7 Folders Services

The following sections describe the services available when using and customizing folders and Folders_g services.

7.1 About Folders Services

A typical service entry is similar to the following:

DocService 56 COLLECTION_PROFILE_SELECT_COLLECTION null null !csCollectionUnableToRetrieveCollections

In this example:

  • The first line indicates the service name: COLLECTION_ADMIN_SELECT_COLLECTION.

  • The second and third lines list the service's attributes:

    • Service class: DocService.

    • Access level: 54, indicating this is Scriptable, Global, and Admin permissions.


    • Service type: null

    • Subjects Notified: null

    • Error message and parameter used for error message: Unable to Retrieve Collections

  • The remainder of the entry lists the service's actions, each line designating one action:

    • action type: for example, 3, indicating a Java method.

    • action name: for example, evaluate

    • action parameters: for example, <$isAdmin="true"$>. If no parameters are specified, double colons (::) are included.

    • action control mask: for example, 0, indicating 'Ignore error' or 2, indicating 'Must exist (at least one record must be returned by the query). If no control mask is specified, double colons (::) or 0 is included.

    • action error message, such as Item No Longer In History, or null if no message is available.

Each element of a service action is separated by a colon (:).


All services have at least one required parameter. The IdcService parameter takes the name of the service as its argument. If other parameters are required, they are noted in the description of the service.

For details about a service's attributes and actions, see Section 3, "Customizing Services."

7.2 Folders Services

Individual folders service types are noted in each service description. The following services are described in this section:


Service that creates a Folders_g folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dCollectionName: The name of the folder to create.

One of the following sets of parameters to identify the parent folder:

  • hasParentCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the dParentCollectionID parameter is used to identify the parent folder ID.

    dParentCollectionID: The parent folder ID.

  • hasParentCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the dParentCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the path to the parent folder.

    dParentCollectionPath: The path to the parent folder.

  • hasParentCollection GUID: (Boolean) Specifies that the dParentCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the GUID for the parent folder.

    dParentCollectionGUID: The parent folder GUID.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dCollectionOwner: The folder owner. If xForceFolderSecurity=TRUE, then the folder owner is the same as the parent folder's owner. Otherwise, the default is the current user.

    This setting overrides the user set as the the collection owner. The owner can access and modify the folder despite other set security criteria.

  • dCollectionCreator: Overrides the user set as the folder creator. The default value is the current user.

  • dCollectionModifier: Overrides the user set as the last folder modifier. The default value is the current user.

  • ignoreMaxFolderLimit: Allows more subfolders to be added to the parent folder than the currently set maximum limit. The default value is false.

  • mark: Sets dCollectionMark for the folder. Folders with dCollectionMark set are not modifiable without CollectionReadOnlyMarkedFolders being set to false (not the default case). These marked folders and their enabled/disabled state can be viewed on the System Folder Configuration page. Contribution Folders and Trash are marked folders.

  • force: Creates a folder under the root folder (dParentCollectionID=-1). The default value is false.

  • any system or custom metadata field: The given field and value will be set for the folder and used as default values for content and folders created within the folder.




Service that adds a shortcut to a folder or content within a Folders_g folder. The shortcut references the folder using either the folder ID, the actual path to the folder, or the folder GUID.

The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist. No returned data.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • One of the following sets of parameters to identify destination parent folder for the created short cut:

    • tohasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionID parameter is used to identify the destination parent folder ID.

      todCollectionID: The folder ID that the shortcut references.

    • tohasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the path to the folder.

      todCollectionPath: The path to the folder that the shortcut references.

    • tohasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the folder.

      todCollectionGUID: The GUID for the folder that the shortcut references.

  • dLinkName: The name of the shortcut being created.

  • dLinkType: The type of shortcut being created. Must be either COLLECTION or CONTENT.

    • If COLLECTION is specified, then hasdCollectionID must be specified.

      hasdCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the folder is referenced using a Collection ID.

      dCollectionID: The folder ID of the parent folder referenced by the shortcut.

    • If CONTENT is specified, then dRevClassID must be specified.

      dRevClassID: The revision class ID for the content item to which the shortcut points.




Service that maps a folder to a local file system. Whenever the folder changes, the mapped directory is updated.

There is no security on this directory.

The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: SearchService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/Folders/resources/folders_mounted_service.htm


Service that loads the defined folder metadata and the folder path. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_interface_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dCollectionID: The folder ID of the parent folder referenced by the shortcut (for example, ="+id+").

  • hasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the folder has an assigned collection ID.

  • changeToUser: Reassigns the folder to a different user.




Service that checks new content into a folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that checks in a revision to an existing folder.

This service sends the checkin request to one of the following subservices, which are the same subservices called during checkin through the browser or Repository Manager application. (These subservices are not called during a Batch Loader or Archive import.)







This service checks security to determine if the user has sufficient permission to check in the folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folder/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that checks in a revision to an existing folder under certain conditions. Used when the folder exists on the system but no valid revision was specified or when the content item is checked out (but not in a workflow).

The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that copies all content residing in the specified folder to the destination folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that copies a specified Folders_g folder and places the copy into a different folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist. No returned data.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Paremeters

One of the following sets of parameters to identify the destination parent folder for the copied folder:

  • tohasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionID parameter is used to identify the destination parent folder ID.

    todCollectionID: The destination parent folder ID.

  • tohasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the path to the destination parent folder.

    todCollectionPath: The path to the destination parent folder.

  • tohasCollection GUID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the destination parent folder.

    todCollectionGUID: The destination parent folder GUID.

One of the following sets of parameters to identify the source folder to be copied:

  • fromhasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the fromdCollectionID parameter is used to identify the the source folder.

    fromdCollectionID: The source folder ID.

  • fromhasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the fromdCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the path to the source folder.

    fromdCollectionPath: The path to the source folder.

  • fromhasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the fromdCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the source folder.

    fromdCollectionGUID: The source folder GUID.

  • fromisLink: (Boolean) Specifies whether the fromdLinkID parameter is used to identify the source folder.

    fromdLinkID: The folder shortcut ID for the source folder

  • fromCollectionislink: (Boolean) Specifies whether the fromdCollectionLinkID parameter is used to identify the source folder.

    fromdCollectionLinkID: The collection shortcut ID for the source folder.




Service that copies a single content item in a folder and places it in a destination Folders_g folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist. No returned data.

Service Class: File Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources//folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The content ID of the content item being copied.

One of the following sets of parameters to identify the destination folder:

  • tohasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionID parameter is used to identify the destination folder.

    todCollectionID: The ID for the destination folder.

  • tohasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the destination folder.

    todCollectionPath: The path to the destination folder.

  • tohasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the destination folder.

    todCollectionGUID: The GUID for the destination folder.

  • tolevel0: Specifies the base value in the path for the destination parent folder (for example, /Contribution Folders).

    tolevel1: Specifies the next level value in the path for the destination parent folder (for example, /t4).

    tolevel2: Specifies the next level value in the path for the destination parent folder (for example, /1).


todCollectionPath=/Contribution Folders/t4/1


Service that copies a set of items including content items, folders, shortcuts to content items, and shortcuts to folders. The copied items are placed into a single designated Folders_g folder.

The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the designated folder does not exist. No returned data.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

One of the following sets of parameters to identify the destination parent folder for the copied items:

  • tohasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionID parameter is used to identify the destination parent folder.

    todCollectionID: The destination parent folder ID.

  • tohasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the destination parent folder.

    todCollectionPath: The path to the destination parent folder.

  • tohasCollection GUID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the destination parent folder.

    todCollectionGUID: The desintation parent folder GUID.

Parameters to designate content items (where {n} designates an integer used to distinguish parameters particular to one item to copy from other items to copy):

  • contentselect{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether to copy the content item. The value must be true to copy the content item.

  • fromContentisLink{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether this is a content item or a shortcut. The value must be 0 to specify a content item.

  • fromdDocName{n}: The content ID of the content item to be copied.

Parameters to designate shortcuts to content items (where {n} designates an integer used to distinguish parameters particular to one item to copy from other items to copy):

  • contentselect{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether to copy the content item. The value must be true to copy the content item.

  • fromContentisLink{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether this is a content item or a shortcut. The value must be 1 to specify a shortcut.

  • fromdDocName{n}: The content ID of the content item pointed to by the shortcut.

Parameters to designate folders (where {n} designates an integer used to distinguish parameters particular to one item to copy from other items to copy):

  • collectionselect{n}: (Boolean) Specifieswhether to copy the folder. The value must be true to copy the folder.

  • fromCollectionisLink{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether this is a folder or a shortcut. The value must be 0 to specify a folder.

  • fromdCollectionID{n}: The dCollectionID of the folder being copied.

  • fromhasCollectionID{n}: The value must be 1 to copy the folder.

Parameters to designate shortcuts to folders (where {n} designates an integer used to distinguish parameters particular to one item to copy from other items to copy):

  • collectionselect{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether to copy the shortcut to the folder. The value must be true to copy the shortcut.

  • fromCollectionisLink{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether this is a folder or a shortcut. The value must be 1 to specify a shortcut.

  • fromCollectiondLinkID{n}: The link ID of the shortcut to be copied.

  • fromdCollectionID{n}: The dCollectionID of the folder pointed to by the shortcut.

  • fromhasCollectionID{n}: The value must be 1 to copy the shortcut to the folder.




Service that deletes Folders_g folders. If Trash is enabled, the folder is moved to Trash and not directly deleted.

The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist. No returned data.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

One of the following parameter sets is required to identify the folder.

  • hasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies that the dCollectionID parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionID: The folder ID of the folder to delete.

  • hasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies that the dCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionPath: The path of the folder to delete.

  • hasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies that the dCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionGUID: The GUID of the folder to delete.


dCollectionPath=/Contribution Folders/dept/hr


Service that deletes all content residing in a Folders_g folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that deletes a specified Folders_g folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that deletes a single content item in a Folders_g folder. If Trash is enabled, the item is moved to the Trash folder and not directly deleted. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist. No returned data.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The content ID of the content item to be deleted.




Service that deletes a set of items including content items, folders, shortcuts to content items, and shortcuts to folders. If Trash is enabled, the items are moved to Trash and not directly deleted.

The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist. No returned data.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

Parameters to designate content items (where {n} designates an integer used to distinguish parameters particular to one item to delete from other items to delete):

  • contentselect{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether to delete the content item. The value must be true to copy the content item.

  • fromContentisLink{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether this is a content item or a shortcut. The value must be 0 to specify a content item.

  • fromdDocName{n}: The content ID of the content item to delete.

Parameters to designate shortcuts to content items (where {n} designates an integer used to distinguish parameters particular to one item to delete from other items to delete):

  • contentselect{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether to delete the shortcut. The value must be true to delete the shortcut.

  • fromContentisLink{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether this is a content item or a shortcut. The value must be 1 to specify a shortcut.

  • fromContentdLinkID{n}: The link ID of the shortcut.

  • fromdDocName{n}: The content ID of the content item pointed to by the shortcut.

Parameters to designate folders (where {n} designates an integer used to distinguish parameters particular to one item to delete from other items to delete):

  • collectionselect{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether to delete the folder. The value must be true to delete the folder.

  • fromCollectionisLink{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether this is a folder or a shortcut. The value must be 0 to specify a folder.

  • fromdCollectionID{n}: The dCollectionID of the folder to delete.

  • fromhasCollectionID{n}: The value must be 1 to delete the folder.

Parameters to designate shortcuts to folders (where {n} designates an integer used to distinguish parameters particular to one item to delete from other items to delete):

  • collectionselect{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether to delete the shortcut to the folder. The value must be true to delete the shortcut.

  • fromCollectionisLink{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether this is a folder or a shortcut. The value must be 1 to specify a shortcut.

  • fromCollectiondLinkID{n}: The link ID of the shortcut to delete.

  • fromdCollectionID{n}: The dCollectionID of the folder pointed to by the shortcut.

  • fromhasCollectionID{n}: The value must be 1 to delete the shortcut to the folder.




Service that returns a list of the items contained in a Folders_g folder, including content items, folders and short cuts. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_interface_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

One of the following parameter sets is required to identify the folder.

  • hasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies that the dCollectionID parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionID: The collection ID of the folder.

  • hasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies that the dCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionPath: The path of the folder.

  • hasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies that the dCollectionIGUID parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionGUID: The collection GUID for the folder.

Optional Service Parameters

  • CollectionDisplayResultSetSize: Limits the number of items returned in the COLLECTIONS and CONTENTS ResultSets and establishes the page size.

  • showCollections: Flag that signals the web UI presentation to display the COLLECTIONS ResultSet. This is effective when using CollectionDisplayResultSetSize and PageNumber.

  • showContent: Flag that signals the web UI presentation to display the CONTENTS ResultSet. This is effective when using CollectionDisplayResultSetSize and PageNumber.

  • PageNumber: Integer value 1 or greater displays the correct page size subset of data from the CONTENTS or COLLECTIONS ResultSets. Page size is set by CollectionDisplayResultSetSize.


  • Result Sets: (contain a row with folder metadata for each folder item directly contained by the folder, including shortcuts to folders)





    • Fields


    • PATH

    • metadata




Service that edits a Folders_g folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service type: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • hasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the folder has an assigned collection ID. If set to true, dCollectionID must be defined.

  • dCollectionID: The folder ID of the parent folder.


Service that retrieves the current global values defined for the Folders_g folders hierarchy. No specific collection is passed. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that retrieves the current metadata fields that are propagated when it is requested. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the Folders_g folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that retrieves 'special' Folders_g folders and their disabled/enabled status. A disabled folder does not show up in the hierarchy. An enabled folder is accessible. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that retrieves the fields from the administration metadata ResultSet for the defined Folders_g folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that retrieves the option lists for custom fields, default metadata, and the administration metadata of the Folders_g folder configuration (retrieves field defaults). The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that retrieves the Folders_g folders system configuration for the local folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_mounted_service.htm


Service that downloads the archived Folders_g folder structure of the specified folder. This service does not download the contents of a folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: File Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that retrieves the structure of the specified Folders_g folder and its subfolders. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that retrieves all the subfolders of the specified Folders_g folder. Compare COLLECTION_GET_COLLECTIONS. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that retrieves the Folders_g folder. Compare COLLECTION_GET_COLLECTION. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


To retrieve a listing of hierarchical collections, the required parameters are:



Service that downloads the first content item of the specified Folders_g collection that matches the metadata of the item passed in (excluding revisions). The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: File Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that retrieves information for the content items contained directly in the specified Folders_g folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

One of the following parameter sets is required to identify the folder.

  • hasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies that the dCollectionID parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionID: The folder ID of the folder.

  • hasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies that the dCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionPath: The path of the folder.

  • hasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies that the dCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionGUID: The GUID of the folder.


  • Result Sets:

    • CONTENTS (contains a row with content metadata for each content item contained in the folder)




Service that determines the type of item specified and then downloads its content. The item may or may not be a content item. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the Folders_g folder does not exist.

Service Class: File Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that retrieves Folders_g folder information for the local folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

One of the following parameter sets is required to identify the folder.

  • hasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the dCollectionID parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionID: The folder ID of the folder.

  • hasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the dCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionPath: The path of the folder.

  • hasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies that the dCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionGUID: The GUID of the folder.


  • Result Sets:

    • PATH (contains a row with folder metadata for each folder in the folder's path)




Service that retrieves information about the specified shortcut (dLinkID) to a content item or folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the item or folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dLinkID: The link ID for a shortcut to a content item or folder.

Optional Service Parameters

  • resultSetName: Sets the name of the returned ResultSet. The default value is LINKS.


  • Result Sets:

    • $resultSetName$ (the ResultSet containing shortcut information for a content item or a folder)


Service used to retrieve the WebDAV equivalent properties of the specified folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service used to retrieve the Default Information Field Configuration for a specific user. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that retrieves the Revision Information Field Configuration values for a specific user. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service used to determine the existence of an item within the folder hierarchy, and if the item exists, whether it is a folder, content item, or a shortcut. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

One of the following parameter sets is required to identify the path.

  • hasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the dCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the parent folder.

    dCollectionPath: The path of the parent folder.

  • level0: The primary level of the parent folder.

    level1: The secondary level of the parent folder.

    level2: The content item within the folder.

Optional Service Parameters

  • RevisionHistory: (Boolean) Specifies whether to include the REVISION_HISTORY result set if a content item is selected. The default value is false.


  • isCollection: (Boolean) Is true if the referenced path represents a folder.

  • isContent: (Boolean) Is true if the referenced path represents a content item. If both isCollection and isContent are false, then no item exists with the given path.

  • isLink: (Boolean) Is true if the referenced path represents a shortcut. If missing, the value is assumed false.

  • Result Sets:

    • REVISION_HISTORY (only included if the RevisionHistory and isContent parameters are true)

Partial item information is returned for the referenced item in the binder's local data (Doc Info or Folder Info).


Service that retrieves the folder specific search form. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Search Type: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that retrieves the files that are usually dynamically built at the time of the request and have no counterpart on the system. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: File Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that retrieves user specific configuration for the display and behavior of their folder structure. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location; IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that updates content that has been demoted by the Oracle Content Server indexer to the local folder by the new version. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_mounted_service.htm


Service that retrieves the metadata associated with this particular Folders_g folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

One of the following sets of parameters to identify the folder:

  • hasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the dCollectionID parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionID: The folder ID of the folder referenced by the shortcut.

  • hasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the dCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionPath: The path of the folder.

  • hasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the dCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionGUID: The GUID of the folder.


  • canReadCollection: (Boolean) Is true if the requesting user has read privilege for the folder.

  • canWriteCollection: (Boolean) Is true if the requesting user has write privilege for the folder.

  • canAdminCollection: (Boolean) Is true if the requesting user has admin privilege for the folder.

  • Result Sets:

    • PATH (contains a row with folder information for every folder in the folder's path)

    • DocFormats

    • ClbraProjectsAccessLists

    • DocTypes

    • metadata


Service that verifies that the folder can be added by the item of the specified metadata. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that checks out a folder by name (dDocName) and locks the folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that moves all of the content in a specified Folders_g folder into a different Folders_g folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist. No returned data.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

One of the following sets of parameters to identify the current source folder of items to move:

  • fromhasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the fromdCollectionID parameter is used to identify the source folder.

    fromdCollectionID: The source folder ID.

  • fromhasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the fromdCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the source folder.

    fromdCollectionPath: The path to the source folder.

  • fromhasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the fromdCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the source folder.

    fromdCollectionGUID: The source folder GUID.

One of the following sets of parameters to identify the destination folder:

  • tohasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionID parameter is used to identify the destination parent folder.

    todCollectionID: The ID for the destination parent folder.

  • tohasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the destination parent folder.

    todCollectionPath: The path to the destination parent folder.

  • tohasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the destination parent folder.

    todCollectionGUID: The GUID for the destination parent folder.

  • tolevel0: Specifies the base value in the path for the destination parent folder (for example, /Contribution Folders).

    tolevel1: Specifies the next level value in the path for the destination parent folder (for example, /t4).

    tolevel2: Specifies the next level value in the path for the destination parent folder (for example, /1).


fromdCollectionPath=/Contribution Folders/B/1
todCollectionPath=/Contribution Folders/t4/1


Service that moves a folder into a different Folders_g folder. Compare COLLECTION_MOVE_ALL. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist. No returned data.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

One of the following sets of parameters to identify the folder to move:

  • fromhasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies that the fromdCollectionID parameter is used to identify the source folder.

    fromdCollectionID: The source folder ID.

  • fromhasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the fromdCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the source folder.

    fromdCollectionPath: The path to the source folder.

  • fromhasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the fromdCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the source folder.

    fromdCollectionGUID: The source folder GUID.

One of the following sets of parameters to identify the destination parent folder:

  • tohasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionID parameter is used to identify the destination parent folder.

    todCollectionID: The ID for the destination parent folder.

  • tohasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the destination parent folder.

    todCollectionPath: The path to the destination parent folder.

  • tohasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the destination parent folder.

    todCollectionGUID: The GUID for the destination parent folder.

  • tolevel0: Specifies the base value in the path for the destination parent folder (for example, /Contribution Folders).

    tolevel1: Specifies the next level value in the path for the destination parent folder (for example, /t4).

    tolevel2: Specifies the next level value in the path for the destination parent folder (for example, /1).




Service that moves a single content item (or link) from the specified folder to the destination folder. If an item with the same file name exists in the target folder, the move fails. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist. No returned data.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • One of the following sets of parameters to identify the destination folder:

    • tohasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionID parameter is used to identify the destination folder.

      todCollectionID: The ID for the destination folder.

    • tohasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the destination folder.

      todCollectionPath: The path to the destination folder.

    • tohasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionGUIID parameter is used to identify the destination folder.

      todCollectionGUID: The GUID for the destination folder.

    • tolevel0: Specifies the first value in the path for the destination folder (for example, /Contribution Folders).

      tolevel1: Specifies the next level value in the path for the destination folder (for example, /t4).

      tolevel2: Specifies the next level value in the path for the destination folder (for example, /1).

  • One of the following sets of parameters to identify the content item to move:

    • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

    • fromhasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the fromhasCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the contribution folder for the content item.

      fromdCollectionPath: The path to the contribution folder for the content item.

    • isLink: (Boolean) Specifies whether the dLinkID parameter is used to identify the shortcut to the content item.

      dLinkID: The Link ID for the shortcut to the content item.

Optional Service Parameters

  • toContentName: New file name for the moved item.

  • destMustExist: Defines (true/false) whether the destination for the item or link to move must exist. If this parameter is false or missing, and no destination folder is specified, then the item is removed from its current Folders_g folder (xCollectionID is set to 0).




Service that moves a set of items including folders, content items, and shortcuts to folders and content items to a single destination Folders_g folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist. No returned data.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

One of the following sets of parameters to identify the destination parent folder for the moved items.

  • tohasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionID parameter is used to identify the destination parent folder.

    todCollectionID: The folder collection ID.

  • tohasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the path to the destination folder.

    todCollectionPath: The path to the destination folder.

  • tohasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the todCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the destination folder.

    todCollectionGUID: The GUID for the destination folder.

Parameters required to designate content items. {n} designates an integer used to distinguish parameters particular to one item to move from other items to move.

  • contentselect{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether to move the content item. To move the item, the value must be true.

  • fromContentisLink{n}: (Boolean) If the item is a content item and not a shortcut, the value must be 0.

  • fromdDocName{n}: The content ID of the item to move.

Parameters required to designate shortcuts to content items. {n} designates an integer used to distinguish parameters particular to one item to move from other items to move.

  • contentselect{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether to move the shortcut. To move the shortcut, the value must be true.

  • fromContentisLink{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether this is a shortcut and not a content item. If the item is a shortcut, the value must be 1.

  • fromContentdLinkID{n}: The link ID of the shortcut to move.

  • fromdDocName{n}: The content ID of the content item pointed to by the shortcut.

Parameters required to designate folders. {n} designates an integer used to distinguish parameters particular to one item to move from other items to move.

  • collectionselect{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether to move the folder. To move the shortcut, the value must be true.

  • fromCollectionisLink{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether this is a folder and not a shortcut. If this is a folder, the value must be 0.

  • fromdCollectionID{n}: The dCollectionID of the folder to move.

  • fromhasCollectionID{n}: To move the folder, the value must be 1.

Parameters required to designate shortcuts to folders. {n} designates an integer used to distinguish parameters particular to one item to move from other items to move.

  • collectionselect{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether to move the shortcut. To move the shortcut, the value must be true.

  • fromCollectionisLink{n}: (Boolean) Specifies whether this is a shortcut and not a folder. If this is a shortcut, the value must be 1.

  • fromdCollectiondLinkID{n}: = The link ID of the shortcut to move.

  • fromdCollectionID{n}: The dCollectionID of the folder pointed to by the shortcut.

  • fromhasCollectionID{n}: To move the folder shortcut, the value must be 1.




Service used to create a new folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • hasParentCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the folder being added as a parent folder. If set to true, dParentCollectionID must be defined.

  • dParentCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the folder ID for the parent folder. Used when hasParentCollectionID is set to true.

  • dCollectionInherit: (Boolean) Specifies whether to inherit folder metadata.




Service that return user hierarchy column information and metadata field information. There are no parameters.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Returned Data

  • Result Sets:

    • COLUMNS (User-specific column set.) If the requesting user has not selected columns, the default columns returned are:

      • dFileSize

      • dDocType

      • dDocAuthor

      • dSecurityGroup

    • metadata (information about system and custom metadata fields)


Service that updates user hierarchy columns. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that rewrites the files of the specified local folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_mounted_service.htm


Service that removes the specified local folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_mounted_service.htm


Service that restores a folder that is currently in the 'Trash' folder to its original location. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that restores an item that is currently in the 'Trash' folder to its original location. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that retrieves all content that matches all of the metadata that is passed in for a content item. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that displays the search results of a search for Folders_g folders that match search criteria. Fields used for the search operands are those in the COLMETA and COLLECTIONS table. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Optional Service Parameters

  • ResultCount: Limits the number of items returned in the SearchResuls result set. The default is 25.

  • SortField: Field used as a sort key. The default is dCollectionName.

  • SortOrder: The sort direction. The default is ASC (ascending).

  • fieldname: Name of the field to be used as part of a string search condition. Example: dSecurityGroup=true

  • opfieldname: Operator, relative to the name field, to be used in a string search condition. Example: opdSecurityGroup=hasAsSubstring

  • comparefieldname: Value to be use in a string search condition, relative to named field. Example: comparedSecurityGroup=public

  • fieldnameLE or fieldnameGE: Field and value to be used in a date search condition. Example: dCreateDatedateLE=2008-03-01 00:01:00


  • Result Sets:

    • SearchResults (list of folders, with metadata, matching the search conditions)


  • startsWith search:

  • endsWith search:

  • exact string match search:

  • field not empty search:

  • boolean field search:

  • later than search:

    dCreateDatedateGE=2009-10-01 00:01:00
  • earlier than search

    dCreateDatedateLE=2008-03-01 00:01:00 


Service that takes the uploaded archive and applies it to the system. This service deletes any folders that are in conflict with the archive. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/olders_service.htm


Service that sets the user configuration for the display and behavior of their folder structure. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that undoes a checkout of a content item and makes it available for use. This service frees content after a COLLECTION_LOCK. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that modifies field data for a Folders_g folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist. No returned data.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

One of the following sets of parameters to identify the folder:

  • hasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the dCollectionID parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionID: The folder ID.

  • hasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies whether the dCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionPath: The path of the folder.

  • hasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies whether the dCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionGUID: The GUID of the folder.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dCollectionName: Collection ID for the folder.

  • dCollectionMark:

  • dCollectionEnabled:

  • dPromptForMetadata:

  • dCreateDate: Date the content item was created.

  • dInDate: Content release date.

  • dOutDate: Content expiration date.

  • dReleaseDate: Release state (used to indicate the Web state of the revision).

  • dLastModifiedDate: Date of the last modification to the content item.

  • dDocName: Content ID for the content item.

  • dDocType: Content item type.

  • dDocTitle: Content item title.

  • dDocAuthor: Content iem author.

  • dRevLabel: Revision label for the content item. If set, the label is used to locate the specified revision.

  • dSecurityGroup: Security group such as Public or Secure.

  • dDocAccount: Account for the content item. Required only if accounts are enabled.

  • dCollectionOwner: Folder owner.

  • dCollectionCreator: Overrides the user set as the folder creator. The default value is the current user.

  • dCollectionModifier: Overrides the user set as the last folder modifier. The default value is the current user.

  • x?????: Any of the fields as defined in the ColMeta table, which must exactly match the custom metadata fields in DocMeta.




Service that updates the folders system configuration settings. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that updates the folders system configuration setting by inheriting the metadata from an existing folder (from which metadata is propagated). The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that updates the folders system metadata field default system settings. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that updates all items in a collection and changes the defined metadata. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that updates a specific item in a collection and changes the defined metadata. Folders related service (table Folders_Services). The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that propagates metadata values from a Folders_g folder to all underlying folders and content. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist. No returned data.

Service Class: Meta Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

One of the following sets of parameters to identify the folder:

  • hasCollectionID: (Boolean) Specifies that the dCollectionID parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionID: The folder ID of the parent folder.

  • hasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies that the dCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionPath: The path of the parent folder.

  • hasCollectionGUID: (Boolean) Specifies that the dCollectionGUID parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionGUID: The GUID of the parent folder.




Service that updates a folder metadata table. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Meta Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that updates the files of the specified local folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Search Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_mounted_service.htm


Service that updates the profile metadata field defaults. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that updates the profile metadata field defaults of a revision. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources//folders_service.htm


Service that refreshes the folder cache. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Meta Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that validates that the given folder name is a valid name for a Folders_g folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

One of the following sets of parameters to identify the folder:

  • dCollectionName: The Collection ID for the folder.

  • hasCollectionPath: (Boolean) Specifies that the dCollectionPath parameter is used to identify the folder.

    dCollectionPath: The path of the parent folder.

Optional Service Parameters

  • CollectionSkipIllegalFolderValidation: Allows all validation to be skipped except csCollectionFolderHasNoName. The default is false.

Configuration Parameters

  • CollectionIllegalFolderCharacters: String containing any illegal characters to use in a folder name. The default is /\:*?"<>¦

  • dCollectionNameSize: Maximum number of characters for a folder name. The default is 100.

  • CollectionIllegalFolderPattern_1: A regular expression. If the expression matches the folder name, the verification will fail. The default is \\..*

  • CollectionIllegalFolderPattern_2: A regular expression. If the expression matches the folder name, the verification will fail. The default is .*\\.

  • CollectionIllegalFolderPattern_3: A regular expression. If the expression matches the folder name, the verification will fail. The default is com[\\d]

  • CollectionIllegalFolderPattern_4: A regular expression. If the expression matches the folder name, the verification will fail. The default is lpt[\\d]

  • CollectionIllegalFolderPattern_5: A regular expression. If the expression matches the folder name, the verification will fail. The default is con

  • CollectionIllegalFolderPattern_6: A regular expression. If the expression matches the folder name, the verification will fail. The default is nul

  • CollectionIllegalFolderPattern_7: A regular expression. If the expression matches the folder name, the verification will fail. The default is prn

Additional CollectionIllegalFolderPattern_{n} variables can be added. They are evaluated by the service as long as they are in sequence.


  • Result Sets:


    • FAILED (csCollectionFolderHasNoName)

    • FAILED (csCollectionInvalidCharacter:pos=position of first bad char)

    • FAILED (csCollectionNameTooLong:folder name,number of extra characters)

    • FAILED (csCollectionIllegalPatternMatch:folder name,illegal folder pattern)


dCollectionPath=/Contribution Folders/dept/hr


Service that retrieves history data for Folders_g folders. The requesting user must have admin role.

Service Class: DocService

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • actionDateGreaterThan: Date in ODBC format. All history data from two minutes before this time and later is returned. The two minutes is a margin for load-balanced servers. The default value is five minutes before the current time.


  • Result Sets

    • HistoryReport: Each row contains information about a folder history event: rename, update, move, or delete


actionDateGreaterThan={ts '2010-09-09 18:04:06.293'}


Folders-related service that retrieves the option lists. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Service (general service)

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that displays a folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources/folders_service.htm


Service that displays the root folder. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or the folder does not exist.

Service Class: Doc Service

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/folders_g/resources//folders_service.htm