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Header Text

The LOG2IMG utility also automatically adds tape header information at the beginning of the Xerox IMG file as some products expect a 128-byte block tape header at the beginning of the file. You can override the default text assigned when creating Xerox graphic image files (IMG) for Xerox printers. The default header text assigned for IMG files is shown here :

Type of IMG file

Default header text

Black and white




This works for most Xerox printers and print submission systems, but if you need to specify header text for the remaining systems, include the /H parameter.

You can also use the IMGHeader option to specify the header text. The system looks for this option in your Xerox printer control group. Here is an example:

< PrtType:XER >

IMGHeader = Interpress/Xerox/1.0/ImgFormat/1.00

In this example, the text Interpress/Xerox/1.0/ImgFormat/1.00 overrides the default header text. If you omit this option, the system creates the IMG file with the default header text.