You are here: Available Utilities > L > LBYSYNC


Use the LBYSYNC utility to synchronize libraries. To use this utility, simply designate a library to sync from and a library to sync to. You can also designate synchronization criteria, which lets the LBYSYNC restrict library objects synchronized to those with a specific MODE, STATUS, and CLASS.

Program names







The name of the library to synchronize from.


The name of the library to synchronize to.


The INI file you want the utility to use. The default is the FSIUSER.INI file.


Include this parameter to simulate a synchronization without actually copying any files to the target library. This lets you see what the utility would do without changing anything.


Specifies the synchronization criteria to use. This criteria determines which resources in the source library are eligible to be synchronized to the target library and what values to set in the source and target library for each resource upon a successful promotion. The criteria string consists of three sets of three parameters.

The first set of parameters specifies the values for the Mode, Status, and Class fields of the resources in the source library eligible for promotion.

The second set of parameters specifies the values to set in the target library for the Mode, Status, and Class fields if the resource is successfully promoted.

The third set of parameters specifies the values to set in the source library for the Mode, Status, and Class fields if the resource is successfully promoted to the target library.

The fields are semi-colon delimited. Specify the criteria like this:


If you omit the /CRIT parameter, it defaults as shown here:


This tells the utility:

- All resources in the source library are eligible to be promoted to the target library

- Mode, Status, and Class fields of the resource in the target library will be set to the value of those fields from the source library.

- Mode, Status, and Class fields of the resource in the source library will remain unchanged upon a successful promotion.


Causes a counter to show the progress of the utility as it processes library entries.


Specifies which revisions of the resource to synchronize. Enter LAST if you want the utility to synchronize only the latest revision of the resource. The default is ALL which synchronizes all revisions of the resource.


Include this parameter to generate a trace file. The trace file includes information about the source and target libraries, which resources in the source library are eligible for promotion, and the command you entered to run the utility.

On Windows and UNIX systems, the trace file is named trace and is written to the working directory. On z/OS systems, the trace file is written to the dataset associated with the TRACE DD statement.

If you omit this parameter, the trace file is not created.


Specifies which version of the resource to synchronize. Enter LAST if you want the utility to synchronize only the latest version of the resource. The default is ALL which synchronizes all versions of the resource.

In this example:


You can enter an asterisk (*) for the SMODE, SSTATUS, or SCLASS fields to indicate any value.

You specify the synchronization criteria using the /CRIT parameter or in the INI file with the SyncCriteria option. If you use the /CRIT parameter, you can only enter a single record of synchronization criteria. You can enter multiple records of synchronization criteria using the SyncCriteria option.
