You are here: Available Utilities > F > FXLOGREF


Use this utility to change embedded graphics in a FAP file into referenced graphics. This utility searches a FAP file for embedded graphics and either removes…

The resulting FAP file will be identical in appearance, but smaller in size if duplicate embedded graphics are found and removed.

You can also use this utility to change your graphic files without having to update the FAP files. If a graphic is embedded, the only way to remove it is by deleting it and then insert a new reference. If it is an external reference, then you can update the graphic file without having to edit each FAP file that might use that graphic.

Program names






Enter the name of the input FAP file.


Enter the name of the output file.


Compares the embedded graphics to all of the graphics in the directory to find duplicates.


Include this option to remove all embedded graphics and replace them with references to external files (*.LOG) the utility creates.


Enter the name of the INI file to use. The default is the FAPCOMP.INI file.


This utility can be useful if you are using a newer version of the system to create FAP files for an older version. For instance, if you use the RTF import feature to import a file, it will embed graphics for you.

If, however, you then plan to use the FAP file you created in a version that predates version 10.1, you would need to use this utility to remove the embedded graphics. (Prior to 10.1, the system did not support embedded graphics.)