Oracle® Documaker PPS Reporting Tool

April 2013
This ReadMe accompanies the following Oracle product for the Microsoft Windows operation system:

Note: This release of Oracle Documaker components is for multiple platforms.

This file contains the following topics:


The documentation for Oracle Insurance products, including Oracle Documaker, is available from the Oracle Technologies Network site under Oracle Insurance:

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Items Addressed

This is a cumulative patch to Documaker 12.1. The following items are included in this patch and originally addressed in the patch indicated. This list may include previous fixes and enhancements that were applied to Documaker components, but may not relate directly to the Documaker PPS Reporting Tool.
In addition to the following items there may also be additional product enhancements outlined in the Release Notes. (12.1 Patch 02)

PPS Reporting Tool

There are no specific product changes or BugDB items related to the PPS Reporting tool in this patch. (12.0 Patch 01)

PPS Reporting Tool
BugDB# Description
 This patch removes a check made by the PPS Reporting Tool installer which looked for Microsoft Access. The installer cannot reliably check for installs of Access that are not installed in the Programs directory.
 This patch corrects a problem in the arceng module which prevented it from working correctly when you used legacy format MRLs.
 This patch replaces the example Studio MRL included in the release. This MRL supports the PPS Reporting Tool extensions in this release that all it to work with Studio format MRLs in addition to the existing, legacy MRL format.
 This patch corrects a user interface problem in the PPS Reporting Tool which could appear when you used Studio-format MRLs.
 This patch changes the PPS Reporting Tool to avoid potential problems which could occur if you had null data in the database.
 This patch changes the PPS Reporting tool so that it now tests the MRL for invalid TrnDfdFile values.

Customer Support

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