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Oracle® Secure Enterprise Search Administrator's Guide
11g Release 1 (

Part Number E21605-01
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Setting Up EMC Documentum eRoom Sources

The EMC Documentum eRoom Server plug-in extends the searching capabilities of Oracle SES and enables it to search Documentum eRoom Server repositories. Oracle SES can crawl through the documents and related metadata in the Documentum eRoom and provide secure, full-text search. It also provides metadata search and browse functionality.

Documentum eRoom data is stored in an eRoom, which in turn can contain other containers and content. A Documentum eRoom Server instance can have one or more items that can be crawled using the Documentum eRoom Server plug-in by configuring parameters in Oracle SES. The Documentum eRoom Server plug-in navigates through all the containers and the inline contents to crawl all the documents/items in Documentum eRoom Sever. It creates an index, stores the metadata, and accesses information in Oracle SES to provide search according to the end user permissions.

The Documentum eRoom Server plug-in supports incremental crawling; that is, it crawls and indexes only those documents which have changed after the most recent crawling was performed. A document is re-crawled if either the content or metadata or the direct security access information of the document has changed. A document is also re-crawled if it is moved within Documentum eRoom Server and the end user has to access the same document with a different URL. Documents deleted from items are removed from the index during incremental crawling.

Documentum eRoom Web Services

The Documentum eRoom application is a COM-based application. To interact with the crawler plug-in, a Web service has been created to fetch the data from eRoom (through eRoom APIs) and provide it to the crawler plug-in.

Important Notes for Documentum eRoom Sources

  • The eRoom crawler plug-in should use the admin account for crawling and indexing eRoom items.

  • The Documentum eRoom Server version must be 7.3.

Supported Platforms

The following platforms are supported by this release of Documentum eRoom Web Services:

  • Windows 2000/2003 Server

  • Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 5.0 or higher

Required Software

  • Documentum eRoom Server version 7.3 must be installed and configured

  • Oracle SES must be installed

  • Documentum eRoom Server Administrator

  • The server hosting eRoom must contain Windows .NET Framework 1.1

Required Tasks

The following tasks must be performed before installing the Documentum eRoom Server plug-in:

  • Microsoft Active Directory Identity Plug-in: Configure Oracle SES to Active Directory Identity Plug-in:

    This task must be performed if the identity plug-in for Active Directory is being used for authentication.

    In the Oracle SES Administration GUI, navigate to the Global Settings - Identity Management Setup page. Select The Active Directory Identity Plug-in Manager implemented based on Oracle User & Role API, and click Activate.

    • For Authentication Attribute, select 'USER_NAME'.

    • For Directory URL, enter the host name and port number, for example 'ldap://ldapserverhost:port'.

    • For Directory account name, enter Active Directory User, for example 'Administrator'.

    • For Directory account password, enter the password for Directory account name.

    • For Directory subscriber, enter the Active Directory information (ldap base); for example, 'dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com'.

    • For Directory security protocol, enter the appropriate value: 'none' or 'port number'.

    Click Finish.

  • Microsoft Active Directory Identity Plug-in: Synchronize users and groups from Active Directory to eRoom:

    1. Login to eRoom Server and navigate to Community Setting.

    2. On the right side, click Directories - Select add a Directory connection. For Name, enter a name for the LDAP Directory Connection. Select LDAP Directory radio button. Click Next.

    3. Enter the URLs for the LDAP directory you want to connect to. Provide the user name and password of the LDAP server. Click Next. For Search Root, specify dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com.

    4. For Search Filter, specify cn=*. Click Next.

    5. Display the test query of connection information. Click Next.

    6. Attribute Map information is displayed. Click Next.

    7. Display the test Mapping. If these are correct, click OK.

    8. Run the LDAP_Synchronization job: To synchronize a connection, click synchronize all connection. Click OK.

  • Set up the eRoom Web Service:

    1. Check the pre-installation requisites before proceeding.

    2. Navigate to the ORACLE_HOME/search/lib/plugins/eroom folder. Unzip to any temporary folder on the computer where the IIS instance for eRoom is installed.

    3. Run Setup.Exe to install the Web service on the server that is hosting eRoom. Provide a name for the virtual directory to be created. This name is required when entering the URL for Web Service parameter in Oracle SES.

    4. Verify that the Web service is installed by checking the following URL:


Known Issues

  • The number of votes cast does not get crawled.

  • To validate and authenticate users, an eRoom source can use either the Oracle Internet Directory or the Microsoft Active Directory identity plug-in. This connector does not support the native eRoom identity management system.

Creating a Documentum eRoom Source

Create a source for the user-defined eRoom source type on the Home - Sources page. Enter a source name. Provide values for the following parameters.

  • Container name: The names of the containers to be crawled by Oracle SES. You can crawl the entire Site, Community, Facility, or eRoom item. Required.

    The format for specifying container is as follows:

    <siteName>   OR
    <siteName>/<communityName>   OR
    <siteName>/<communityName>/<FacilityName>   OR

    For example:

    Container name:OracleSite/OracleCommunity/OracleFacility/OracleRoom

    OracleRoom is crawled.

  • Attribute list: The comma-delimited list of eRoom custom attributes along with their data types to be searchable. The format is attributeName:attributeType, attributeName:attributeType. Valid values are String, Number, and Date.

    While crawling eRoom, an attribute is indexed only if both name and type match the configured name and type; otherwise, it is ignored. This is an optional field. For example, to make the following eRoom attributes searchable:

    • Attribute Name: Account Name Attribute Type: String

    • Attribute Name: Account ID Attribute Type: Integer

    • Attribute Name: Creation Date Attribute Type: Date

    The value should be:

    Account Name: String, Account ID: Number, Creation Date: Date

    The default searchable attributes for Documentum eRoom Server are Modified Date, Title, Author, CreateDate, and MimeType.

  • User name: User name of a valid Documentum eRoom Server user. The user should be an administrator or a user who has access to all content, metadata, and ACL from all folders and documents of items configured in Container name. Required.

  • Password: Password of the Documentum user configured previously. Required.

  • Crawl versions: Controls whether multiple versions of documents are crawled. Valid values are true or false. The default value is false. Any other value is interpreted as false and only the latest version of a file is crawled. Optional

  • URL for Web Services: A valid URL where eRoom Web service has been installed. (http://server/virtualName) For example,

  • URL for viewing the documents: A valid IP address or host name with port number (IP_ address:port) of the server hosting Documentum eRoom. It is used for viewing the Oracle SES search results; for example, or

  • Authentication Attribute: Attribute used by the LDAP to validate the user. This varies based on the identity plug-in used for authentication. For Active Directory, set it to USER_NAME.