2.8. How to Enable or Disable Multiple Administration Accounts (Solaris)

The Sun Ray server administrator can allow any valid UNIX user ID which has been added to the utadmin authorized user list to administer Sun Ray services using the Admin GUI. An audit trail of activity on these accounts is provided. The utadminuser command enables you to add existing UNIX users to the utadmin authorized user list.

Authentication for accounts with administrative privileges is based on the PAM authentication framework.

2.8.1. How to Configure Admin GUI Privileges for UNIX Users (Solaris)

Use the following procedure to configure the Sun Ray Admin GUI to allow access by the UNIX users in the utadmin authorized user list instead of the default admin account. Once you enable Admin GUI privileges for authorized users, you can add or remove users to the utadmin authorized list to manage access to the Admin GUI.

  1. For each UNIX user that needs authorization to the Admin GUI, add the user to the authorized user list.

    # utadminuser -a username

    You can run the utadminuser command without any options to list the current authorized users or with the -d option to delete a user.

  2. Modify the /etc/pam.conf file to use the other authentication PAM stack auth entries to create the PAM stack for utadmingui

    # BEGIN: added to utadmingui by SunRay Server Software -- utadmingui
    utadmingui auth requisite pam_authtok_get.so.1
    utadmingui auth required pam_dhkeys.so.1
    utadmingui auth required pam_unix_cred.so.1
    utadmingui auth required pam_unix_auth.so.1

Make sure to include the comment line, which is needed for the cleanup to work properly.

2.8.2. How to Limit Admin GUI Privileges to the Admin User (Solaris)

To limit Admin GUI privileges to the default admin user, modify the /etc/pam.conf file and replace the PAM stack for utadmingui with the pam_sunray_admingui.so.1 module.

# BEGIN: added to utadmingui by SunRay Server Software -- utadmingui
utadmingui auth sufficient /opt/SUNWut/lib/pam_sunray_admingui.so.1

Make sure to include the comment line, which is needed for the cleanup to work properly.