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Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes for Oracle Unified Directory 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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Document Information


1.  Release Notes

Overview of Oracle Unified Directory 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Support for the Oracle Directory Integration Platform

Synchronization between Oracle Unified Directory and Oracle Internet Directory

Synchronization between Oracle Unified Directory and Third-Party Directories

System Requirements and Supported Systems

Hardware Requirements

Supported Operating Systems

Operating System Requirements

Java Requirements

File Descriptor Requirements (Linux Systems)

To Increase the File Descriptor Limit (Linux)

Specific Requirements for Installation in Solaris Zones

Supported Application Servers

Certified Languages

Software Environment Limitations and Recommendations

Oracle Unified Directory 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) Limitations

Oracle Unified Directory Software Recommendations

Related Documentation

2.  Known Issues

System Requirements and Supported Systems

To ensure optimal server performance, your system must meet the following requirements:

Hardware Requirements

For optimal performance, your system must have sufficient RAM memory for the JVM heap and database cache. For more information about setting the JVM heap and database cache, see Chapter 6, Configuring the JVM, Java Options, and Database Cache, in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Unified Directory.

On Solaris systems, the operating system should be configured to have at least twice as much virtual memory as JVM heap. To achieve this, you might need to increase the size of the operating system swap space.

Your system should also have enough disk space to store the generated log files. The server log files can consume up to 1 GB of disk space with default server settings. In replicated environments, the change log database can grow up to 30-40 GB with loads of 1000 mods/sec. For information about setting the log file size, see Configuring Log Rotation Policies in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administration Guide for Oracle Unified Directory.

You can configure Oracle Unified Directory in such a way that it uses substantially less, or more, disk space depending on your application and performance needs. Any setup considerations must determine the amount of memory for the server's database and log files.

As a general guideline, the following hardware is recommended:

Hardware Component
Evaluation purposes: At least 256 MB of free memory for a small database.

Production: Minimum of 2 GB.

Note - For large databases or large global index catalogs that require more than 4 GB of RAM, your system should use 64–bit architectures.

Local disk space
Evaluation purposes: For a small database and sufficient space for log files, your system should have at least 100 MB of free local disk space. Preferably, you should have at least 1 GB of disk space.

Production: For a typical production deployment with a maximum of 250,000 entries and no binary attributes, such as images, 4 GB of disk space might be sufficient for the database only. You might need an additional 1 GB of disk space for log files. You need to determine disk space for the change log database (DB), which is dependent on the load (updates per second) and on the replication purge delay (that is, the time the server should keep information about internal updates). The change log DB can grow up to 30-40 GB with loads of 1000 modifications per second.

When you use global index replication, ensure that you have enough disk space for the replication change logs. By default, the change log stores changes from the last 24 hours. The configuration should be based on the expected size of the service. For example, you would need 150 GB for 5000 modify/seconds.

The directory server does not support databases and logs installed on NFS-mounted file systems. Sufficient space should be provided for the database on a local file system, for example, in /var/opt or /local on UNIX or Linux machines.

Supported Operating Systems

For information about certified Operating Systems for Oracle Unified Directory 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) refer to the certification matrix on the following Web page

Operating System Requirements

The following table outlines the operating system requirements.

Operating System TCP/IP Ports
The directory server uses the following ports by default:
  • Administration connector, default port 4444

  • LDAP, default port 389

  • LDAPS, default port 636

  • SNMP, default port 161 if configured

  • JMX, default port 1689

  • Replication port 8989

  • The ports can differ between root and non-root users for some protocols.

File Descriptor Limits
On some Linux systems, the default file descriptor limit is set to 1024. This value might be too small when processing the total number of client connections, database files, and log files that the directory server requires to operate. It is strongly advised to increase the file descriptor limit to 64K or (65536 field descriptors).

Java Requirements

For information about certified Java version for each Java implementation, refer to the following Web page

File Descriptor Requirements (Linux Systems)

To ensure optimal server performance, the total number of client connections, database files, and log files must not exceed the maximum file descriptor limit on the operating system (ulimit -n). By default, the directory server allows an unlimited number of connections but is restricted by the file descriptor limit on the operating system. Linux systems limit the number of file descriptors that any one process may open to 1024 per process. (This condition is not a problem on Solaris machines, x86, x64, or SPARC).

After the directory server has exceeded the file descriptor limit of 1024 per process, any new process and worker threads will be blocked. For example, if the directory server attempts to open a Oracle Berkeley JE database file when the operating system has exceeded the file descriptor limit, the directory server will no longer be able to open a connection that can lead to a corrupted database exception. Likewise, if you have a directory server that exceeds the file descriptor limit set by the operating system, the directory server can become unresponsive as the LDAP connection handler consumes all of the CPU's processing in attempting to open a new connection.

To fix this condition, set the maximum file descriptor limit per process on Linux machines.

To Increase the File Descriptor Limit (Linux)

  1. Display the current hard limit of your machine.

    The hard limit is the maximum server limit that can be set without tuning the kernel parameters in proc file system.

    $ ulimit -aH
    core file size (blocks)       unlimited
    data seg size (kbytes)        unlimited
    file size (blocks)            unlimited
    max locked memory (kbytes)    unlimited
    max memory size (kbytes)      unlimited
    open files                    1024
    pipe size (512 bytes)         8
    stack size (kbytes)           unlimited
    cpu time (seconds)            unlimited
    max user processes            4094
    virtual memory (kbytes)       unlimited
  2. Edit the /etc/security/limits.conf and add the lines:
    *     soft   nofile  1024
    *     hard   nofile  65535 
  3. Edit the /etc/pam.d/login by adding the line:
    session required /lib/security/
  4. Use the system file limit to increase the file descriptor limit to 65535.

    The system file limit is set in /proc/sys/fs/file-max .

    echo 65535 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max
  5. Use the ulimit command to set the file descriptor limit to the hard limit specified in /etc/security/limits.conf.
    ulimit -n unlimited
  6. Restart your system.

Specific Requirements for Installation in Solaris Zones

The Oracle Unified Directory software treats global, full local, and sparse zones as an independent physical system. Installing the server in any type of Solaris zone is therefore like installing on an independent system. The software does not share services or file locations with other zones.

Supported Application Servers

Before you begin the installation procedure, you must read the certification matrix to ensure that your environment meets the minimum installation requirement for each component.

For more information about certified application servers, refer to the certification matrix on the following Web page

Certified Languages

Oracle Unified Directory 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) is certified for the following languages:

Note - Certain error messages (specifically, the SEVERE and FATAL messages) are displayed in English only.

For more information, see the following Web page