You are here: Available Utilities > A > AFPOPT


Use this utility to optimize an AFP print stream. The AFPOPT utility reads an AFP print stream produced by Documaker and outputs a smaller, optimized AFP print stream. During the optimization process, the utility removes:

Program names






Enter the input AFP file name. You can omit the extension.


Enter the name you want the utility to assign to the optimized AFP file. You can omit the extension

Keep in mind...


Here is an example:

afpoptw /i=original.afp /o=optimized.afp

AFPOPT - AFP Optimize Program

Reading original.afp...


opt.afp optimized as follows:


AFP Record count reduced by 12% (27 -> 24)

Font Selections reduced by 94% (228 -> 14)

Text Orientations reduced by 100% (229 -> 2)

Abs Move Baseline reduced by 85% (252 -> 40)

Set Var Space Incr reduced by 100% (228 -> 1)