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Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Installation Guide
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1.  Planning the Geographic Edition Installation

2.  Installing Geographic Edition Software

3.  Enabling and Configuring the Geographic Edition Software

Preparing a Zone Cluster for Partner Membership

How to Prepare a Zone Cluster for Partner Membership

Enabling the Geographic Edition Infrastructure

How to Enable Geographic Edition Software

Configuring Trust Between Partner Clusters

How to Configure Trust Between Two Clusters

4.  Upgrading the Geographic Edition Software

5.  Uninstalling Geographic Edition 3.3 5/11 Software


Preparing a Zone Cluster for Partner Membership

To enable a zone cluster to function as a member of a Geographic Edition partnership, the common agent container must be manually configured within the zone cluster.

How to Prepare a Zone Cluster for Partner Membership

This procedure configures common agent container security in a zone cluster to prepare the zone cluster for use in a cluster partnership.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following conditions are met:

  1. Become superuser on a node of the global cluster that supports the zone cluster you are configuring.
  2. Set the common agent container module location for the zone cluster.
    phys-schost# clzonecluster configure zoneclustername
    clzc:zoneclustername> add fs
    clzc:zoneclustername:fs> set special=/etc/cacao/instances/default/modules
    clzc:zoneclustername:fs> set dir=/etc/cluster/geocmass
    clzc:zoneclustername:fs> set type=lofs
    clzc:zoneclustername:fs> add options [ro,nodevices]
    clzc:zoneclustername:fs> set cluster-control=false
    clzc:zoneclustername:fs> end
    clzc:zoneclustername> verify
    clzc:zoneclustername> commit
    clzc:zoneclustername> exit
    phys-schost# clzonecluster reboot zoneclustername
  3. Copy the security files for the common agent container to all zone-cluster nodes.

    This step ensures that security files for the common agent container are identical on all cluster nodes and that the copied files retain the correct file permissions.

    Perform all steps in the zone cluster.

    1. Log in to each node of the zone cluster.
      phys-schost# zlogin zoneclustername
    2. On each node, stop the common agent container.
      zcname# /usr/sbin/cacaoadm stop
    3. On one node, create the security keys.
      zcname# cacaoadm create-keys --force
    4. Create a tar file of the /etc/cacao/instances/default/security directory.
      zcname# tar cf /tmp/SECURITY.tar /etc/cacao/instances/default/security
    5. Copy the /tmp/SECURITY.tar file to each of the other cluster nodes.
    6. On each node to which you copied the /tmp/SECURITY.tar file, extract the security files.

      Any security files that already exist in the /etc/cacao/instances/default/security directory are overwritten.

      zcname# cd /etc/cacao/instances/default
      zcname# tar xf /tmp/SECURITY.tar
    7. Delete the /tmp/SECURITY.tar file from each node in the cluster.

      You must delete each copy of the tar file to avoid security risks.

      zcname# rm /tmp/SECURITY.tar
    8. On each node, set the common agent container network-bin address.
      zcname# cacaoadm set-param network-bind-address=
    9. On each node, enable and start the common agent container.
      zcname# /usr/sbin/cacaoadm enable
      zcname# /usr/sbin/cacaoadm start
  4. Verify that the Geographic Edition modules are loaded on the zone-cluster node.
    phys-schost# cacaoadm status com.sun.cluster.geocontrol
    phys-schost# cacaoadm status com.sun.cluster.geoutilities
    phys-schost# cacaoadm status com.sun.cluster.notifier
    • If a module is loaded, command output would be similar to the following. You can safely ignore the message Module is not in good health.

      Operational State:ENABLED
      Administrative State:LOCKED
      Availability Status:[]
      Module is not in good health.
    • If a module is not loaded, command output would be similar to the following.

      Module com.sun.cluster.geocontrol has not been loaded.
      Cause of the problem:[DEPENDENCY]

      See the Troubleshooting section at the end of this procedure.

  5. Exit the zone-cluster node.
    zcname# exit


If a Geographic Edition module is not loaded, check that the zone-cluster configuration is correct. One possible cause for a module not to load is if the mapping for the /etc/cluster/geocmass loopback mount was not added to the zone cluster.

After you have verified that the configuration is complete and correct, and you have fixed any errors, do one of the following:

After processing is complete on all zone-cluster nodes, check that the Geographic Edition modules are now loaded. If any modules are still not loaded, contact your Oracle service representative for assistance.