You are here: Available Utilities > D > DFD2DDL


Use this utility to generate DDL (Data Definition Language) files from your DFD files. DDL files consist of the SQL statements that create your tables and views. This is helpful if you have an RDBMS database where an administrator is required to create tables and indexes and users are not typically granted those privileges.

Program names


DFD2DDLW /I /O /D /T /S /P /L




Enter the name of the DFD file. Include the full or relative path.


Enter the name you want the utility to assign to the DDL file it will create. The default is the DDLFile root plus the extension .SQL.


Enter the name of the target database. You can choose from: MSSQL, DB2, Oracle, MySQL. The default is MSSQL.


Enter the name of the target table. The default is the DFD root name.


(Optional) Enter the name of the target schema. This is typically used for Oracle schema, DB2 schema, and MSSQL DBowner.


(Optional) Enter the name of the primary table index. This allows for unique constraints on key fields.


(Optional) Enter the name of the target location. This is used for DB2 (location) and MySQL (database name).

Avoid the following ExtTypes because they are not supported as external data types in Documaker’s database handlers: