16.1. Overview

The Sun Ray Software provides a Sun Ray kiosk session type for VMware View that enables users to connect to their virtual machines with their Active Directory user name and password. The user does not have to reenter their password at the Windows login screen.

The Sun Ray Clients are a certified VMware View and VMware Virtual Desktop Manager (VDM) client solution. They are listed in VMware's Hardware Compatibility Guide at http://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility.

For an overview of the complete virtualization solution, refer to the Sun Blueprint, Virtualizing Desktops with Sun Ray Software and VMware View Manager and the VMware View documentation.


Previous to the Sun Ray Software 5.2 release, the VMware View connector was known as the Sun Ray Connector for VMWare View Manager (SRVC) add-on component. In this release, the VMware View connector is automatically installed as part of the Sun Ray Software product.