7 Oracle Fusion Middleware on IBM WebSphere

This chapter describes issues you might encounter when you install and configure supported Oracle Fusion Middleware products on IBM WebSphere. It includes the following topics:


This chapter contains issues you might encounter while installing, configuring, or managing any of the Oracle Fusion Middleware products on IBM WebSphere.

Be sure to review the product-specific release note chapters elsewhere in this document for any additional issues specific to the products you are using.


This feature is not supported on Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-Bit).

7.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issue and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

7.1.1 Invocation Error with Direct Binding Client APIs on IBM WebSphere Server

When using the direct binding client APIs to invoke a SOA service deployed on IBM WebSphere Server, you receive the following exception:

Invocation Error with Direct Binding Client APIs on IBM WebSphere

When using the direct binding client APIs to invoke a SOA service
deployed on IBM WebSphere Server, you receive the following exception.
java.lang.ClassCastException: Unable to load class:
        at InvokeCompositeNew.main(InvokeCompositeNew.java:76)

As a workaround, you must run the createEJBStubs.sh script to generate the correct IBM WebSphere Server stub:

oracle.integration.platform.blocks.direct.Invoker -verbose -cp

where the value of $GEN_CLASSPATH must include the following JAR files:

  • fabric-common.jar

  • spring.jar

  • commonj.sdo_2.1.0.jar

  • soa-infra-mgmt.jar

  • oracle-soa-client-api.jar

  • fabric-ejb.jar

7.1.2 One-and-Only-One Event Subscriptions Are Not Supported

Business events are published to the Event Delivery Network (EDN). EDN provides support for delivering events to one-and-only-one subscribers, in which the event is sent to the subscriber in its own global (that is, JTA) transaction. However, one-and-only-one subscriptions are not supported when using EDN with IBM WebSphere Server.

As a workaround, change the one and only one consistency level of the event subscription to guaranteed in the Create Mediator dialog.


This change downgrades the consistency level. Therefore, a system failure may cause an event to be delivered more than once because there is no global transaction. If the subscriber fails to process the event, the event is not resent.

7.1.3 Deployed Task Form Startup Failure in IBM WebSphere Administration Console

When you attempt to start a deployed task form application in the IBM WebSphere Administration Console, it fails. You receive an error message similar to the following:

Was2Form failed to start. Check the logs for server dmgr on node
DefaultCellManager01 for details.
ErrorAn error occurred while starting Was2Form. Check the logs for server
dmgr on node DefaultCellManager01 for more information.

As a workaround, perform the following steps:

  1. Deploy the task flow in Oracle JDeveloper at the application level, instead of the project level. This generates the EAR file.

  2. Undeploy the task flow from the IBM WebSphere Administration Console. Save directly to the master configuration to synchronize changes to all nodes.

  3. Deploy the EAR file generated in step 1 through the IBM WebSphere Administration Console.

    1. Go to Websphere Enterprise Applications > Install > Pick EAR from Locale file system.

    2. Click Next (use the default options).

    3. On step 2 of the deploy page "Map modules to servers," select all modules, highlight only the SOA server (for example, soa_server1), and click Apply.

    4. On step 3, "Map virtual hosts for Web modules," select the WAR file.

    5. At the end, save directly to the master configuration again.

  4. Select the EAR file to start it.

7.1.4 Oracle BPM Worklist Displays as Undefined in Administration Console

If you configure an Oracle SOA Suite cluster or single server environment on IBM WebSphere, you may receive an error when accessing Oracle BPM Worklist indicating that it is undefined. If you log in to IBM WebSphere Administration Console, and select Applications > WebSphere enterprise applications > worklistapp > Shared library references, and see that only one row (worklistapp) is displayed when two rows should display (worklistapp and worklist-was.war), you must perform the following steps.

  • Uninistall Oracle BPM Worklist (known as worklistapp in the IBM WebSphere Administration Console).

  • Re-install Oracle BPM Worklist.

To uninistall Oracle BPM Worklist:

  1. Log in to the IBM WebSphere Administration Console.

  2. From the panel on the left hand side, select Applications > Application Type > WebSphere enterprise applications.

  3. Select the check box for worklistapp from the Enterprise Applications list.

  4. Click the Stop button to stop worklistapp.

  5. Select worklistapp again.

  6. Click the Uninstall button, and click OK.

  7. Select Review from the Save and Review options.

  8. Select Synchronize changes with nodes, and click Save.

  9. Wait until configuration synchronization is complete, then click OK.

  10. Confirm that worklistapp is now removed (uninstalled) from Enterprise Applications.

To re-install Oracle BPM Worklist:

  1. If not already there, navigate to Applications > Application Type > WebSphere enterprise applications.

  2. Click Install.

  3. Select the Remote file system option:

    1. Click Browse > DefaultCellDepMgrNode.

    2. Click the root directory (/), and go to your ORACLE_HOME.

    3. Navigate to soa/applications.

    4. Select worklist-was.ear, and click OK.

  4. Select the default Fast Path, and click Next.

  5. Select the installation options:

    1. Change the name Oracle BPM Worklist to worklistapp, and click Next.

  6. Map the modules to the servers:

    1. Select the check boxes for the two modules (jar and war).

    2. From the Clusters and servers list, select server=soa_server1 or the server or cluster on which Oracle SOA Suite is installed.

    3. Click Apply.

    4. Confirm that the two modules now have the correct server value (for example, soa_server1) in the server column.

    5. Click Next.

  7. Map the virtual hosts for the web modules:

    1. Select the one web module.

    2. Click Next.

  8. On the Summary screen, review the information, and click Finish.

    Output displays on the screen, and you are prompted to save or review your local changes.

  9. Select Review.

  10. Save your workspace changes:

    1. Click Synchronize changes with Nodes.

    2. Verify that Total changed documents is 29 (if not, there may be an error).

    3. Click Save.

  11. Wait until configuration synchronization is complete, then click OK.

    The worklistapp is now installed and ready to be started.

  12. Verify that the worklistapp is present in the Enterprise Applications list.

  13. Select worklistapp, and click Start.

  14. Confirm that the Application Status is up.

  15. Test that Oracle BPM Worklist in accessible by visiting the following URL:


7.1.5 Dashboard Tab May Display Completed SOA Composite Instance States as Running

The Dashboard tab of a SOA composite application in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control may show the state of an instance as running even though the instance has actually completed. In this scenario, verify the actual instance state on the Flow Trace page.

7.1.6 Two-Way SSL Configuration with Oracle SOA Suite Is Not Supported

Two-way SSL configuration on IBM WebSphere is not supported. Therefore, there is no support for Oracle Web Service Manager (OWSM) two-way security policies that are SSL-configured. Note that one-way SSL is supported (for example, in which you create an SSL-configured SOA service that invokes another SOA service).

7.1.7 Multiple Fault Recovery Failure with the Recover With Options Dialog

If you click Recover With Options on the Fault and Rejected Messages tab of a SOA composite application, and attempt to recover all faults by selecting Recover All in the Recover With Options dialog, the faults are not recovered and display as pending. The problem only occurs with the Recover With Options dialog. Individual instance recovery and selecting multiple instances for recovery works correctly.

7.1.8 IBM WebSphere Application Server - ND Installation Requires a Server Restart

If you install IBM WebSphere Application Server - Network Deployment (ND) for use with Oracle SOA Suite, you must restart the server for JCA adapter binding components to be active. Otherwise, JNDIs are not active, and you receive the following error message:

Non Recoverable System Fault :
BINDING.JCA-12563 Exception occured when binding was invoked. Exception
occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference
operation 'Write' failed due to: JCA Binding Component connection issue. JCA
Binding Component is unable to create an outbound JCA (CCI) connection.
File_MEDComposite:WriteMed [ Write_ptt::Write(body) ] : The JCA Binding
Component was unable to establish an outbound JCA CCI connection due to the
following issue: BINDING.JCA-12510 JCA Resource Adapter location error. 
. . .
. . .

7.1.9 Test Emulations of Asynchronous BPEL Processes Fail

You cannot create test emulations involving asynchronous BPEL processes in a SOA composite application on IBM WebSphere. During test execution, this results in an CannotInstantiateObjectException exception error.


When running Oracle AQ Technology Adapter cases on the Websphere Platform, you might encounter the following error:

javax.resource.spi.ResourceAllocationException: setManagedConnection: illegal state exception. State = STATE_ACTIVE_FREE MCW = 28392839

To follow-up on this exception, IBM PMR # 69026,756 has been created

7.1.11 Invalid PolicySet Error When Accessing a Deployed Oracle Fusion Middleware Application on IBM WebSphere

When you deploy an application using Oracle Fusion Middleware on IBM WebSphere, you might receive the following runtime error:

oracle.fabric.common.PolicyEnforcementException: PolicySet Invalid:
WSM-06102 PolicyReference The policy reference URI
oracle/wss_username_token_service_policy is not valid

To workaround this issue, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the policy-accessor-config.xml file, which can found at the following location:

  2. Locate the policy-accessor properties and uncomment the following properties and set the value of each property as shown:

    <property name="active.protocol">
    <property name="java.naming.provider.url">

    In this example, replace hostname and rmi.port to identify the host and RMI port where the policy manager is running.

No restart is required. By default, the new version of the policy-accessor-config.xml is loaded every 10 mins. However, if you want to pick up the changes immediately, then you can restart the server.

7.1.12 Cannot Stop or Start Oracle Internal Applications From Fusion Middleware Control on IBM WebSphere

When running Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control on IBM WebSphere, you might experience errors if you attempt to stop or start the internal Oracle applications that are displayed under the Internal Applications folder in the target navigation pane.

The applications listed here are internal Oracle applications. You should not start or stop these applications from Fusion Middleware Control. If you must stop or start these applications, then start or stop the managed servers that host the internal applications.

7.2 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes configuration issues and their workarounds. It includes the following topics:

7.2.1 Configuring Coherence for a SOA Cluster on IBM WebSphere

When you configure a SOA cluster on IBM WebSphere, you must configure Oracle Coherence with the host names and other required cluster properties.

For Oracle WebLogic Server environments, Oracle Coherence configuration information "Configuring Oracle Coherence for Deploying Composites" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware High Availability Guide.

When configuring a SOA Cluster on IBM WebSphere, you perform a similar set of tasks, using the following instructions that are specific to IBM WebSphere:

  1. Login to the IBM WebSphere Administrative Console.

  2. Navigate to the Java Virtual Machine Custom Properties page:

    Servers > soa_server_name > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine > Custom Properties

  3. Add the following properties:

    • For a multicast cluster:

    • For a unicast cluster:

      tangosol.coherence.wka1 (= host1)
      tangosol.coherence.wka2 (= host2)
      tangosol.coherence.localhost = (host?)