You are here: Available Utilities > A > AFP2MVS


Use the AFP2MVS utility to record-orient an AFP file that has been transferred to z/OS (MVS, OS/390) from a Windows or UNIX-based system.

When an AFP file such as a print stream, font, or a page segment is uploaded from Windows or UNIX to a z/OS system, the resulting AFP file is not oriented into separate records — instead it looks like one continuous record. For the AFP file to be properly processed on z/OS, it must be oriented into separate records.

Because of the structure of AFP records, these records can be separated fairly easily. Each AFP record usually begins with a 0x5A byte. In the EBCDIC character set, this value (code point) is displayed as an exclamation point (!). Following the 0x5A byte is the length of the record. The AFP2MVS utility reads through the AFP file, separates the file into records and writes the resulting record-oriented file out as an output file. If you were then to browse the file, the 0x5A records (first byte displayed as an exclamation point) would display one per row.

Program names






If the input file is a Partitioned Data Set (PDS), use this parameter to specify the member within the PDS to process. To process all members, enter /I=*.

If the input file is a sequential file, omit this parameter.


Include this parameter to tell the utility that the dataset is a Mixed Mode dataset. Unlike regular AFP files, Mixed Mode AFP files typically contain records of line data — not AFP records.


This parameter tells the utility what do if it encounters an invalid record or unexpected characters in the print stream during conversion.

/N=W (default) - Issues a warning message and skips the invalid characters up to the next 0x5A record. Finishes processing and gives a return code of 04.

/N=E - Issues an error message. Stops processing and gives a return code of 08.

/N=A - Issues an error message. Stops processing and gives an abend code of 2000.

Keep in mind...

Data Set Name  . . . . : FSI.V112.RPEX1.GENPRINT.PRTBAT1.FROMPC


General Data                      Current Allocation
 Management class .  : **None**     Allocated cylinders : 1
Storage class .  . .  : STANDARD    Allocated extents . : 1
 Volume serial   . .  : DCI009
 Device type. . . .  :3390
Data class  . . . .  : **None**    Current Utilization
 Organization    . .  : PS          Used cylinders  . . : 0
 Record format . . .  : VBM          Used extents  . . . : 0
 Record length  . .  :8209
 Block size   . . . .  :23500
 1st extent cylinders: 1
 Secondary cylinders : 1
 Data set name type :              SMS Compressible.: NO
