You are here: Available Utilities > W > WIP2WIP


Use this utility to convert WIP data and a WIP index stored in a database or xBase into any supported database format. By storing WIP data in a database, you can enhance performance when you are using multiple keys to access transactions in intra- and internet applications.

Program names


wip2wipw /I




Use this parameter to specify the name of a conversion INI file the utility should use during the conversion. The conversion INI file defines the source and target WIP configurations.

The conversion INI file must include a source WIP control group (SourceWIP) and a target WIP control group (TargetWIP). These control groups define the source and target WIP configurations.

The ConvertIndex option in the WIP2WIP control group tells the utility if the index should be converted. The default is No. If you enter Yes to tell the utility to convert the index, keep in mind that you must specify different file names in the File option for the SourceWIP and TargetWIP control groups.

Here is an example of the INI options you would need to convert flat file WIP data with an xBase index into SQL data with an SQL index.

  ConvertIndex		= Yes
< SourceWIP >
  File 			= Wip
  Path 			= /…/…/Wip
< TargetWIP >
  WIPData 		= WipData
  File 			= SQLWip
  DatabaseWIP 		= True
  Path 			= /…/…/Wip
  WIPDFDFile 		= wip2.dfd
< DBTable:SQLWIP >
  DefaultTag		= KeyID
  DBHandler		= SQLWIP
< DBTable:WipData >
  DBHandler		= SQLWIP
< DBHandler:SQLWIP >
  CreateTable		= Yes
  CreateIndex		= No
  Server		= WIP
  UserID		= wip
  Passwd		= wip
  Class			= ODBC
  Debug			= Yes
< ODBC_FieldConvert >

Here is an example of the INI options you would need to convert SQL data with an SQL index into flat file WIP data:

  ConvertIndex	= Yes
< TargetWIP >
  File		= WIP
  Path		= \...\...\...\Wip
< SourceWIP >
  File		= wip
  Path		= \...\...\wip\
  WIPDFDFile	= \...\...\wip.dfd
  MaxWIPRecords	= 20
  CompressWIP	= True
  DatabaseWIP	= True
  WIPDataDFD	= \...\...\wipdata.dfd
  WIPData		= WipData
< DBHandler:ODBC > 
  CommitEvery	= 0
  Connect	= Yes
  CreateIndex	= No
  CreateTable	= Yes
  Server	= DBNAME
  Debug		= Yes
  Passwd	= 
  UserID	= sa
< DBTable:WIP > 
  DBHandler	= ODBC 
  UniqueTag	= DocTag 
< DBTable:WIPData > 
  DBHandler	= ODBC
  UniqueTag	= FORMSETID
<ODBC_FieldConvert >