You are here: Available Utilities > F > FAP2AFP


Use this utility to compile a FAP file into an AFP print file.

The FAP2AFP utility generates an AFP print-ready file from the FAP file you specify. In addition to the name of the FAP file, you must also specify the font cross-reference (FXR) file used by the FAP file.

Program names






Enter the name of the FAP file you want to compile. You can use asterisks (*) as wildcards to select multiple files.

Note that you cannot use asterisks if you include the /LIB parameter.


(Optional) Enter the output file name and location. This can be different than input name. This default is the input name.


(Optional) Enter the name of the INI file. The default is FSIUSER.INI.


(Optional) Enter the name of the font cross-reference (FXR) file. The default is the FXR file specified in the INI file.


(Optional) Add this parameter to print variable fields as template fields.


(Optional) Add this parameter to create a normalized output file.


(Optional) Enter the name of the library from which you want to retrieve the input FAP file.

If you omit the /VER and/or the /REV parameters, the utility retrieves the latest version and/or revision.


(Optional) Enter L to retrieve the latest version in the library or else enter a specific version number.


(Optional) Enter L to retrieve the latest revision in the library or else specify a specific revision number.

Note This utility is not case sensitive.