You are here: Available Utilities > B > BARR2MVS


Use the BARR2MVS utility when you have a Xerox Metacode spool file which is one long record and you want to separate it into separate records for z/OS (MVS).

Note This program is only available on z/OS.

Metacode print spools which are created on PCs and which use JES2 format, contain carriage return/line feeds (CR/LF) at the end of each record. However, some Metacode print spools created on a PC may contain binary data which happens to contain a carriage return/line feed. In this case, uploading the spool file with CR/LF translation will produce an invalid Metacode print spool file on z/OS.

In this case, create the Metacode print spool using the BARR format, upload the original Metacode print spool file as binary, with no CR/LFs, and use the BARR2MVS utility to convert the BARR formatted print spool file into a Metacode print spool file with separate records on z/OS.


Here is an example to show you how to do this:

  1. Create a PS (Physical Sequential) file on z/OS with DCB=U,0,23200. Name this file WINFILE.
  2. Create another PS file with DCB=VB,600,23200 and call it z/OSFILE.

The BARR2MVS utility uses DD:RSCWIN as the DD name for the original Metacode print spool file and uses DD:RSCMVS as the DD name for the newly-created Metacode print spool file with separate records.