10 Idoc Script Variables

Site Studio uses several Idoc variables that are used to run a web site:

10.1 About Idoc Script Variables

Idoc script variables are used to give you more flexibility and customization when running your web site. Many of the variables are used to store the HTTP location of different folders on the Oracle Content Server.

10.2 HttpWebsitesRoot

Defines the full HTTP location for the Site Studio websites folder. The typical location (where server is the name of the machine and instance is the name of the instance of the content server) is:


10.3 HttpRelativeWebsitesRoot

Defines the relative HTTP location for the Site Studio websites folder. The typical location (where instance is the name of the instance of the content server) is:


10.4 HttpFragmentsRoot

Defines the full HTTP location for the Site Studio fragments folder. The typical location (where server is the name of the machine and instance is the name of the instance of the content server) is:


10.5 HttpRelativeFragmentsRoot

Defines the relative HTTP location for the Site Studio fragments folder. The typical location (where instance is the name of the instance of the content server) is:



Defines the protocol, server name, and port number (if applicable) for the current machine. For example (where server is the name of the server):


10.7 HttpASPPath

Defines the relative path to the standard Site Studio get_page.asp file.

10.8 ssServerRelativeSiteRoot

Defines the root portion of a path-based URL for the current web site relative to the server. Will contain one of the following values:

  • / - if the current web site is accessed using a friendly domain addressing mode

  • /siteId/ - if the current web site is accessed using a friendly folder addressing mode

The urlDirName of the root node will override siteId if a value is present.