You are here: Available Utilities > A > AFPCOPY


Use the AFPCOPY utility to convert a print stream from cut-sheet to continuous-form. The utility does this by taking an AFP print stream which contains multiple BEGINDOC and ENDDOC statements and generating a print stream with only one BEGINDOC and one ENDDOC statement.

Program names






(Optional) The input file name (with page breaks).


(Optional) The output file name.

The input AFP print stream is read from the INFILE DD statement and the output AFP print stream is written to the OUTFILE DD statement. Look in member AFPCOPYX of JCLLIB to find an example of this utility.

On z/OS systems, use DD:INFILE as the input file in the JCL. Use DD:OUTFILE as the output file in the JCL. Use VBM,8205,8209 on the SysUT2 DD statement.


Here is an example

AFPCOPY /infile /outfile