2 Preparing for Foundation Pack Installation

This chapter provides an overview of the Foundation Pack screens in AIA Foundation Pack Installer and discusses how to complete pre-installation configurations. This chapter includes the following sections:


Ensure that you access the latest Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation and Upgrade Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 ( on Oracle Technology Network at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/index.html.

Ensure that you review the release notes for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 ( available on Oracle Technology Network at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/docs/aiasoarelnotes-196861.html.

2.1 Collecting Field Value Information for Installation and Deployment of Foundation Pack

The AIA Foundation Pack Installer screens prompt you to enter the data required for successful installation and deployment of Foundation Pack. Complete this section, print it and keep it ready when you run AIA Foundation Pack Installer. This enables faster and error free installation.

2.1.1 Installation Location Screen

On this screen you set the home directory for installation. Table 2-1 lists the fields located on the Installation Location screen.

Table 2-1 Fields in Installation Location Screen

Field Description

AIA Home

This is the logical name given to the current AIA Installation under the Oracle Inventory. Do not include spaces in the name and do not include any special characters apart from underscore(_). Example: AIAFP.

AIA Home directory name is________________

AIA Home Path

This is the full file path where the AIA Foundation Pack Installer installs the Foundation Pack product files. Select an empty directory location.

AIA Home Path is ___________________________________

AIA Instance Name

If you are doing multiple deployments of AIA Foundation Pack for the same installation, AIA Instance Name helps you identify these different AIA Foundation Pack deployments. If you are installing and deploying Foundation Pack on this server for the first time, provide a logical name that can identify your deployment.

The name given can be up to 10 characters in length with no spaces. Underscore (_) is the only allowed special character. Example ORDER2CASH.

AIA Instance Name is ______________________________

Java Home

This is the path of Java home. This can be the JDK location/JRockit location delivered with Oracle Fusion Middleware in the Middleware Home of your FMW Installation.

Java home is ____________________________________

Complete Installation

If you choose Complete Installation, the Installer installs the selected products at the specified directory.

Copy AIA Software Only

If you choose Copy AIA Software Only, the Installer copies the complete AIA software to the specified directory. You must manually complete the installation following tasks described in Chapter 4, "Installing and Deploying using Manual Steps".


Do not use existing home directories if you want to reinstall Foundation Pack. Uninstall Foundation Pack using instructions provided in Chapter 7, "Uninstalling Oracle AIA" and then install using instructions provided in the respective installation chapters.

2.1.2 SOA Server Details Screen

All artifacts associated with the Foundation Pack infrastructure components are deployed to the SOA Suite server. This screen contains the fields listed in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Fields in SOA Server Details Screen

Field Description

Admin Host Name

This is where the admin server resides. This can be a remote server or the same machine where the installer is launched. Example: server1.company.com.

The Admin Host Name is _________________________________

Admin Port

This is the port number on which Weblogic Admin server is started. To find this value contact WebLogic administrator. Example: 7001.

The Admin Port is _____________________________________

Domain Name

This is WebLogic server domain corresponding to the Admin Server. Example: domain1

The Domain Name is _____________________________________

Admin User

This value is the WebLogic admin username. To find this value contact your WebLogic administrator.

The Admin User is __________________________________

Admin Password

This value is the WebLogic admin password. To find this value contact your WebLogic administrator.

The Admin Password is _____________________________________

Managed Server

Once you enter the Admin Hostname, Admin Port, Domain Name, Admin Username and Admin Password, this field gets populated with managed servers for the domain. Select the Managed Server from the list. If you are deploying AIA Foundation Pack to a SOA cluster, you should select the cluster name in this field.

The Managed Server is _______________________________

AIA Foundation Pack creates JMS persistent store on each individual managed server. To use the automatic JMS failover feature, manually configure the file store to point to a folder in the shared memory location.

For information on how to do this, refer to "Configuring a Shared JMS Persistence Store" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

Managed Port

This field gets updated automatically once you select the managed server. If you have configured a SOA Cluster, the field gets defaulted to 0 and becomes non editable as cluster does not have a port.

Remote Installation

If you are deploying AIA Foundation Pack on a remote server, which is different from the machine where this installer is launched, then check this checkbox. When you choose this option, AIA Foundation Pack Installer allows you to install AIA Foundation Pack (i.e. create AIA Foundation Pack HOME) on the machine where you have launched the installer and deploy AIA Foundation Pack to a remote server mentioned in the Admin Host Name field.

If you are deploying AIA Foundation Pack on the server where you are launching the Installer, leave this field unchecked.

Local JDEV Home

If you select the Remote Installation option, you will be prompted for Local JDeveloper Home. Browse and select the JDeveloper Home from your local machine.

You can leave the field empty if you are not doing remote deployment.

The Local JDev Home is ____________________________________

Cluster Installation

This option gets selected automatically when you choose a cluster as the target managed server.

SOA Home

If you are doing a cluster installation, you will be prompted for SOA Home. Browse and select the SOA Home from your local machine.

You can leave the field empty if you are not doing cluster deployment.

The SOA Home is ____________________________________

Cluster Proxy Hostname

The field is enabled only when you select the Cluster Installation option. This value is the loadbalancer host name which you have configured to loadbalance incoming requests to webservers that ultimately reach the SOA managed servers.

The Cluster Proxy Hostname is ____________________________________

Proxy Port

This field is enabled only when you select the Cluster Installation option. This value is the port number of the proxy server.

The Proxy Port is ______________________________________


Before you deploy AIA Foundation Pack on SOA cluster, you need to configure the SOA Cluster. For instructions on configuring SOA Cluster, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

After configuring, access appropriate URLs (like EM Console) from all hosts participating in the cluster, deploy sample artifacts shipped along with SOA Suite bundle, and perform standard failover tests to ensure that the SOA cluster configuration is successful.

When you click Next, Foundation Pack Installer checks whether the node manager service is available. You may also need to check whether the node manager service is active from Oracle WebLogic Admin server Console. If your node manager is not active in the admin console, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Node Manager Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server for troubleshooting.

2.1.3 AIA Database Details Screen

Configure the following database schemas for installation of AIA. These schemas are displayed in the screen. The AIA Instance name that you have provided (see Table 2-1) will be prefixed to the schema names. The following are the AIA related schemas:

  • <INST>_AIA: Holds error handling setup information, system setup information, CAVS data, and so on.

  • <INST>_XREF: Holds the cross-reference information.

  • <INST>_AIALIFECYCLE: Holds information created for AIA project lifecycle workbench application.

  • <INST>_JMS: For JMS usage in AIA.

To configure these schemas you need JDBC connection details, passwords for the schemas, and SYS user credentials (if you want AIA Foundation Pack Installer to create the schema and underlying tables). Keep the information ready before you run the Installer.

When you configure the schemas you can:

  • Choose the same JDBC information for one or more schemas. The schemas can reside in many or one physical database server.

  • Choose to connect to an existing AIA schema (created manually using scripts). This means a particular schema holds information common to multiple installations. For example: AIALIFECYCLE.


If you are not sure whether you need to provide the same information for all schema types or different information, select all schema types. You can modify the schema information at any point post-installation.

Fill out the information below for all the AIA schemas.

Database Connection Details

You can either Enter Custom JDBC URL or enter the required details in Host Name, Port and Service Name fields. When you opt for custom JDBC URL, the other three fields disappear. This will be useful when connecting to Oracle RAC databases.

Enter the Custom JDBC URL, as shown in Table 2-3.

Table 2-3 Fields in Database Details Screen - Custom JDBC URL

Fields Description

Enter Custom JDBC URL

When you select the Enter Custom JDBC URL check box, a field appears prompting you to enter the JDBC URL. To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>/<service name>

The Custom JDBC URL is _______________________________

Use RAC Database

When you check this checkbox, a new screen is displayed that asks you to input individual RAC node details. Ensure that each of the RAC nodes is up before you begin installation.


Enter Database Connection Details, as shown in Table 2-4.

Table 2-4 Fields in Database Details Screen - Database Connection Details

Fields Description

Host Name

To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example: server1.company.com.

The Host Name is _________________________________

Port Number

To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example: 1521.

The Port Number is _________________________________

Service Name

This is the service name as found in the tnsnames.ora for that database. To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example: orcl.

The Service Name is___________________________________

Schema Details

If you choose to connect to an existing schema, you will be prompted to enter username and password.

If you choose to create a new schema, you will be prompted to enter the admin username/password required to create the required schema. This is typically SYS.

The database chosen here can be the same server as the database server that SOA Suite uses, or it can be different physical database server.

Connect to Existing Schema

Connect to existing schema, as shown in Table 2-5.

Table 2-5 Fields in Database Details Screen - Connect to Existing Schema

Fields Description


This value is the database username. To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example: apps.

This value is read only and is the same in the table above. If this is not your existing schema name, then change the value in the Schema Type table above.

The Username is _____________________________________


To find this value, contact the database administrator.

The Password is _____________________________________


Create New Schema

Create new schema, as shown in Table 2-6.

Table 2-6 Fields in Database Details Screen - Create New Schema

Fields Description


The usernames will be populated with the instance name prefixed for each schema.


Create a password for the username.

Confirm Password

Confirm the new password that you created.

Admin User

To find this value, contact the database administrator. The username should have system DBA privileges. Example: sys.

The Admin User is _________________________________

Admin Password

To find this value, contact the database administrator.

The Admin Password is ______________________________


This is the Role of the Admin User. Because the Admin user is expected to have DBA privileges, this field is populated with SYSDBA.

The Role is_____________________________________

Default Tablespace and

Temporary Tablespace

If you do not enter Default and Temporary Tablespace values, the schemas and the artifacts are created in database defaults.

2.1.4 Metadata Service Repository Screen

This is the location where AIA Foundation Pack Metadata Artifacts are stored. Though the screen contains multiple fields, you need to provide only the password. Data in the other fields normally populates automatically. If it does not, then you need to enter the data manually. The screen contains the fields listed in Table 2-7.


Clean MDS, if you are reinstalling after deleting the AIA Home by following the steps in Section 7.4.1, "Cleaning the MDS".

Table 2-7 Fields in Metadata Service Repository Screen

Field Description

MDS Repository URL

This is where the MDS repository resides. If this value is not populated automatically, enter the jdbc URL of the database on which MDS partition of SOA Suite resides. Example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>/<service name>

The MDS Repository URL is ___________________________________

MDS Username

This value is MDS Schema Username.

MDS Password

To find this value, contact the MDS administrator.

The MDS Admin Password is ____________________________


If you are doing cluster installation on RAC database, you need to enter RAC database URL manually in the following format: jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=dbhost1)(PORT=1521)) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=dbhost2)(PORT=1521)) (FAILOVER=on)(LOAD_BALANCE=off))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME=dbservice))) and then enter MDS Username and MDS password.

2.1.5 Oracle Enterprise Repository Details Screen (Optional)

Oracle Enterprise Repository is a product separate from AIA Foundation Pack and is an optional component in the context of AIA Foundation Pack installation and execution.

If you do not want to adopt Oracle Enterprise Repository at this time, click Next to skip this page.

During AIA Foundation Pack installation, provide the Oracle Enterprise Repository-related information when prompted by the AIA Foundation Pack Installer. The screen contains the fields listed in Table 2-8.

Table 2-8 Fields in Oracle Enterprise Repository Screen

Field Description


This value is typically the machine name, port number on which OER is installed. Provide URL in this format: http://<hostname>:<port>/oer.

The OER URL is_________________________

OER Username

To find this value, contact the system administrator.

The OER Admin Username is __________________________

OER Password

To find this value, contact the system administrator.

The Password is _____________________________________

When you click Next, Foundation Pack Installer prompts you to enable Remote JDBC. For harvesting, Remote JDBC must be enabled prior to invoking Harvester.

For information about how to enable remote JDBC, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, Enabling Remote JDBC Connection in WebLogic Server.

Click OK and continue with installation.

Run-time service information is not automatically available in Oracle Enterprise Repository at the end of AIA Foundation Pack installation. Populating this information is a post-install activity.

For more information about adopting Oracle Enterprise Repository after AIA Foundation Pack has been installed, see "Harvesting Oracle AIA Content" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack.

2.2 Performing Pre-Installation Configurations

This section discusses the recommended configurations to optimize Oracle SOA Suite performance and enable your AIA Foundation Pack implementation to run smoothly. This section includes the following topics:

2.2.1 Ensuring Correct Settings for Node Manager Startup

To ensure correct settings for Node Manager startup:

  1. Navigate to the $MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager.

  2. Open the nodemanager.properties file and verify the value for StartScriptEnabled property.

  3. If it is false change to StartScriptEnabled=true

  4. If you changed the above value, restart Node Manager by navigating to $MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/bin and using the appropriate commands.

  5. While starting the node manager, ensure that you set the listen address different from localhost. It is preferred to give the fully qualified name of the machine.

    For Example: ./startNodeManager.sh for Linux and startNodeManager.bat for Microsoft Windows.

    Before running the command, navigate to the WebLogic console, click Machines, Nodemanager. Here ensure that the value of Listen address and Listen port are the fully qualified name of the machine and port number respectively.

  6. Ensure that you start the SOA Server using the Node manager.

To ensure correct settings for Node Manager startup in production environment:

You may also need to check whether the node manager service is active from Oracle WebLogic Admin server Console. If your node manager is not active in the admin console, refer to http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E13222_01/wls/docs92/server_start/nodemgr.html for troubleshooting.

2.2.2 Performing Prerequisites for Cluster Installation

To perform prerequisites for cluster installation:

  1. Open admin console

  2. Click on View Changes and Restart in Change Center.

  3. Click on Restart Checklist.

  4. Ensure that there is no admin server or any of the soa_servers of the cluster on the restart checklist.

  5. If there are any servers listed, restart the mentioned server.

If you are installing only Foundation Pack on cluster, then:

  1. Open the <WebTier_HOME>/instances/<instances_name>/config/OHS/ohs1/mod_wl_ohs.conf file.

  2. Add the following code.

    <Location /AIA>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WebLogicCluster <machine1_hostname>:<port>,<machine2_hostname>:<port>
    WLLogFile /tmp/web_log.log

2.2.3 Creating AIA schemas (Optional)

AIA Foundation Pack Installer gives you the flexibility to choose the schema name, password along with the default and temporary tablespace on which the schemas have to be created.

In addition to that, AIA Foundation Pack allows you to create AIA Schemas and other DB artifacts in a manner that best fits your organization standards and advanced database options. AIA schemas along with the database artifacts can be created using the SQL script templates shipped with the AIA Foundation Pack installation bundle under <shiphome>/cd/Disk1/misc/sql of your AIA Foundation Pack Installation CD. These SQL scripts should be executed for creating the schemas before launching the Installer.

Follow the below steps before you launch the installer.

  1. Create AIA, XREF, AIALIFECYCLE, JMS schemas. The scripts located under <shiphome>/cd/Disk1/misc/sql folder i.e. createAIASchema.sql, createJMSSchema.sql, createLifecycleSchema.sql, createXRefSchema.sql can be used as templates to create the schemas.

  2. Execute populate data scripts as described below:

    1. populateAIASchema.sql against AIA schema.

    2. populateJMSSchema.sql against JMS schema.

    3. populateLifecycleSchema.sql against AIALIFECYCLE schema.

    4. Execute SOA_HOME/rcu/integration/soainfra/sql/xref/createschema_xref_oracle.sql against XREF Schema.

Once you finish the above process, launch the installer and in the Database Details Screen, choose Connect To option to connect to the schema that was created. For other schema types for which the SQL scripts were not executed manually choose the Create New Schema option.

2.2.4 Administering MDS Tablespace

AIA Foundation Pack loads a lot of data to MDS as a part of deployment. The default tablespace allocated may not be sufficient when multiple repetitive AIA Foundation Pack deployments are done on the same server. This may cause the error

"Unable to extend tablespace "

If you see the message you can increase the tablespace size.

If you have cleared a large amount of data from a data object, and expect the tablespace to have more data, you may still see this error. The tablespace release is not synchronous, and you must run command ALTER TABLE table_name SHRINK SPACE.

2.3 Installation Process

If you want to install Foundation Pack using AIA Foundation Pack Installer, go to Chapter 3, "Installing and Deploying Using AIA Foundation Pack Installer".

If you want to install Foundation Pack by running manual scripts, go to Chapter 4, "Installing and Deploying using Manual Steps".

If you are installing AIA Foundation Pack for the first time, Oracle recommends that you use AIA Foundation Pack Installer.