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Use the PDFKEY utility to generate the encrypted passwords used in the security control group. This control group specifies where permissions, passwords, and encryption strength are set.

Program names

Place the executable file (PDFKW32.EXE) in the directory which contains the other Oracle Documaker binary files.


pdfkw32 /U /O /K /P /F /M /C /N /R /A /? /H




Enter the password required to open the document. You can enter up to 32 characters. Passwords are case sensitive.


Enter the password required to modify the document or its security settings. You can enter up to 32 characters. Passwords are case sensitive.


Enter either 40 or 128 to specify the length of the encryption key. The default is 128.


Enter No to prevent users from printing the file, L to permit low quality printing, or H to permit high quality printing.


Enter No to prevent users from entering form fields. The default is Yes.


Enter No to prevent users from modifying the document. The default is Yes.


Enter No to prevent users from copying text from the document to the clipboard. The default is Yes.


Enter No to prevent users from annotating the document. The default is Yes.


Enter No to prevent users from using reader accessibility tools to view the document. The default is Yes.


Enter No to prevent users from adding navigation aids, such as bookmarks. The default is Yes.

Passwords can contain spaces. Simply enclose the entire password parameter in quotation marks, as shown here:

pdfkw32 "/O=Password With Spaces"