You are here: Available Utilities > D > DCD2FAP


Use this utility to convert a Docucorp Compound Document (DCD) file into a FAP file. DCD files are produced by applications such as Documerge for Windows NT version 3.0 and older versions of Documanage (Printcommander for Windows 95 version 2.0.)

Tip You can also convert DCD files into FAP files using the Convert Files to Sections option in Studio’s Conversion wizard.

Graphics embedded in the DCD files can be embedded in the FAP file or, optionally, the utility can create unique bitmap files for each graphic embedded in the DCD.

Note To create unique bitmap files for each graphic, you must first set the EmbedBitmap option in the DCD2FAP control group to No. The default is Yes. Then convert the DCD file.

Program names


DCD2FAPW /I=dcdfile /X=fxrfile /INI=inifile




The input DCD file. You can use wildcards.


The the font cross-reference (FXR) file. Include the extension (.FXR).

/INI=inifile (Optional) The INI file. The default is FSIUSER.INI.

The resulting FAP file will have the same name as the DCD file but with a FAP extension.

Use the EmbedBitmap option to specify whether bitmaps should be embedded in the FAP file or if the utility should create individual bitmap files for each graphic it encounters:

EmbedBitmap =

The default is Yes, which embeds the graphics.

If you enter No, the utility creates a bitmap file for each graphic and includes these files by reference when it creates the FAP file. Be sure to check these bitmap files into the library or copy them to the appropriate MRL (Master Resource Library).