supported CPU value.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50011: Could not find BB_ADFMC_JARS.txt in {0}
Cause: Could not find BB_ADFMC_JARS.txt file containing list of RIM jars/cods in {0}
Action: Check with the administrator.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50012: Cannot find application connection {0}.
Cause: Specified connection cannot be found.
Action: Select a different connection.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50013: Mobile Client application failed to deploy to BlackBerry Smartphone.
Cause: BlackBerry Smartphone or connection may not be working.
Action: Examine BlackBerry Smartphone and connection. Consider restarting BlackBerry Smartphone.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50014: General failure deploying package to device.
Cause: Device or device connection may not be working.
Action: Examine device and device connection. Consider restarting device.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50015: Connection timeout attempting to deploy package to device.
Cause: Device or device connection may not be working.
Action: Examine device and device connection. Consider restarting device.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50016: Error attempting to deploy package to device: {0} not found.
Cause: Application CAB not found after packaging.
Action: Check packaging directory for file.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50017: Error attempting to deploy package to device: {0} found on device, but overwrite flag not set.
Cause: Application CAB already exists on device.
Action: Delete CAB from device.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50018: Error attempting to deploy package to device: Could not write {0} to device.
Cause: Device storage might be full.
Action: Check device storage for available space and permissions.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50019: Error attempting to deploy package to device: Could not execute {0} on device.
Cause: User might not have permissions.
Action: Check user permissions on device.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50020: Error attempting to deploy package to device: Could not create directory {0} on device.
Cause: User might not have permissions.
Action: Check user permissions on device.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50021: Error attempting to deploy package to device: Unknown error code ({0}).
Cause: An unknown error occurred.
Action: Examine logging information for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50022: Mobile Client Runtime failed to deploy to BlackBerry Smartphone.
Cause: There was a problem deploying the ADF Mobile Client Runtime library to the BlackBerry Smartphone.
Action: Examine logging information for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50023: Failed to deploy application debug files to BlackBerry Simulator directory.
Cause: JDeveloper could not deploy application debug files to BlackBerry Simulator directory.
Action: Make sure you have write privileges for BlackBerry Simulator directory.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50024: Exception caught: {0}
Cause: Exception caught while updating root-task-flow in adf-config.xml.
Action: Check adf-config.xml for write permissions.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50025: File exists: {0}
Cause: File exists in destination location preventing copy operation.
Action: Delete file.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50026: BlackBerry JDE directory specified refers to a location that does not exist. Set this in JDeveloper Preferences on the Mobile Client panel.
Cause: BlackBerry JDE directory does not exist.
Action: Set the BlackBerry JDE directory in JDeveloper Preferences on the Mobile Client panel.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50027: Mobile Client application failed to deploy to BlackBerry Simulator.
Cause: BlackBerry Simulator connection may not be working.
Action: Examine BlackBerry Simulator connection. Consider restarting BlackBerry Simulator.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50028: BlackBerry Simulator directory not specified. Set this in JDeveloper Preferences on the Mobile Client panel.
Cause: BlackBerry Simulator directory not specified.
Action: Set the BlackBerry Simulator directory in JDeveloper Preferences on the Mobile Client panel.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50029: BlackBerry Simulator directory specified refers to a location that does not exist. Set this in JDeveloper Preferences on the Mobile Client panel.
Cause: BlackBerry Simulator directory specified refers to a location that does not exist.
Action: Set the BlackBerry Simulator directory in JDeveloper Preferences on the Mobile Client panel.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50030: Error attempting to deploy package to device: There is not enough free space on device.
Cause: There is not enough free space on device.
Action: Attempt to free up space on device by removing unnecessary applications or files.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50031: Mobile Client Runtime failed to deploy to BlackBerry Simulator.
Cause: There was a problem deploying the ADF Mobile Client Runtime library to the BlackBerry Simulator.
Action: Examine logging information for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50032: Mobile Client Runtime failed to deploy to BlackBerry Smartphone as the device is not connected.
Cause: BlackBerry Smartphone was not detected
Action: Connect the BlackBerry Smartphone and try the operation again.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50033: Failed to delete all old files in the Deployment Folder at {0}
Cause: Some or all old files were not deleted from the deployment folder
Action: Verify user file privileges and try the operation again.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50034: Failed to create Deployment folder: {0}
Cause: Unable to create deployment folder
Action: Verify user privileges and try the operation again.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50035: The Client Database Name must be alpha-numeric and 1 to 28 characters long.
Cause: The client database name contains invalid characters or is not the correct length.
Action: Rename the client database to contain alpha-numerical characters only and ensure its length is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50036: The path of the standalone database must be between 1 and 255 characters long.
Cause: The path to the location of the standalone database is not specified or has an invalid length.
Action: Specify a valid path to the location of the database and ensure its length is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50037: The path of the standalone database script must between 1 and 255 characters long.
Cause: The path to the location of the standalone database initialization script has an invalid length.
Action: Specify a valid path to the location of the script contained in the application JAR file and ensure the path has a valid length.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50038: Failed to obtain the workspace.
Cause: Context information did not contain a valid value for the workspace property.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50039: Failed to obtain a project containing the ADF Mobile Client UI technology.
Cause: The application does not have a project containing the ADF Mobile Client UI technology.
Action: Create a project that has the ADF Mobile Client technology for the applications.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50040: Failed to get the client database. Exception message: {0}
Cause: An exception occurred when attempting to obtain the client database configuration value.
Action: Check the log file for more details.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50041: Failed to determine if a publication exists for the application. Exception message: {0}
Cause: Unable to access the application adf-config.xml file.
Action: Verify the application has a valid adf-config.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50042: Deployment failed as Preverify returned an error code.
Cause: Preverify utility failed to preverify the application jar file.
Action: Check the log file for more details.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50043: Deployment failed as RAPC returned an error code.
Cause: RAPC utility failed.
Action: Check the log file for more details.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50044: Application Name cannot be empty
Cause: Application name field in BlackBerry Deployment Options panel was empty.
Action: Valid application name is required to deploy the application on BlackBerry Smartphone.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50045: Application Name cannot contain any of the following characters: / ? : \ * " < > | -
Cause: BlackBerry application name contained one of the un-supported characters.
Action: Remove un-supported characters from the BlackBerry application name.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50046: Application Name cannot begin with '.'
Cause: BlackBerry application name contained period in the beginning of the name.
Action: Remove the period from the beginning of the BlackBerry application name.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50047: Application Name cannot be empty
Cause: Application name field in Windows Mobile Deployment Options panel was empty.
Action: Valid application name is required to deploy the application on Windows Mobile device.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50048: Application Name cannot contain any of the following characters: / ? : & \ * " < > | # %
Cause: Windows Mobile application name contained one of the un-supported characters.
Action: Remove un-supported characters from the Windows Mobile application name.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50049: Application Name cannot begin or end with '.'
Cause: Windows Mobile application name contained period in the beginning or ending of the name.
Action: Remove the period from the beginning and ending of the Windows Mobile application name.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50050: Application Name cannot be Windows system reserved names, including CON, AUX, PRN, COM1 or LPT2
Cause: Windows Mobile application name used one of the Windows system reserved names.
Action: Modify Windows Mobile application name not to use any Windows system reserved names as specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50051: Unable to locate {0}. Make sure to enter valid path.
Cause: Invalid Icon file path was entered.
Action: Verify the path entered.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50052: Selected icon file is not within the project directory. Please select the icon from within the following project directory: {0}
Cause: The icon file was selected from outside the project directory.
Action: Select the icon file from within the project directory. Copy the icon in the project if it is not there.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50053: File type is not a supported icon type. Please provide supported icon type ({0}).
Cause: Invalid Icon file type selected
Action: Select one of the supported file types only.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50054: Invalid parameter detected in method {0}. Parameter {1} is null or empty.
Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50055: Invalid parameter detected in method {0}. The value {1} is not allowed for a ADF setting of {2}.
Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50056: Failed to obtain a database provider for connection named {0}.
Cause: Unable to obtain connection information for the Oracle Mobile Server Repository.
Action: Verify the database connection definition for the Oracle Mobile Server Repository is correct and ensure the database is available.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50057: Connection with ActiveSync could not be established. Ensure that PC-to-device/emulator connectivity is working correctly. Restarting JDeveloper may restore communications. See ADF Mobile Client documentation on Troubleshooting if the problem persists.
Cause: JDeveloper could not connect to ActiveSync and initialize communication channel.
Action: Restart Windows Mobile Emulator, Windows Mobile Emulator Manager and ActiveSync. Ensure that PC-to-device/emulator connectivity is working correctly. Restarting JDeveloper may restore communications. See ADF Mobile Client documentation on Troubleshooting if the problem persists.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50058: Method {0} detected a invalid null parameter {1}.
Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50059: MDK is not installed or the path is not set. Publication is not created.
Cause: The location to your Oracle Database Lite installation is not configured.
Action: Specify the location to your Oracle Database Lite installation available as an ADF Mobile Client preference option.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50060: The TRS database is either not configured correctly or does not have the TRS schema installed. TRS Publication is not created.
Cause: The database may not be avaiable or does not have the TRS schema installed.
Action: Verify the database is available and has the TRS schema installed.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50061: Detected an invalid profile type.
Cause: Internal programming error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50062: There are no entity objects defined in the application. The Synchronization Publication deployment profile cannot be edited unless there are entity objects to be synchronized in the application.
Cause: The application does not have entity objects imported from an ADF library.
Action: Import entity objects from an ADF library using the 'Business Components from ADF Library' wizard.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50063: Could not find dummy class file: {0}
Cause: ADFMC_Dummy.class file is required but was not found in the source location
Action: Check with the administrator.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50064: You have specified an application schema outside of the database where the mobile server repository is installed. You must run the Application Repository Wizard script (apprepwizard.bat) to install the remote application repository and then specify the password in the "Remote Application Repository Credentials" section.
Cause: The application schema and Oracle Mobile Server Repository schema are in different databases.
Action: Run the "apprepwizard.bat" script and specify the credential needed to access the schema created at the application database.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50065: Failed to determine if the connection {0} has the TRS Schema installed. Exception: {1}.
Cause: A database error occurred.
Action: Verify the database containing the TRS Schema is available and examine logging information for additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50066: Failed to detect the ADFmc Transaction Replay Service schema for connection {0}. Please select a different connection or install the Transaction Replay Service schema and try again.
Cause: Normally, when this error occurs, it means the selected database connection identifies a schema that is missing the Transaction Replay Service tables. Alternatively, it's possible that a database error is preventing detection of the tables.
Action: Ensure the database is accessible and the Transaction Replay Service tables are installed for the selected connection.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50067: The connection, {0}, is not valid and has been reset.
Cause: The TRS connection defintiion was not valid.
Action: Verify the database containing the TRS schema is available.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50068: Failed to get the TRS configuration from the profile.
Cause: The project did not contain TRS configuration options.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50069: Failed to establish a connection to {0}. Exception: {1}.
Cause: A connection exception occurred when connecting to the database.
Action: Verify the connection configuration is correct and the database is online and available.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50070: Failed to initialize the TRS Publication panel. Exception: {0}.
Cause: The panel failed to initialize.
Action: Check the log file for more details.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50071: Mobile server repository connection information must be entered first.
Cause: There is no connection configuration for the Oracle Mobile Server Repository schema or the connection is not valid.
Action: Verify there is a valid connection definition for the Oracle Mobile Server Repository schema.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50072: Windows Mobile deployment tool file not found: {0}
Cause: The PPCDeployer DLL file is missing. Windows Mobile deployment requires this file.
Action: Check the location of the PPCDeployer.dll. Reinstall the ADF Mobile Client extension to restore this file

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50073: Windows Mobile deployment tool file is corrupt, or not supported on this operating system: {0}
Cause: The PPCDeployer DLL file is present, but it cannot be loaded correctly. It is either corrupt, or being invoked on an unsupported operating system.
Action: Reinstall the ADF Mobile Client extension to restore this file. Perform this operation in a Windows operating system environment.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50074: Failed to copy the cod file to the simulator folder. Make sure you have write permissions for the folder.
Cause: Failed to copy the cod file to the simulator folder.
Action: Make sure you have write permissions for the folder.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50075: Failed to modify application icon as PPCDeploy DLL failed to set return value.
Cause: PPCDeploy DLL failed to set return value.
Action: Check with the administrator.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50076: Failed to modify application icon as the icon file provided is empty.
Cause: Empty icon file is provided to be used for application icon.
Action: Provide a valid icon file.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50077: Failed to modify application icon as could not find icon file in the specified location.
Cause: Invalid path specified for the icon file.
Action: Provide correct path and a valid icon file.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50078: Failed to modify application icon as could not find application executable.
Cause: There was some error in the deployment because of which application executable did not get created in the deploy folder.
Action: Verify the logs and make sure there are no errors and then try the deployment again.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50079: Failed to modify application icon because of insufficient memory.
Cause: Application icons couldnot be modified because of insufficient memory.
Action: Make sure that the process has enough memory by closing some other running processes.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50080: Failed to modify application icon as icon file provided was not read correctly.
Cause: Icon file read was not read correctly.
Action: Make sure the icon file provided is correct. Try the deployment process again.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50081: Failed to modify application icon as Windows Resources API BeginUpdateResource failed.
Cause: BeginUpdateResource API failed to begin updating resources.
Action: Make sure icon file is valid and try the deployment process again.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50082: Failed to modify application icon as Windows Resources API UpdateResource failed.
Cause: UpdateResource API failed to update resources.
Action: Make sure icon file is valid and try the deployment process again.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50083: Failed to modify application icon as Windows Resources API EndUpdateResource failed.
Cause: EndUpdateResource API failed to commit updated resources.
Action: Make sure icon file is valid and try the deployment process again.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50084: Failed to modify application icon as invalid ICO file was provided.
Cause: Invalid ICO file was provided.
Action: Make sure ICO file provided is a valid ICO file.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50085: Failed to modify application icon.
Cause: Failure modifying application icons on WM.
Action: Make sure correct icon file and path are provided and try the deployment again.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50086: Select one of the supported ADF Mobile connection database types
Cause: Supported ADF Mobile connection database type was not selected.
Action: Select ADF Mobile connection database type.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50087: Application Name cannot begin with a digit.
Cause: BlackBerry application name contained a digit in the beginning of the name.
Action: Remove the digit from the beginning of the BlackBerry application name.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50088: Select one of the supported ADF Mobile connection database types
Cause: Supported ADF Mobile connection database type was not selected.
Action: Select ADF Mobile connection database type.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50089: The selected Client Database Connection is for a standalone database. The connection must be for a synchronized database.
Cause: The selected database connection was not a synchronized database.
Action: Select or create a ADF Mobile Connection having a database type of synchronized database.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50090: There is no Client Database Connection defined for data publication. The connection must be defined for a synchronized database.
Cause: A Client Database Connection was not defined for data publication.
Action: Create a new ADF Mobile Connection having a database type of synchronized database.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50091: The configured database connection does not exist. Connection name: {0}
Cause: The specified connection no longer exists in connections.xml.
Action: Reconfigure the Client Database Connection.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50092: Unable to write to adf-config.xml file as it is read-only.
Cause: Unable to write to adf-config.xml file as it is read-only.
Action: Make sure you have write privileges on adf-config.xml file located in .adf/META-INF folder in the application folder.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50093: Unable to add name space to root element of adf-config.xml file.
Cause: Unable to add name space to root element of adf-config.xml file.
Action: Make sure you have write privileges on adf-config.xml file located in .adf/META-INF folder in the application folder.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50094: The ADF Mobile Client Runtime Library was not found in {0} project's Libraries and Classpaths.
Cause: The ADF Mobile Client Runtime Library was not found in the project's Libraries and Classpaths.
Action: Add the ADF Mobile Client Runtime Library to the project's Libraries and Classpaths.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50095: The ADF Mobile Client Design Time Library was not found in {0} project's Libraries and Classpaths.
Cause: The ADF Mobile Client Design Time Library was not found in the project's Libraries and Classpaths.
Action: Add the ADF Mobile Client Design Time Library to the project's Libraries and Classpaths.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

ADF-MNC-50096: Could not find debug files in {0}
Cause: Could not find the directory containing the list of debug files.
Action: Reinstall the ADFmc Update Bundle.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment