12.8. Enabling and Disabling Device Services

Sun Ray device services can be enabled and disabled with the utdevadm command line tool or with the Admin GUI. Sun Ray device services include USB devices connected through USB ports, internal serial ports, and internal smart card readers on the Sun Ray Client. Device services can also be administered from the Security tab on the Admin GUI Advanced tab.

The Sun Ray 2 and Sun Ray 2FS each have one embedded serial port. The Sun Ray 170 and Sun Ray 270 each have two embedded serial ports. When an internal serial service is disabled, users cannot access embedded serial ports on the Sun Ray Client.

When an internal smart card reader service is disabled, users cannot access the internal smart card reader through the PC/SC or SCF interfaces for reading or writing. However, this condition does not affect session access or hotdesking with unauthenticated smart cards.

When USB service is disabled, users cannot access any devices connected to USB ports. This situation does not affect HID devices such as the keyboard, mouse, or barcode reader.

After installation of the Sun Ray Software, all device services are enabled by default. You can use the utdevadm command to enable or disable device services only in the configured mode, that is, after the Sun Ray Data store is activated.

This configuration affects all the servers in a group and all the clients connected to that group.

For more information, see the following related tasks. The other device services can be enabled or disabled with the same syntax.