You are here: Available Utilities > F > FDT2DB


Use this utility to create a cross-referenced database of your master resource library (MRL) forms, sections, and fields. You can use the resulting database to query this information from within any appropriate database tool. For instance, you can use this information to:

The utility uses the FORM.DAT or BDF (Business Definition File) file to extract resource information into a database file, with tables for the library, form group keys, global recipients, form groups, forms, sections, linked recipients, and fields.

Note Rules are not converted.

The utility reads the entire MRL, but if the resource is not listed in the FORM.DAT or BDF file, the utility does not include it.

Program names






(Optional) Tells the utility which INI file to use. The default is the FSIUSER.INI file. The information in the INI file tells the utility where to find the master resource library (MRL).


(Optional) The name of the input file. If you omit this parameter, the utility defaults to FORM.DAT.

If you enter a file name but omit the extension, the utility defaults to DAT — unless you include the /BDF parameter, in which case it defaults to BDF.

If you omit the extension, include the period at the end of the file name.


(Optional) Tells the utility to use the Business Definition (BDF) file instead of the FORM.DAT file. You must include this parameter if you want the utility to use a BDF file when it converts resources.


(Optional) Tells the utility to remove the current table data before it repopulates the database with data from the BDF or FORM.DAT file.

You can run this utility multiple times. Be aware, however, that if you run it multiple times, data may be duplicated and you may have unnecessary records in the database. To remove unnecessary records, include the /Purge parameter. This tells the utility to remove all records from the database before opening the input file. After the purge, only records from the input file are in the database file.

Specifying the database

Use the following INI options to specify the database you want to use:

< DBHandlers >
  DBHandler = ODBC

You cannot run this utility without the DBHandler option. The DBHandlers control group defines the ODBC available to the system. With this option, you can name the ODBC anything you want.

< DBHandler:ODBC >
  Server = DMS1

The Server option is referenced by the DBHandler option. The utility searches for the DBHandlers:XXXX (XXXX being the selected ODBC) for Server option. If you omit these options and choose to use a blank database, the utility uses the default table DFDs.