1 Introduction

This document describes how to program WebLogic Web services using the Java API for XML-based Web services (JAX-WS). JAX-WS is a standards-based API for coding, assembling, and deploying Java Web services.

JAX-WS is designed to take the place of JAX-RPC in Web services and Web applications. To compare the features that are supported for JAX-WS and JAX-RPC, see "How Do I Choose Between JAX-WS and JAX-RPC?" in Introducing WebLogic Web Services for Oracle WebLogic Server. For information about migrating a JAX-RPC Web service to JAX-WS, see Chapter 8, "Migrating JAX-RPC Web Services and Clients to JAX-WS."

The following table summarizes the contents of this guide.

Table 1-1 Content Summary

This section . . . Describes how to . . .

Chapter 2, "Use Cases and Examples"

Run common use cases and examples.

Chapter 3, "Developing WebLogic Web Services"

Develop Web services using the WebLogic development environment.

Chapter 4, "Programming the JWS File"

Program the JWS file that implements your Web service.

Chapter 5, "Using JAXB Data Binding"

Use the Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) data binding.

Chapter 6, "Invoking Web Services"

Invoke your Web service from a stand-alone client or another Web service.

Chapter 7, "Administering Web Services"

Administer WebLogic Web services using the Administration Console.

Chapter 8, "Migrating JAX-RPC Web Services and Clients to JAX-WS"

Migrate a JAX-RPC Web service to JAX-WS.


The JAX-WS implementation in Oracle WebLogic Server is extended from the JAX-WS Reference Implementation (RI) developed by the Glassfish Community (see https://jax-ws.java.net/). All features defined in the JAX-WS specification (JSR-224) are fully supported by Oracle WebLogic Server.

The JAX-WS RI also contains a variety of extensions, provided by Glassfish contributors. Unless specifically documented, JAX-WS RI extensions are not supported for use in Oracle WebLogic Server.

For an overview of WebLogic Web services, standards, samples, and related documentation, see Introducing WebLogic Web Services for Oracle WebLogic Server. For information about WebLogic Web service security, see Securing WebLogic Web Services for Oracle WebLogic Server.

A Note About Upgrading Existing WebLogic Web Services

There are no steps required to upgrade a 10.x WebLogic Web service to Release 10.3.1; you can redeploy a 10.x Web service to WebLogic Server Release 10.3.1 without making any changes or recompiling it.