You are here: Available Utilities > F > FOR2XML


Use the FOR2XML utility to convert a (Documaker Studio) FOR file into an XML file which includes field and field attribute information. You can use this utility’s output and the XMLDIFF utility to compare the fields, for instance, on a form in your production library versus a form in your development library.

Note If you want to convert a specific version/revision of the form, be sure to extract the desired version/revision of that form. Then use this utility to generate the XML file.


FOR2XML /i=FORFile /o=XMLFile /t= /filter= /ini=INIfile





Enter the name of the form (FOR) file. When the form name (FOR) contains spaces or other special characters, enclose the name in quotation marks, as shown here:

"This is an_example.for"


(Optional) Enter the name of the output XML file. If you omit this parameter, the utility uses the form name with an XML extension.


(Optional) Include this parameter to export a list of section-level triggers. Here is an example of the XML output you get with this parameter:







(Optional) Use this parameter to add rules or subtract object types from the output. By default these types of objects are exported:









To omit an object, include the /filter parameter, a minus sign, and the name of the object. For instance, to omit fields include this parameter:


You can also list the types of objects you want included. For instance, to see only fields, forms, and recipients, you could use the parameter as shown here:


To add form or section rules to the default set of objects, add a plus sign and the text rules, as shown here:


Here is an example of the output you see when you include form or section rules:

<FORMIMGRULE NAME="SetOriginM" DATA="abs+0,abs+50"/>

<FORMIMGRULE NAME="SetOrigin" DATA="rel+0,Max+0"/>


(Optional) Enter the name of the INI file you want to use to determine the setup and paths.


The XMLDIFF utility compares two XML files. Its syntax is shown here:

XMLDIFFW file1 file2

The utility creates an output file called TMP.XML that shows you the results of the comparison.
