You are here: Available Utilities > F > FRM2FAP


Use this utility to convert a version 1 or version 2 Xerox form (FRM) file into a FAP file. This utility is useful if you have existing form files in FRM format and you want to convert those forms into FAP files.

Program names






Enter the name of the FRM file. Omit the extension.


Enter the name of the font cross-reference file (REL121.FXR). Omit the extension.


Enter the default font name to use if the logo is not found.


Enter the PrtType control group to use in the INI file, such as XER.

This utility requires these files:

In addition to the FRM file, you must specify the font cross-reference file (FXR) which contains information about the Xerox fonts used in the Xerox FRM file. The FXR file contains information about the fonts which can be used in a FAP file. FRM files also include the names of the Xerox fonts used in the FRM file.

When the utility finds a Xerox font in the FRM file which is not included in the FXR file, it assumes it must be a font which the system will represent as a logo (LGO) file. Logos can be converted to Xerox fonts but this information is not stored in the FXR file. Therefore, the utility looks for the missing Xerox font name in the LOGO.DAT file.

Keep in mind you must convert the Xerox logos (LGO) used in a Xerox FRM file into Documaker graphics (LOG) files before you use this utility.

Note LGO files are used to print pictures, signatures, company logos, and so on. The FRM file may contain these pictures by using the Xerox fonts or logos created for the picture. If so, the names of these Xerox fonts or logos need to be added to the LOGO.DAT file.

If the utility finds the Xerox name in the LOGO.DAT file, it creates a logo record in the FAP file. If it does not find this Xerox name in the LOGO.DAT file, it creates a text label in the FAP file which contains the name of the missing Xerox font file.

To do this, the utility needs a font ID to use for the text label. The /F parameter tells the utility which font ID to use if it has to create text labels for the missing Xerox font files.

Note A way to determine missing fonts is to provide the /F parameter with a font ID from the FXR. If you choose a font ID with a large point size, you can easily spot the text labels which contain the names of the missing fonts. If the missing font is a normal Xerox font, simply import the Xerox font into the FXR file. If the missing font is one of these picture fonts, add its name to the LOGO.DAT file. Then rerun FRM2FAP with the improved FXR and/or LOGO.DAT files. When the FXR and LOGO.DAT files contain all of the fonts used in the FRM file, you will have a properly converted FAP file.

If you omit the output file parameter, the utility uses the FRM file name with an FAP extension.

The FRM2FAP utility looks for a control group named PRINTER in the FSISYS.INI file. In the PRINTER control group, the utility looks for the PrtType option, which determines the type of printer being used, such as AFP, XER, or PCL. Use the /P parameter to specify which PrtType control group to use.