You are here: Available Utilities > C > CVTFASR


Use the CVTFASR utility to convert a FORMDEF and SETRCPTB pair into BDF (Business unit definition file), GRP (group file), and FOR (form file) files. The existing FORMDEF and SETRCPTB files are not modified or removed.





Enter the name of the form definition file.


Enter the name of the set recipient file.


Enter the name of the INI file.

The CVTFASR utility reads the specified FORMDEF and SETRECIP files and generates the appropriate BDF, GRP, and FOR files. If you include the INI parameter, the utility opens and reads that INI file. The utility tries to locate these INI options to get the directory locations into which the BDF, GRP and FOR files will be written.

< MasterResource >
  BDFLIB = .\bdflib
  GRPLIB = .\grplib
  FORLIB = .\forlib

If the INI option for one or more of the generated file types is missing, the utility writes the files for that type into the working directory.

Here is an example of the messages you may see when running the CVTFASR utility on Windows:

c:\fap\mstrres\dms1>cvtfasrw /formdef=.\deflib\form.dat /setrecip=.\deflib\setrcptb.dat

--- DocuCorp CVTFASR Utility Program (C) ---

--- Convert Formdef And SetRecip Files ---


Number Of Files Generated From Formdef & SetRecip:

Basedef (BDF) : 1

Group (GRP) : 4

Form (FOR) : 24


CVTFASRW was successful.