8.10. Kiosk Issues

8.10.1. Set Kiosk Application Type Correctly

Some Kiosk session types allow additional applications to be launched. Within the Admin GUI, you can specify a new Kiosk application either by entering a path to an executable or by specifying a path to an application descriptor (a file that lists the various properties for the application).

The Admin GUI cannot automatically determine the type (executable vs. descriptor), so you must specify the type correctly in the Admin GUI when adding a new application.

If you specify an incorrect type, the Kiosk session cannot start up correctly, and the affected clients will hang, typically with a 26D error.

Workaround: Check the specified types in the Admin GUI and correct the settings, if necessary.

Reference: CR 12195273

8.10.2. Unconfiguring Kiosk Mode Disables Kiosk Policy

If Kiosk mode is enabled for smart card and/or for non-card sessions, then disabling Kiosk mode (using utconfig -u -k) also disables the Kiosk policy.

This behavior may be surprising in a failover group, where the Kiosk policy is disabled for the entire group when Kiosk Mode is unconfigured on any server in the group.

Before unconfiguring Kiosk Mode on any host in a failover group, disable the Kiosk policy, and perform a cold restart of the server group.

To perform maintenance tasks on Kiosk user accounts without unconfiguring Kiosk Mode completely, use the /opt/SUNWkio/bin/kioskuseradm tool instead of utconfig.

8.10.3. Sessions May Hang After CAM Migration (Solaris)

After preserving existing CAM configurations and migrating to Kiosk Mode, using utconfig -k and utcammigrate -u, sessions that should be Kiosk sessions according to policy might appear hung and show only a black screen.

To recover from this condition, terminate these sessions. To ensure that all affected sessions are terminated, perform a cold restart of the Sun Ray server group.