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Use the FAP2OVL utility to compile a FAP file into an overlay for an AFP printer.


Program names






The FAP file you want to compile. Omit the extension. You can use asterisks as wildcards to select multiple files.


The font cross-reference (FXR) file. Omit the extension. You can enter an absolute (d:\dap\myinc\mstrres\rel110) or relative path (..\mstrres\rel110).


Add this parameter to print variable fields.


Specifies the output directory. You can enter an absolute d:\dap\my\mst\ovllib) or relative path (..\mstrres\ovl).


Add this parameter if the AFP overlay should use color. Enter one of the named AFP colors such as blue, red, magenta, green, cyan, yellow, dark_blue, orange, purple, dark_green, dark_cyan, mustard, gray, or brown. For details, see Printing in Color .


Enter 240, 300, or 600 to indicate the resolution in dots per inch (DPI). The default is 240.

Use this parameter to support producing AFP overlays using 240, 300, or 600 DPI for coordinates and bitmap data produced when using inline graphics. Documaker Studio can produce AFP output (print streams and normalized AFP files) using either a 240 or 300 DPI coordinate system.


Specifies an INI file which contains additional parameters. You can enter an absolute (d:\dap\myinc\mstrres\fsisys.ini) or relative path (..\mstrres\fsisys). The file name does not have to be FSISYS.INI.


Add this parameter if you want the FAP file name at the bottom but no fields.

Note This utility is not case sensitive.

The FAP2OVL utility generates an AFP OVL overlay printer resource file from a FAP file. In addition to the FAP file name, you must also specify the font cross-reference (FXR) file used by the FAP file.

The /VF parameter prints the FAP file name at the bottom of the page using font ID 3001, and fills all variable fields on the FAP with X characters. The /NO option only prints the FAP file name at the bottom of the page using font ID 3001. These options are useful when you are developing and proofing your implementation.

Note Do not use the /VF or /NO options when you are creating an overlay (OVL) file for production print use.

After a production quality overlay file is generated, you have to make it available to the PSF2 by copying it to the print server and add it to the PSF2/ Librarian database.

On z/OS, the overlay has to be copied into a PDS, which is attached to the OVERLIB DD statement in the PSF PROC, or a PDS which is assigned to the USERLIB= parameter, on the OUTPUT statement in the job JCL. After all the required overlays are installed on PSF2 or PSF, run the GenPrint program with this INI option:

SendOverlays = Yes

The spool file the GenPrint program creates will include calls to merge those overlays as needed.