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Oracle Fusion Middleware Glossary for Oracle Unified Directory 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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Document Information

1.  Glossary


abandon operation

abstract object class

Abstract Syntax Notation One

access control

access control instruction (ACI)

access control rule

access log

account expiration

account lockout

account status notification

account usability control


add operation


AND search filter

anonymous bind


approximate index

approximate search filter


assertion value


attribute description

attribute option

attribute syntax

attribute type

attribute usage

attribute value

attribute value assertion

audit log


authentication ID

authentication password syntax


authorization ID

authorization identity control

auxiliary object class



back end


base64 encoding

Basic Encoding Rules

Basic Encoding Rules Overview

The BER Type

The BER Length

The BER Value

BER Encoding Examples


Berkeley DB Java Edition

binary copy

bind operation


cancel extended operation



certificate mapper



cn=Directory Manager

collective attribute

Common Development and Distribution License

compare operation

connection handler

connection ID


CRAM-MD5 SASL mechanism

crypt algorithm



database cache

debug log

delete operation

deprecated password storage scheme

dereference policy

DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism

directory information tree

directory manager

directory server

directory server agent

Directory Services Markup Language

distinguished name



DIT content rule

DIT structure rule



DSA-specific entry



DSML gateway


dynamic group



entry cache

entry change notification control


entry ID


equality index

equality search filter

error log


extended operation

extensible match index

extensible match search filter



failover algorithm

false filter


generalized time

get effective rights control

global index

global index catalog

greater than or equal to search filter


GSSAPI SASL mechanism


ID list

id2entry database

identity mapper

idle account lockout

in-core restart


index entry limit

intermediate response

Internet Draft


Java Management Extensions



key manager provider


last login time

lastmod plug-in

LDAP assertion control

ldapcompare command

LDAP Data Interchange Format

ldapdelete command

LDAP false filter

LDAP intermediate response

LDAP message

LDAP modify DN operation

LDAP modify operation

ldapmodify command

LDAP no-op control

LDAP post-read control

LDAP pre-read control

LDAP result


LDAP search filter

ldapsearch command

LDAP true filter

LDAP Subentry


LDIF export

LDIF import

leaf entry

less than or equal to search filter

lexico algorithm

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

load balancing

lookthrough limit


MakeLDIF command

manage DSA IT control

matched DN

matched values control

matching rule

matching rule use



message ID


modification type

modify DN operation

modify operation

monitor entry


name form

naming context

network group

non-leaf entry

normalized value

notice of disconnection unsolicited notification

NOT search filter

numeric algorithm


object class

object class type

object identifier

operation ID

operational attribute

ordering index

OR search filter




password expiration

password generator

Password Modify extended operation

password policy

password policy control

password reset

password storage scheme

password validator

persistent search control

PLAIN SASL mechanism


presence index

presence search filter


proportional algorithm

protocol data unit

protocol op

proxied authorization control


quality of protection


real attributes only control

referential integrity


relative distinguished name



replication repair control

request for comments



result code

root DN

root DSE




saturation algorithm

saturation alert

saturation threshold


schema checking

search attributes

search base DN

search filter

search operation

search result done

search result entry

search result reference

search scope

Secure Hash Algorithm

Secure Sockets Layer

server-side sort control

simple authentication

Simple Authentication and Security Layer

simple paged results control

size limit

smart referral

StartTLS extended operation

static group

structural object class


subschema subentry

substring assertion

substring index

substring search filter


subtree delete control

supported control

supported extension

supported feature




time limit


Transport Security Layer

true filter

trust manager provider

typesOnly flag


unbind operation

unindexed search

UNIX crypt algorithm

unsolicited notification


user attribute


virtual attribute

virtual attributes only control

virtual directory

virtual list view control

virtual static group

VLV index


"Who Am I?" extended operation

work queue

worker thread


workflow element

writability mode



cancel extended operation

The LDAP Cancel extended operation is an extended operation that provides a function similar to the core LDAP abandon operation in that it can be used to request that the server stop processing on an operation in progress. The primary advantages of the Cancel extended operation over the abandon operation are that both the cancel request and the operation being canceled are guaranteed to get a response, whereas there is no response for the abandon request and there may not be a response for the operation being abandoned.

The Cancel extended operation is defined in RFC 3909. The value of the Cancel Request extended operation is encoded as follows:

cancelRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE {
     cancelID        MessageID
                     -- MessageID is as defined in [RFC2251]


See Common Development and Distribution License.


A certificate is an element of public key cryptography that may be used to perform asymmetric encryption. In particular, a certificate consists of a pair of keys (called the “public key” and the “private key”, respectively) that are linked so that any data encrypted using the public key can be decrypted using the private key. With many public key algorithms, like RSA, the reverse is also true so that any data encrypted with the private key can be decrypted using the public key.

The term certificate has different meanings, based on the context in which it is used. In many cases, it refers to only the public key (in particular, whenever the server presents its certificate to the client, or if a client presents its certificate to the server, then only the public key is included). However, in other cases, it does include the private key (i.e., the server will require the use of the private key to establish a secure communication channel with the client, and the client will need access to its private key in order to send its own certificate to the server).

Certificates have two primary uses in the directory server. The first is for providing a secure communication mechanism, generally through the use of SSL or StartTLS. In this case, the negotiation process involves the client encrypting information using the server's public key so that only the server can decrypt it using its public key and that information will not be exposed to any third party that might be able to observe the communication. Certificates may also be used for data signing, in which case the server will encrypt information using its private key, and clients will know that the data is legitimately from the server if it can be decrypted using the server's public key.

certificate mapper

A certificate mapper provides the logic required to identify a user in the Directory Server that corresponds to a provided client certificate. The mapping may use any of the information contained in the certificate, although many certificate mappers are based primarily on the certificate's subject (the name of the certificate, which comprises a number of attribute-value pairs and looks very much like an LDAP distinguished name.

For more information about the certificate mappers available for use in the directory server, see the Certificate Mapper Configuration.


Chaining provides a mechanism for making data in a remote Directory Server instance appear as if it is part of the local server. That is, chaining is used to present a part of the DIT using data from another server. Any request that the server receives for data in a chained portion of the DIT will be transparently forwarded to the server that actually contains the request.


A changelog is a special kind of database that is used to keep track of the changes that occur in a Directory Server instance. There are two different kinds of changelogs:

cn=Directory Manager

See directory manager.

collective attribute

A collective attribute is a special type of virtual attribute that is defined in RFC 3671. Collective attributes enable you to define values that are assigned to attributes based on an entry's membership in a subentry.

Common Development and Distribution License

The Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) is an OSI-approved open source license which is used by the OpenDS project, on which Oracle Unified Directory.

The CDDL is a file-based license, which means that any changes to files contained in the project need to remain licensed under the CDDL. New files, however, may be licensed under any license chosen by the author (including closed-source licenses). The CDDL is based on the Mozilla Public License (MPL) and includes a patent grant clause so that any technology covered by patents will be granted to other projects using the code.

The CDDL license contents may be found at

compare operation

The LDAP compare operation can be used to determine whether a specified entry contains a given attribute value. The compare request protocol op is defined as follows:

CompareRequest ::= [APPLICATION 14] SEQUENCE {
     entry           LDAPDN,
     ava             AttributeValueAssertion }

AttributeValueAssertion ::= SEQUENCE {
     attributeDesc   AttributeDescription,
     assertionValue  AssertionValue }

The elements of the request include the following:

The response to an LDAP compare operation is an LDAP result element as defined below:

CompareResponse ::= [APPLICATION 15] LDAPResult

connection handler

A connection handler is a component of the Directory Server that is responsible for accepting connections from clients, reading and parsing requests submitted by the clients, ensuring that they are processed by the server, and sending the corresponding responses back to the client. The connection handler manages all communication with the client and therefore needs to implement support for the associated protocol.

The directory server currently provides connection handlers capable of communicating using LDAP and JMX, as well as a special connection handler for internal use that may be used to allow components of the server (like plug-ins and other kinds of extensions) to perform operations. The server also provides an extensible connection handler API that may be used to implement support for additional network protocols.

connection ID

A connection ID is a unique integer identifier that is assigned to each connection maintained within the Directory Server. It is used primarily for logging purposes, so that it is possible to correlate the various operations performed on a given connection.

The connection ID counter starts at zero for the first connection received by the server and increments by one for each additional connection. The counter is reset whenever the server is restarted.

Internal connections, which are used for processing internal operations, are assigned negative values to distinguish them from connections from external clients.


An LDAP control is an element that may be included in an message. If it is included in a request message, it can be used to provide additional information about the way that the operation should be processed. If it is included in the response message, it can be used to provide additional information about the way the operation was processed.

Examples of LDAP controls include:

An LDAP control is defined as follows:

Control ::= SEQUENCE {
     controlType             LDAPOID,
.... criticality             BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
.... controlValue            OCTET STRING OPTIONAL }

A control includes these elements:

CRAM-MD5 SASL mechanism

The CRAM-MD5 SASL mechanism provides a way for clients to authenticate to the Directory Server with a username and password in a manner that does not expose the clear-text password, so it is significantly safer than simple authentication or the PLAIN SASL mechanism when the connection between the client and the server is not secure.

The CRAM-MD5 SASL mechanism is described in the draft-ietf-sasl-crammd5-10 internet draft. The process is as follows:

  1. The client sends an LDAP message to the server with a bind request protocol op type using an authentication type of SASL with a mechanism name of CRAM-MD5 and no credentials.

  2. The server sends a bind response message back to the client with a result code of 14 (SASL bind in progress) and a server SASL credentials element including randomly-generated data (the challenge).

  3. The client responds with a second SASL bind request message to the server with a mechanism name of CRAM-M5, and this time provides SASL credentials containing the authentication ID used to identify the user and an MD5 digest that is computed by combining the server-provided challenge with the clear-text password.

  4. The server uses the authentication ID to identify the user, and then retrieves the clear-text password for that user (if the clear-text password cannot be obtained, then authentication will fail) and uses it to determine whether the provided digest is valid. The server will then send an appropriate response to the client (usually with a result of either success or invalid credentials) indicating whether the authentication was successful.

The CRAM-MD5 SASL mechanism is very similar to DIGEST-MD5, but it is somewhat weaker because CRAM-MD5 only includes random data from the server whereas DIGEST-MD5 includes random data from both the client and the server. DIGEST-MD5 also provides a provision for ensuring connection integrity and/or confidentiality, which CRAM-MD5 does not offer.

crypt algorithm

See UNIX crypt algorithm.