You are here: Available Utilities > M > META2TTF


Use this utility to create TrueType fonts from Xerox Metacode fonts. Using TrueType fonts that match Metacode printer fonts improves how documents designed for Metacode printers appear on your screen.

Note This utility only creates corresponding TrueType fonts for portrait Metacode fonts.

Program names


meta2ttf input-metacode.fnt output-truetype.ttf [internal-TTF-name]




Enter the name of the Metacode file, including an FNT extension.

Also include a path if this file is in a directory other than the one in which the utility resides.


Enter the name you want assigned to the resulting TrueType file, including the TTF extension.

Also include a path if you want the utility to place the TTF file into a directory other than the one in which the utility resides.


(Optional) Enter an internal TTF file name if it should be different from the TTF font name.

Note Unlike other Documaker utilities, this utility does not accept the /I and /O parameters. Enter the parameters as shown above.

After you convert the Xerox fonts into TrueType fonts, you must install the TrueType fonts in the Fonts folder via Windows Control Panel. Then use the Manage, System, Fonts option in Documaker Studio to make sure the FXR file is using these TrueType fonts.


Here is an example:

meta2ttf input-metacode.fnt output-truetype.ttf [internal-TTF-name]