You are here: Available Utilities > F > FIXFORM


Use the FIXFORM utility to make changes and correct problems in FAP and DDT files. This utility is often used when converting older FAP files into a newer format. You can also use it, for instance, to check DAL script syntax and perform other tasks such as reassigning font IDs, and modifying text rectangle coordinates which define the space reserved for text.


Program names






Enter the name of the FAP file.


Enter the name of the font cross-reference file (REL121.FXR).


Enter the name of the output FAP file if different. Omit the extension.


Include this parameter to shrink the FAP file to a custom size. This parameter tells the utility to remove all of the white space from the bottom, right-hand side of the section.


Include this parameter to check field DAL script syntax.


Include this parameter to check field DAL script syntax and attempt to correct errors.


Include this parameter to load global bitmaps (LOG files).


Enter the name of the INI file.

You can also include these conversion options:




Convert all colored objects to print in color


Combine text elements. The utility defaults to combining text elements if the space between those elements is less than 99% of the width of the space character. You can also specify the percentage. For instance, /C50 tells the utility to combine the text elements into a single text element if the distance between them is less than 50% of the width of the space character.


Map alternate fonts


Map alternate characters


Fix negative coordinates


Widen text areas as needed to prevent word wrapping that could occur when performing tasks such as re-mapping fonts. Use /B to check the form to see if the text in the text area exceeds the right boundary of the text area. If it does, the FIXFORM utility adjusts the right edge of the text area to be one FAP unit greater than the right edge of the text — as long as that adjustment does not extend the text area beyond the edge of the page. This keeps existing text areas from wrapping differently. This parameter does not tell the utility to contract the right edge, but only to expand it if necessary.


Fix rectangle coordinates using font information. Use /RT to preserve top coordinates. Use /RB to preserve bottom coordinates. You would typically use /RB.


Examine coordinates for overlap.


Adjust x coordinates for 1/4 in. left margin.


Adjust y coordinates for 1/6 in. top margin.


Convert DAL calcs to DAL script statements.


Make field names unique.


Force all date field formats to use a four-digit year.


Delete all fields.


Rotate 90 degrees to left.


Do not fix dimensions (for custom size sections).

Note If you omit an option, the system omits that task, unless the option is turned on in the INI file. The settings in the INI file override command line parameters.